'1776" Is Code For Treason Now To Democrats

I'm not trolling. You're afraid of exposing your lack of bona-fides.

Just being in the Army for 3 short years doesn't automatically tell anyone who knows the Army well, that you know your way around a weapon.
Neither does owning one since you were 10, which is illegal from what I understand.
You can't legally own a gun till you've reached 15-16yrs and have attended a hunter safety course.

These days your father can't buy you a gun. These days it is illegal because it's a straw purchase.
Course my older brother gave me a 30-30 Winchester when I was 15, but not till I had gone thru the safety course he was licensed to give by the State Of Montana. He was a Sheriff's Deputy and a US Marshal at one time.

My guess is unless you went thru SOT school....or Sniper training....or went thru any of the Special Ops weapons training courses....you don't know all that much. Just range-firing a weapon doesn't make you an expert on it. You'd have to spend several weeks learning how to fire tactically and use a tirehouse to do MOUNT or Urban Warfare to be an expert. I've been thru all of that....but I can't say I'm a sniper.....because I never went thru the course.

It's more that just shooting. It's stalking and concealment, and knowing Kentucky windage and knowing how to adjust your sights properly according to whether it's your first shot or your second shot. Whether you're using match grade ammo or otherwise. Also you have to be able to properly fill out your sniper data chart every time you shoot.
Why DMZ Meant "Dead Marine Zone"

In 1966. we Marines were rushed through training so the Generals could get enough troops to man their Tactical Area of Responsibility (I Corps: smack dab against North Vietnam). Many casualties resulted from our not being adequately trained.
There's a difference between lying and being asked questions designed to make you lie.
It could be any question.
They could ask you what you had for breakfast on March 12, 2020....and you could say you don't know....then they ask you to make a guess.....then you could say....probably pancakes.
But they have evidence that you had an omelette.

You just lied to the FBI. That's about the level of the questions. At the time they asked him....they discouraged him from having his lawyer present, and they failed to alert him by telling him the penalty for answering incorrectly to FBI agents. The agent in charge of the questioning was the infamous FBI agent Peter Schrozk.

Yeah....this c**ksucker.

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So Pence made Flynn lie too huh
So Pence made Flynn lie too huh
Pence was a mole.
He was put there to help get rid of Trump.
His meeting with the WH staff and the usual suspects in the coup after Jan 6th was pretty revealing.
Pence acted like Trump wasn't still president when he held that meeting.
The veil had been lifted and Pence finally showed his true colors.

The Jan 6th Committee is attempting to use Pence to get inside the Trump Adm West Wing as we speak.


The claim was that I have never touched a gun so I don't know what I'm talking about. Clearly that's bullshit.
I never claimed to be an expert or a sniper or any of that shit so fuck yourself.

If you think the only people qualified to handle or talk about guns are people with the experience you're spouting about...there's gonna be a lotta silent Trumpers
Then why are you so afraid of a woman carrying a legal weapon that she's never killed anyone with?
We knew that there were numerous secret meetings between Trump campaign people/Senior Administration types and Russians
We kew that those people almost invariably LIED about those meetings
We knew that Putin HAD meddled in the election using hacked and stolen e-mails
We knew that the GOP platform had been changed to soften the stance regarding Russia
We knew that Trump had publicly asked for "help" regarding stolen emails
We knew that Manafort (Trump Campaign Manager) had shared GOP internal polling data a Russian intel agent
We knew that the Russians had weaponized that data on social media to influence the electon
WE Knew that Trump FIRED his National Security Advisor because he lied about meetings with Russians
We knew there was an FBI investigation regarding meetings with Russians (which included the NIA)
We knew that Trump FIRED the FBI Director because he would not end that investigation and then bragged about it on TV and in private meetings with the Russian Ambassador

So knowing all that and more...it's not unreasonable to investigate whether there was collusion causing all of that

Just to remind you
It was investigated. Came up a goose egg.
Four months? Make up your mind.

Y'know...just to point out your dishonesty.
How stupid are you?

He was a member of the campaign for a total of four months...two of which were as campaign manager.

And four months AIN'T "days"
"According to the Flynn sentencing documents, to ensure then-national security adviser Flynn was as vulnerable as possible, when McCabe set up the January 24, 2017, meeting between Flynn and two FBI agents, he told Flynn that “the quickest way to get this done was to have a conversation between [Flynn] and the agents only.”

This was just four days after Trump took office.

“I further stated that if LTG Flynn wished to include anyone else in the meeting, like the White House counsel for instance, that I would need to involve the Department of Justice,” McCabe wrote in his own account of what happened on that now fateful day, adding, “[Flynn] stated that this would not be necessary and agreed to meet with the agents without any additional participants.”

According to York, within two hours, both agents had arrived and were questioning Flynn about a phone conversation he had with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. Thanks to wiretaps, the agents already knew what had happened during this call.

So here you have a highly partisan FBI, led by the now-disgraced James Comey, asking Flynn questions they already knew the answers to. If that is not a setup, what is?

On top of that, FBI officials scared Flynn off of bringing in his own attorney by raising the specter of the Department of Justice getting involved.

Somehow, it gets worse…

The “agents did not provide Gen. Flynn with a warning of the penalties for making a false statement under 18 U.S.C. 1001 before, during, or after the interview,” according to the sentencing memo.

The reason for this is that McCabe and other FBI officials “decided the agents would not warn Flynn that it was a crime to lie during an FBI interview because they wanted Flynn to be relaxed, and they were concerned that giving the warnings might adversely affect the rapport.”

According to the report the agents filed, Flynn was “unguarded” during interviews and “clearly saw the FBI agents as allies.”

In fact, Flynn was so “relaxed and jocular,” he graciously offered the agents a tour of the White House.

Flynn has since pleaded guilty to lying during this interview and will be sentenced December 18.

But, according to Comey, in their initial reports, the FBI agents did not believe Flynn had lied to them. This all apparently changed after special counsel Robert Mueller took over the Russian collusion witch hunt.

York points out what he calls “one striking detail” found in the sentencing memo’s footnotes: “the 302 [FBI agent] report cited was dated Aug. 22, 2017 — nearly seven months after the Flynn interview. It is not clear why the report would be written so long after the interview itself.”

York also points out that Flynn’s lawyer believes his client was “surprised, rushed, not warned of the context or seriousness of the questioning, and discouraged from having a lawyer present.”"

Illegal as fuck. But it sure got the Useful Idiots worked up.

Right, Lesh?
Not actually true ...but clearly a warranted investigation considering those points and others
Uh huh. Trump hurt your feelings. Big deal. It's not a crime.

Meanwhile, answer this question you keep running away from:

Then why are you so afraid of a woman carrying a legal weapon that she's never killed anyone with?
It's shit like that that the FBI got Flynn for. Pathetic, innit?
So it was serious enough that Trump fired him...but the FBI was "pathetic" for asking that same question..


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