'1776" Is Code For Treason Now To Democrats

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We knew that there were numerous secret meetings between Trump campaign people/Senior Administration types and Russians
We kew that those people almost invariably LIED about those meetings
We knew that Putin HAD meddled in the election using hacked and stolen e-mails
We knew that the GOP platform had been changed to soften the stance regarding Russia
We knew that Trump had publicly asked for "help" regarding stolen emails
We knew that Manafort (Trump Campaign Manager) had shared GOP internal polling data a Russian intel agent
We knew that the Russians had weaponized that data on social media to influence the electon
WE Knew that Trump FIRED his National Security Advisor because he lied about meetings with Russians
We knew there was an FBI investigation regarding meetings with Russians (which included the NIA)
We knew that Trump FIRED the FBI Director because he would not end that investigation and then bragged about it on TV and in private meetings with the Russian Ambassador

So knowing all that and more...it's not unreasonable to investigate whether there was collusion causing all of that

Just to remind you

And Mueller proved it was all BS.

Just to remind you
Your claim of "days" was a lie. It was MONTHS...not 6 days. Not 12. He was a member of the campaign for four months

Just to point out your dishonesty
120 days

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