'1776" Is Code For Treason Now To Democrats

Trump admitted on national TV that he fired Comey to take the pressure off about Russia.

Pure mob boss shit
If you say so.
Trump fired Comey because he had heard Comey was behind the set up on Gen Michael Flynn.
This became clear when Deputy FBI Directer Andrew McCabbe let Flynn know he was in deep shit with Comey's FBI.
Trump also was hearing some shit that Comey was posting nasty comments about the president on Twitter.
Your claim of "days" was a lie. It was MONTHS...not 6 days. Not 12. He was a member of the campaign for four months

Just to point out your dishonesty
Days....he led the campaign for roughly 2 months...and was supposedly in a lessor capacity for around another couple of months....which isn't all that long. If you want to argue over what a number of days means and what 2 -4 months means....it's pretty much just days. Not very long is the point. He wasn't around long enough settle in and establish himself. Before you knew it he was gone.
The point being that Trump didn't have the guy working for him when he was dealing with Ukraine.
But there is proof that Biden was dealing with Ukraine for years under the table. All of that is proven on Hunter's laptop.
Try and whitewash all you want but everyone including you knows she was calling for violent revolution

You just expose you blatant dishonesty when you cover for this piece of shit

Lefties are the only ones in our lifetimes who've ever tried to bring violent revolution to this country.

They've actually engaged in REAL insurrections, as distinct from the fake ones that CNN likes to talk about
No because it shoots fucking bullets… rapidly… that can go through one person and kill the person behind them as well

You lefties are such snowflakes. :p

We should have mandatory rifle training for all high school students. Like Switzerland.

Maybe that way the snowflakes wouldn't be so shocked by things that go whizz.
If you say so.
Trump fired Comey because he had heard Comey was behind the set up on Gen Michael Flynn.
This became clear when Deputy FBI Directer Andrew McCabbe let Flynn know he was in deep shit with Comey's FBI.
Trump also was hearing some shit that Comey was posting nasty comments about the president on Twitter.
Flynn is a jutjob criminal. He lied to the FBI and he lied to Pence...ABOUT meetings ewith Russians.

Comey was well within reason to investigate that and all the rest.

Save your bullshit for the QAnon crew
Wow, you must be scraping the bottom of the outrage barrel for if this is the best you can come up with. :auiqs.jpg:
MTG and Boobert actually did say that. And their intent was an armed revolt to overturn the results of a free and fair election
that was certified by all 50 states...and yes. That is treason.

Thanks for playing!
So is illegally changing laws and stuffing ballots..........or giving russians uranium.......hmmmmmmmmm who does all that?
Yea ya got an excuse for everything

Bottom line, there was plenty of reason for investigating the nexus between Trump and Putin
There was MORE reason for the investigation of the nexus between Hillary and Putin.
Flynn is a jutjob criminal. He lied to the FBI and he lied to Pence...ABOUT meetings ewith Russians.

Comey was well within reason to investigate that and all the rest.

Save your bullshit for the QAnon crew
Sorry, but Flynn was a General and a good man.
But he knew too much dirt on some very corrupt and important people....so they got rid of him as soon as Trump took office.
They questioned him.....and tricked him into saying something to the FBI agents that was incorrect. They then came back and accused him of lying to the FBI....and told him he had to sign a confession or face several years in prison. They also threatened to go after his son in the same manner.

The FBI asks you a question that is kind of mundane and not intended to alarm you. Something that is easy to forget.
Then later they ask you the same question but in a different manner hoping your recollection will change. Then later they show you the two different answers and claim you lied to them and will be charged unless you sign a confession.
It's called a process crime. They got Scooter Libby on it during the Bush Adm.
It doesn't matter if you're innocent or not....they will get you.
"According to the Flynn sentencing documents, to ensure then-national security adviser Flynn was as vulnerable as possible, when McCabe set up the January 24, 2017, meeting between Flynn and two FBI agents, he told Flynn that “the quickest way to get this done was to have a conversation between [Flynn] and the agents only.”

This was just four days after Trump took office.

“I further stated that if LTG Flynn wished to include anyone else in the meeting, like the White House counsel for instance, that I would need to involve the Department of Justice,” McCabe wrote in his own account of what happened on that now fateful day, adding, “[Flynn] stated that this would not be necessary and agreed to meet with the agents without any additional participants.”

