'1776" Is Code For Treason Now To Democrats

Sorry....but this is a Republic.....not a pure Democracy.
Hillary lost because of simple fact she was a lousy candidate......I don't care how many fake votes she created after election night in the communist state of CA.
We have used the word Democracy from the begining, I will continue to use it. If you prefer Republic you use it.
According to the rules you have to win states. Trump won more states which gave him a higher electora
I was accurate and honest about my experience and service.

Is that right? So you aren't aware of the requirements for successfully completing Basic and AIT ? Or the fact that qualifying yearly with a weapon is mandatory? Again...the claim was that I "never held a weapon"

My father bought it. I paid for it and maintained it. Passed the safety class at 12 (another hing you seem unaware of...NJ in 1966 legal age was 12)

ok. He's been dead a long time. Dig him up and prosecute
Did you even get an EIB?
Were you Ranger Qualified?
No and no.
As I was saying.....you have no idea how little you know.
3 years ain't enough time to even know what being in the military is like, or what it's like to be in a leadership position....unless you think you're Audie Fucking Murphy.

AIT and Basic training merely scratches the surface.
AIT is mostly MOS related. You'd need to do a pile test to get weapons qualified.
The minimum time in grade for SF or Warrant Officer is 5 years. There's good reason for that.

I'd be willing to bet you barely did any range time.....and standing on line and shooting 300 m targets isn't the same as kicking down doors and laying waste to the enemy in close quarters, and doing it safely with other members of your team in the same room like I have.
Unless you were an experienced Sapper, you were basically a truck driver.
But every guy who owns a gun thinks he knows how to shoot well.
I found out personally that's total BS.
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Bullshit. Personally I don't think you know dick about what was discussed in those meetings. You're just assuming the worst.

But the incoming POTUS has every right to talk to these folks. Too bad if you don't like it.

Another thing....Obama went behind GWB's back and told the Iraqis not to sign any agreements with him once he won the election. That's negotiating when you're not president. He committed a crime even before he took office.
The Logan Act. John Kerry violated it several times.
Did you even get an EIB?
Were you Ranger Qualified?
No and no.
As I was saying.....you have no idea how little you know.
3 years ain't enough time to even know what being in the military is like, or what it's like to be in a leadership position....unless you think you're Audie Fucking Murphy.

AIT and Basic training merely scratches the surface.
AIT is mostly MOS related. You'd need to do a pile test to get weapons qualified.
The minimum time in grade for SF or Warrant Officer is 5 years. There's good reason for that.

I'd be willing to bet you barely did any range time.....and standing on line and shooting 300 m targets isn't the same as kicking down doors and laying waste to the enemy in close quarters, and doing it safely with other members of your team in the same room like I have.
Unless you were an experienced Sapper, you were basically a truck driver.
But every guy who owns a gun thinks he knows how to shoot well.
I found out personally that's total BS.

The claim was that I have never touched a gun so I don't know what I'm talking about. Clearly that's bullshit.
I never claimed to be an expert or a sniper or any of that shit so fuck yourself.

If you think the only people qualified to handle or talk about guns are people with the experience you're spouting about...there's gonna be a lotta silent Trumpers

The claim was that I have never touched a gun so I don't know what I'm talking about. Clearly that's bullshit.
I never claimed to be an expert or a sniper or any of that shit so fuck yourself.

If you think the only people qualified to handle or talk about guns are people with the experience you're spouting about...there's gonna be a lotta silent Trumpers
Not every so-called Trumper claims that owning a gun and being in the Army makes them automatically a weapons specialist.
Most people in the Army barely spend any time firing one....and have never even been on a patrol with a loaded weapon.
And I've been hunting enough to know that most hunters can barely hit the side of a barn.
But the incoming POTUS has every right to talk to these folks. Too bad if you don't like it.
Wrong. Logan Act

And many of these meetingsd were prior to the election.

All were lied about
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Wrong. Logan Act

And many of these meetings were prior to the election.

All were lie about
The stuff you're referring to are discussions Trump had when he was exploring building in Moscow as a private citizen and head of a multinational company. He started looking into it as early as 1987.

He was thinking about building a Trump Tower in Russia....but changed his mind. He explored his banking options.

The MSM conflated those discussions with his transition team's efforts to establish communications with foreign governments.
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The stuff you're referring to are discussions Trump had when he was exploring building in Moscow as a private citizen and head of a multinational company.

He was thinking about building a Trump Tower in Russia....but changed his mind. He explored his banking options.

The MSM conflated those discussions with his transition team's efforts to establish communications with foreign governments.
Wrong. I'm referring to Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Papadopolus, Sessions and others

And that's only PART of what I posted
We knew that there were numerous secret meetings between Trump campaign people/Senior Administration types and Russians
We kew that those people almost invariably LIED about those meetings
We knew that Putin HAD meddled in the election using hacked and stolen e-mails
We knew that the GOP platform had been changed to soften the stance regarding Russia
We knew that Trump had publicly asked for "help" regarding stolen emails
We knew that Manafort (Trump Campaign Manager) had shared GOP internal polling data a Russian intel agent
We knew that the Russians had weaponized that data on social media to influence the electon
WE Knew that Trump FIRED his National Security Advisor because he lied about meetings with Russians
We knew there was an FBI investigation regarding meetings with Russians (which included the NIA)
We knew that Trump FIRED the FBI Director because he would not end that investigation and then bragged about it on TV and in private meetings with the Russian Ambassador

So knowing all that and more...it's not unreasonable to investigate whether there was collusion causing all of that

Just to remind you
Wrong. I'm referring to Flynn, Manafort, Gates, Papadopolus, Sessions and others

