'1776" Is Code For Treason Now To Democrats

Virtually none of that is true or accurate
All of it is true and verified. The first indictments have been issued and court dates set.
You simply refuse to face the truth.

Watch the movie.

No need for but the most basic of weapons when you have the sheer numbers and have your opponent down by better than 50 to 1.

So why on earth would the Ukraine be arming their citizens? They certainly have the HUGE numbers over the Russian army. Yeah, you didn’t think that through.
Right wingers are cynical dishonest bastards

There...I fixed it for you
Here's a little honesty for you:

Touch my kids and I'll beat you down.

I will. Personally.

I don't CARE if you're left, right, or just retarded - and I'm not going to stop to ask.

I don't give a FLYING FUCK about your idiotic partisan politics.

But I sure care about my kids.

LEFTISTS are the ones threatening my children.

Not righties.

LEFTISTS are in my schools pushing their deviant sexual ideas, and LEFTISTS are in the streets "mostly protesting peacefully" and making it impossible for mommies to pick up their children at school.

There's a reality here. LEFTISTS are the ones causing the trouble.

Bleat all you want, it doesn't change the reality.
Apparently the left thinks '1776' is treason.
The very foundation of our country is treason to them.


” A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer in less to fear.”​

Excusing her perjury, eh?
Excusing her perjury, eh?
If perjury is "I don't recall" or "I don't remember" then Hillary is guilty of perjury over 300 times when she was questioned over Benghazi and her private servers.

We can tell what you leftists have done every single time......because that is exactly what you accused us of.

Obama constantly tipped off what he was doing while he was president by issuing memos to us in the Dept of the Army DPW telling us not to do any number of crimes including spying, human-trafficking, and supporting political campaigns on social media. While he was president....someone got into every single federal employee's personal information...over 25 million of us, and stole our identity information.

If you can't trust the President to protect your identity....then there is no national security in America. No place is secure when a communist is in the Oval Office.
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Excuse me? They most definitely DO "have bullets".
Not until January 12th......a week after the devastating attack on the capitol by unarmed insurrectionists....To protect Joe Biden, in case he got attacked by crazed Q Anon members from the Michigan Militia, at the inauguration.

Quite the contrary. Those Capitol attackers succeeded i stopping the electoral count. THAT was their aim.

Sadly for Trump, (but not for democracy) Congress prevailed and completed the count before the rest of his plan could be affected
So, by your own words, the count wasn't stopped.

Where you been dude, still looking for Russians behind every tree?
In my own words...it absolutely was. That it resumed is not the issue. The point was to stop it long enough for the "Eastman Plan" to work.

Not to worry "dudesky". We see you
It's known as 'The Eastman Memo's'.....possible strategy discussions. Now political theater.

It's nice to see PP stooges here attempting to be relevant. Here for another ass whooping by The Dudesky?
Not really. It’s not really even a code at all.

It’s more like shorthand for asserting one’s liberty, freedom and independence.
Try and whitewash all you want but everyone including you knows she was calling for violent revolution

You just expose you blatant dishonesty when you cover for this piece of shit
Try and whitewash all you want but everyone including you knows she was calling for violent revolution

You just expose you blatant dishonesty when you cover for this piece of shit
So basically you're claiming to be able to read minds without even using the Vulcan Mind-meld?
Try and whitewash all you want but everyone including you knows she was calling for violent revolution

You just expose you blatant dishonesty when you cover for this piece of shit
Perjury Taylor Greene's use of the term "1776" is another example of the ignorant, hyperbolic paranoia that has gripped the GQP.

GQP politicians and pundits know that Trump has conned the rubes, and they're just playing along to save their cushy gubmit jobs. I'm not sure about her. She may actually believe this stuff.

America's Jihadis. Completely unhinged, convinced they're "patriots", convinced they're saving their country in their God's name.
This woman?


Supporting violence?

No need to read minds.

It's blatantly obvious what she meant
No it's not.
You only want to think the worse of whomever the Democrat Machine targets.
She's thinking about the good things that happened once 1776 became the birth of a nation.
What she's thinking is we are under attack from within.....and the threat is our own bureaucrats.
People who feel they don't have to answer to anyone.....and they think especially not to the people of this nation.

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