'1776" Is Code For Treason Now To Democrats

not insurrection. you should look up the definition.
Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

What is the legal definition of an insurrection?

insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects; also, any act of engaging in such a revolt.

Why do you imagine that one is less bad than the other??
OK and your point?

Never claimed to be an expert. An idiot Trumper claimed I had "never held a gun in my life"...obviously bullshit

You would again be wrong. Went to NCO Academy and left the service as an E-5

We're noticing
How much time did you spend as a squad leader or in charge of your own shop?
Yeah....we all go thru PLDC once we hit Spec 4 so we can learn to conduct PT or march....but did you finish BNOC or ANOC?
Did you max the E5 board?
What was your cutoff score?
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Seditious conspiracy

If two or more persons in any State or Territory, or in any place subject to the jurisdiction of the United States, conspire to overthrow, put down, or to destroy by force the Government of the United States, or to levy war against them, or to oppose by force the authority thereof, or by force to prevent, hinder, or delay the execution of any law of the United States, or by force to seize, take, or possess any property of the United States contrary to the authority thereof, they shall each be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both.

What is the legal definition of an insurrection?

insurrection, an organized and usually violent act of revolt or rebellion against an established government or governing authority of a nation-state or other political entity by a group of its citizens or subjects; also, any act of engaging in such a revolt.

Why do you imagine that one is less bad than the other??
What makes you think they are the same thing?
How much time did you spend as a squad leader or in charge of your own shop?
Yeah....we all go thru PLDC once we hit Spec 4 so we can learn to conduct PT or march....but did you finish BNOC or ANOC?
Did you max the E5 board?
What was your cutoff score?
Enough of your trolling.

My point was and is that I am not a novice as far as guns go...which was the claim
It sure was.....and they stuck to that nonsense for years.....some of you even think it was legitimate.....but now we find out that it has been officially ruled a hoax.

We knew that there were numerous secret meetings between Trump campaign people/Senior Administration types and Russians
We kew that those people almost invariably LIED about those meetings
We knew that Putin HAD meddled in the election using hacked and stolen e-mails
We knew that the GOP platform had been changed to soften the stance regarding Russia
We knew that Trump had publicly asked for "help" regarding stolen emails
We knew that Manafort (Trump Campaign Manager) had shared GOP internal polling data a Russian intel agent
We knew that the Russians had weaponized that data on social media to influence the electon
WE Knew that Trump FIRED his National Security Advisor because he lied about meetings with Russians
We knew there was an FBI investigation regarding meetings with Russians (which included the NIA)
We knew that Trump FIRED the FBI Director because he would not end that investigation and then bragged about it on TV and in private meetings with the Russian Ambassador

So knowing all that and more...it's not unreasonable to investigate whether there was collusion causing all of that
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Enough of your trolling.

My point was and is that I am not a novice as far as guns go...which was the claim
I'm not trolling. You're afraid of exposing your lack of bona-fides.

Just being in the Army for 3 short years doesn't automatically tell anyone who knows the Army well, that you know your way around a weapon.
Neither does owning one since you were 10, which is illegal from what I understand.
You can't legally own a gun till you've reached 15-16yrs and have attended a hunter safety course.

These days your father can't buy you a gun. These days it is illegal because it's a straw purchase.
Course my older brother gave me a 30-30 Winchester when I was 15, but not till I had gone thru the safety course he was licensed to give by the State Of Montana. He was a Sheriff's Deputy and a US Marshal at one time.

My guess is unless you went thru SOT school....or Sniper training....or went thru any of the Special Ops weapons training courses....you don't know all that much. Just range-firing a weapon doesn't make you an expert on it. You'd have to spend several weeks learning how to fire tactically and use a tirehouse to do MOUNT or Urban Warfare to be an expert. I've been thru all of that....but I can't say I'm a sniper.....because I never went thru the course.