And that's only PART of what I posted
Wrong. Manafort was doing things with foreign governments before he started working for the Trump Campaign. He only worked for Trump a matter of days and then was fired.
Papadopolus was set up and used as an excuse to get a FISA warrant to allow them to spy on the Trump Campaign.
When Trump won the election Susan Rice started unmasking hundreds of people illegally at Obama's direction. They were trying to generate a case...looking for anything they could nail him on.
Jeff Session recused himself because he lied under oath to the Senate during his confirmation hearing about meeting with Russian officials, and turned everything over to his second in command, Rod Rosenstein...which led Trump to firing James Comey.....which got the ball rolling on the Mueller Investigation after Comey leaked information to the media about a private meeting he had with Trump. Mueller was just put in there to protect Obama and members of the Obama Adm. His job was to make it look like he was investigating Trump when in fact he was destroying evidence that Obama and Hillary committed crimes. All he did was shred every document he could get his hands on that provided evidence of wrongdoing by Obama Adm officials.

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Wrong. Manafort was doing things with foreign governments before he started working for the Trump Campaign. He only worked for Trump a matter of days and then was fired.
Papadopolus was set up and used as an excuse to get a FISA warrant to allow them to spy on the Trump Campaign.
When Trump won the election Susan Rice started unmasking hundreds of people illegally at Obama's direction. They were trying to generate a case...looking for anything they could nail him on.
Jeff Session recused himself because he lied under oath to the Senate during his confirmation hearing about meeting with Russian officials, and turned everything over to his second in command, Rod Rosenstein...which led Trump to firing James Comey.....which got the ball rolling on the Mueller Investigation after Comey leaked information to the media about a private meeting he had with Trump. Mueller was just put in there to protect Obama and members of the Obama Adm. His job was to make it look like he was investigating Trump when in fact he was destroying evidence that Obama and Hillary committed crimes. All he did was shred every document he could get his hands on that provided evidence of wrongdoing by Obama Adm officials.

Yea ya got an excuse for everything

Bottom line, there was plenty of reason for investigating the nexus between Trump and Putin
Yea ya got an excuse for everything

Bottom line, there was plenty of reason for investigating the nexus between Trump and Putin
Only if you hate Trump for no reason.
And this isn't an excuse, dipshit.
This was pretty much what went down.
Trump was going to use Gen Mike Flynn to clean up the intel community and get rid of the people that think they're above the law and can't be held accountable.
They most likely shot JFK for the same reason.
Wrong. Manafort was doing things with foreign governments before he started working for the Trump Campaign. He only worked for Trump a matter of days and then was fired.
Just to point out your dishonesty

Manafort joined the Trump campaign in March and served as campaign manager for two months

Not days

And the "work for foreign governments" you refer to was campaign manager for Putin's man in ...yea ...Ukraine..
We knew that there were numerous secret meetings between Trump campaign people/Senior Administration types and Russians
We kew that those people almost invariably LIED about those meetings
We knew that Putin HAD meddled in the election using hacked and stolen e-mails
We knew that the GOP platform had been changed to soften the stance regarding Russia
We knew that Trump had publicly asked for "help" regarding stolen emails
We knew that Manafort (Trump Campaign Manager) had shared GOP internal polling data a Russian intel agent
We knew that the Russians had weaponized that data on social media to influence the electon
WE Knew that Trump FIRED his National Security Advisor because he lied about meetings with Russians
We knew there was an FBI investigation regarding meetings with Russians (which included the NIA)
We knew that Trump FIRED the FBI Director because he would not end that investigation and then bragged about it on TV and in private meetings with the Russian Ambassador

So knowing all that and more...it's not unreasonable to investigate whether there was collusion causing all of that

Just to remind you
We know that just about everything you mentioned is fake news except the fact that Trump's National Security Advisor, Gen Michael Flynn knew where all of the bodies were buried....and that they created Russian Collusion and Russian interference as a way to protect themselves. Adam Schifface kept saying he had evidence of all of this but never produced it.
Trump fired the FBI Director because it was clear Comey hated Trump from Day-One and was out to get him. Comey sent in two FBI agents to fill out 302s on Gen Flynn in the first couple of weeks in an attempt to create a crime. They were sent in....and Comey even bragged about it to an audience...saying that he tried it because it was in the early days of the Trump Adm and they would be disorganized and wouldn't know they were being set up.

We know that just about everything you mentioned is fake news except the fact that Trump's National Security Advisor, Gen Michael Flynn knew where all of the bodies were buried....and that they created Russian Collusion and Russian interference as a way to protect themselves. Adam Schifface kept saying he had evidence of all of this but never produced it.
Trump fired the FBI Director because it was clear Comey hated Trump from Day-One and was out to get him. Comey sent in two FBI agents to fill out 302s on Gen Flynn in the first couple of weeks in an attempt to create a crime. They were sent in....and Comey even bragged about it to an audience...saying that he tried it because it was in the early days of the Trump Adm and they would be disorganized and wouldn't know they were being set up.

Trump admitted on national TV that he fired Comey to take the pressure off about Russia.

Pure mob boss shit
Just to point out your dishonesty

Manafort joined the Trump campaign in March and served as campaign manager for two months

Not days

And the "work for foreign governments" you refer to was campaign manager for Putin's man in ...yea ...Ukraine..
Two months is 60 days. Not very long. Some said it was 4 months...but not all that long. Trump knew him back in the 80s....but never did any business with him.
Manifort had already been linking up with folks in Ukraine (but so was Hunter Biden) and was recommended to Trump by an insider, Rodger Stone.
Manifort's foreign activities didn't become a problem till he started working for Trump.
Trump had zero knowledge about Manifort's dealings until they started showing up in the headlines.

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