According to York, within two hours, both agents had arrived and were questioning Flynn about a phone conversation he had with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Thanks to wiretaps, the agents already knew what had happened during this call.

So here you have a highly partisan FBI, led by the now-disgraced James Comey, asking Flynn questions they already knew the answers to. If that is not a setup, what is?

On top of that, FBI officials scared Flynn off of bringing in his own attorney by raising the specter of the Department of Justice getting involved.

Somehow, it gets worse…

The “agents did not provide Gen. Flynn with a warning of the penalties for making a false statement under 18 U.S.C. 1001 before, during, or after the interview,” according to the sentencing memo.

The reason for this is that McCabe and other FBI officials “decided the agents would not warn Flynn that it was a crime to lie during an FBI interview because they wanted Flynn to be relaxed, and they were concerned that giving the warnings might adversely affect the rapport.”

According to the report the agents filed, Flynn was “unguarded” during interviews and “clearly saw the FBI agents as allies.”

In fact, Flynn was so “relaxed and jocular,” he graciously offered the agents a tour of the White House.

Flynn has since pleaded guilty to lying during this interview and will be sentenced December 18.

But, according to Comey, in their initial reports, the FBI agents did not believe Flynn had lied to them. This all apparently changed after special counsel Robert Mueller took over the Russian collusion witch hunt.

York points out what he calls “one striking detail” found in the sentencing memo’s footnotes: “the 302 [FBI agent] report cited was dated Aug. 22, 2017 — nearly seven months after the Flynn interview. It is not clear why the report would be written so long after the interview itself.”

York also points out that Flynn’s lawyer believes his client was “surprised, rushed, not warned of the context or seriousness of the questioning, and discouraged from having a lawyer present.”"

Bullshit. He pled guilty TWICE
Whatever. He felt he had no choice.
When they questioned him he wasn't told of the seriousness of the interview or even the real reason for it.
They called it a briefing....but it was an interrogation.
They used questions only they knew the answers to and hoped he would be caught in a lie.
So is illegally changing laws and stuffing ballots..........or giving russians uranium.......hmmmmmmmmm who does all that?
No one. Because it didn't happen. Not sure why you wasted a post on things that have been debunked so many times that even the dead horse is asking you to give it a rest. :)
Yea ya got an excuse for everything

Bottom line, there was plenty of reason for investigating the nexus between Trump and Putin
we call them facts. We get that you can't handle facts. It's who you are.
Bullshit. He pled guilty TWICE
you know absolutely nothing about this. So do us all a favor and shut your pie hole. Can you say Flynn Jr.?

You know, for once in your pathetic life you might actually look for the truth rather than kowtow to every media sweetheart of yours.
Of course he had a choice. Lie or don't lie. He chose to lie

That's kinda how it works. Don't lie to the FBI. And don't tell those same lies to the Vice President
but that wasn't why he pleaded guilty. I challenge you to post why he actually pleaded guilty, do you have the balls to post it?
Of course he had a choice. Lie or don't lie. He chose to lie

That's kinda how it works. Don't lie to the FBI. And don't tell those same lies to the Vice President
There's a difference between lying and being asked questions designed to make you lie.
It could be any question.
They could ask you what you had for breakfast on March 12, 2020....and you could say you don't know....then they ask you to make a guess.....then you could say....probably pancakes.
But they have evidence that you had an omelette.

You just lied to the FBI. That's about the level of the questions. At the time they asked him....they discouraged him from having his lawyer present, and they failed to alert him by telling him the penalty for answering incorrectly to FBI agents. The agent in charge of the questioning was the infamous FBI agent Peter Schrozk.

Yeah....this c**ksucker.

Peter Strzok wiggles like a snake.gif
There's a difference between lying and being asked questions designed to make you lie.
It could be any question.
They could ask you what you had for breakfast on March 12, 2020....and you could say you don't know....then they ask you to make a guess.....then you could say....probably pancakes.
But they have evidence that you had an omelette.

You just lied to the FBI. That's about the level of the questions. At the time they asked him....they discouraged him from having his lawyer present, and they failed to alert him by telling him the penalty for answering incorrectly to FBI agents. The agent in charge of the questioning was the infamous FBI agent Peter Schrozk.

Yeah....this c**ksucker.

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and then they threatened his family. what pure humanitarianism huh? Threatening innocent people. And demofks speak their con shit.

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