It's more that just shooting. It's stalking and concealment, and knowing Kentucky windage and knowing how to adjust your sights properly according to whether it's your first shot or your second shot. Whether you're using match grade ammo or otherwise. Also you have to be able to properly fill out your sniper data chart every time you shoot.

We knew that there were numerous secret meetings between Trump campaign people/Senior Administration types and Russians
We kew that those people almost invariably LIED about those meetings
We knew that Putin HAD meddled in the election using hacked and stolen e-mails
We knew that the GOP platform had been changed to soften the stance regarding Russia
We knew that Trump had publicly asked for "help" regarding stolen emails
We knew that Manafort (Trump Campaign Manager) had shared GOP internal polling data a Russian intel agent
We knew that the Russians had weaponized that data on social media to influence the electon
WE Knew that Trump FIRED his National Security Advisor because he lied about meetings with Russians
We knew there was an FBI investigation regarding meetings with Russians (which included the NIA)
We knew that Trump FIRED the FBI Director because he would not end that investigation and then bragged about it on TV and in privae meetings with the Russian Ambassador

So knowing all that and more...it's not unreasonable to investigate whether there was collusion causing all of that
Trump has every right as the incoming POTUS to conduct private meetings with foreign entities during the transition period. Every president's team is allowed to do that....up until Obama got into the White House.
This is what every president has to do to make sure the transfer of power is smooth.
Obama tried to make it a crime.
Trump has every right as the incoming POTUS to conduct private meetings with foreign entities during the transition period. Every president's team is allowed to do that....up until Obama got into the White House.
This is what every president has to do to make sure the transfer of power is smooth.
Obama tried to make it a crime.
That's actually not true. There is a law against negotiating with foreign powers when not in office.

And then there's he matter of lying about it...even WITHIN the Administration

And ALL those other issues I noted
I'm not trolling. You're afraid of exposing your lack of bona-fides.
I was accurate and honest about my experience and service.
Just being in the Army for 3 short years doesn't automatically tell anyone who knows the Army well, that you know your way around a weapon.
Is that right? So you aren't aware of the requirements for successfully completing Basic and AIT ? Or the fact that qualifying yearly with a weapon is mandatory? Again...the claim was that I "never held a weapon"
Neither does owning one since you were 10, which is illegal from what I understand.
You can't legally own a gun till you've reached 15-16yrs and have attended a hunter safety course.
My father bought it. I paid for it and maintained it. Passed the safety class at 12 (another hing you seem unaware of...NJ in 1966 legal age was 12)
These days your father can't buy you a gun.
ok. He's been dead a long time. Dig him up and prosecute
Again, they had the numbers. Sheer numbers. You don't need guns when you bring even the most crude implements (knives, broken flag poles, billy clubs, and even a fire extinguisher) and outnumber your opponent by better than 50 to 1.
The crowd was armed. A lot with these crude weapons. But, that day, almost all of them were just armed with righteous stupidity. Get down on your knees and thank whatever God you believe in that there weren't more Ashli Babbitts.
You really are retarded.
I was accurate and honest about my experience and service.

Is that right? So you aren't aware of the requirements for successfully completing Basic and AIT ? Or the fact that qualifying yearly with a weapon is mandatory? Again...the claim was that I "never held a weapon"
Then perhaps you can explain your irrational fear of a woman holding a weapon she legally owns and has never killed anyone with.

Pretty sure they didn't teach you that in the service.
That's actually not true. There is a law against negotiating with foreign powers when not in office.

And then there's he matter of lying about it...even WITHIN the Administration

And ALL those other issues I noted
Bullshit. Personally I don't think you know dick about what was discussed in those meetings. You're just assuming the worst.

But the incoming POTUS has every right to talk to these folks. Too bad if you don't like it.

Another thing....Obama went behind GWB's back and told the Iraqis not to sign any agreements with him once he won the election. That's negotiating when you're not president. He committed a crime even before he took office.
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