18-29 year old's skeptical about signing up for Obamacare


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
As the president hosts a White House youth summit, a new poll from his alma mater shows a majority of young people aren't interested in signing up for his signature health care plan.

The Harvard "Millennials" poll found only 22 percent of young Americans -- defined in the survey as between 18 and 29 years old -- plan to sign up for ObamaCare. Even more troubling for the administration, fewer than a third -- only 29 percent -- of people who currently do not have health insurance plan to enroll.

"Actuarially, the [Affordable Care Act] depends upon these young Americans signing up," Trey Greyson, director of Harvard's Institute Of Politics, said. "Our survey shows that the administration has a lot of work to do to get them on board."

Indeed, the Affordable Care Act relies on a large pool of young, healthy enrollees to pay for older, sicker Americans. Without their premium support, the entire system is at risk of collapse.

Political affiliation and race are strongly correlated in the poll to younger Americans' attitudes toward ObamaCare. There was 68 percent approval for the program among African-Americans. Forty-eight percent of Hispanics approved, while only 28 percent of white people in the poll said they liked it.

Younger Democrats overwhelmingly supported ObamaCare, with 68 percent approval, while only 26 percent of independents and 5 percent of Republicans supported it. Language also affected the numbers, particularly among Democrats and independents. When asked if they supported the "Affordable Care Act," as opposed to "ObamaCare," 81 percent of Democrats approved, while 34 percent of independents and 7 percent of Republicans said they were in favor.

The poll also found the president's approval rating is at a historic low among 18-29 year olds. A year ago, they were crucial to his re-election. Today, only 41 percent of Millennials approve of the president's performance. That is an 11-point drop since Harvard's last survey in April.
'Sea change': Poll shows young people skeptical of ObamaCare, amid Obama outreach | Fox News

Well I guess Obama is great when it comes to "free" health care--but when you ask the same crowd--18-29 year old's to pay for it--it becomes an entirely different scenario.

This is the notable "death spiral" with Obamacare. If the young and healthy do not sign up and push the BUY button--they cannot offset the costs of all the "free" medicade and the elderly enrollees--that cannot live without health insurance.

So for all you liberals on this board that are between 18 and 29 years old, since you voted for him TWICE--it's time to put your wallet where you're mouth has been. Get on the web-site and push that BUY button.

That is the only way you're going to save Obama from going down in disaster. Get your friends to push the BUY button too.


and btw

Welcome to your Hope and Change
At that age, I didn't think I needed it either. As it happened, I was wrong. Others are right. These day, even a relatively small accident can break a young person's bank and put the deep into debt. Its a crap shoot.

Well Big Fat Duh.

ObamaCare allows people to stay on their parents plans up through age 26, so a large portion of the target pigeon pool are not going to sign up as individuals, thus reducing the group of those who are supposed to overpay in order to subsidize others.

Math is So Hard.
So for all you liberals on this board that are between 18 and 29 years old, since you voted for him TWICE--it's time to put your wallet where you're mouth has been. Get on the web-site and push that BUY button.

there were THESE results of the polls - and they shed some light, too:
Political affiliation and race are strongly correlated in the poll to younger Americans' attitudes toward ObamaCare. There was 68 percent approval for the program among African-Americans. Forty-eight percent of Hispanics approved, while only 28 percent of white people in the poll said they liked it.
Younger Democrats overwhelmingly supported ObamaCare, with 68 percent approval, while only 26 percent of independents and 5 percent of Republicans supported it.
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When I was between the ages of 18-25 I didn't care about or want Health Insurance. It was an expense I didn't care to have. I never went around thinking "what if?" In hindsight it was dumb BUT you couldn't tell me that back then. Would I still do the same thing (not pay for it) yes I would. When your that age you just don't think about bad things happening to you. They happen to other people. I was invincible.

I don't see young people running into the exchanges, it's just another expense they really can't afford nor care to pay for (subsidized or not)....my opinion of course
When I was between the ages of 18-25 I didn't care about or want Health Insurance. It was an expense I didn't care to have. I never went around thinking "what if?" In hindsight it was dumb BUT you couldn't tell me that back then. Would I still do the same thing (not pay for it) yes I would. When your that age you just don't think about bad things happening to you. They happen to other people. I was invincible.

I don't see young people running into the exchanges, it's just another expense they really can't afford nor care to pay for (subsidized or not)....my opinion of course

Scapegoating the youth is only the tip of the iceberg. The reason why the insurance industry is playing along is the mandate. They saw the writing on the wall years ago, and now, realizing that the health care inflation they help create will eventually dive insurance prices through the roof, they want to chain us to a product that soon, none of us will want pay for. This trend was just beginning to percolate before ACA, which is why they are conceding to the ridiculous regulatory requirements.

They know that, in the end, the regs will be watered down via lobbying (something they're very good at) and the mandate will stay. They'll have captive customers and profits guaranteed by the state.
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Likewise, 22 years on active duty and my medical record was less than 3/8 of an inch thick. Most of that was quick visits to get a cold pack or a flu shot.....
At that age, I didn't think I needed it either. As it happened, I was wrong. Others are right. These day, even a relatively small accident can break a young person's bank and put the deep into debt. Its a crap shoot.


It's not their bank they usually break--it's the taxpayers who end up paying the medical bills for them.
When I was between the ages of 18-25 I didn't care about or want Health Insurance. It was an expense I didn't care to have. I never went around thinking "what if?" In hindsight it was dumb BUT you couldn't tell me that back then. Would I still do the same thing (not pay for it) yes I would. When your that age you just don't think about bad things happening to you. They happen to other people. I was invincible.

I don't see young people running into the exchanges, it's just another expense they really can't afford nor care to pay for (subsidized or not)....my opinion of course

Scapegoating the youth is only the tip of the iceberg. The reason why the insurance industry is playing along is the mandate. They saw the writing on the wall years ago, and now, realizing that the health care inflation they help create will eventually dive insurance prices through the roof, they want to chain us to a product that soon, none of us will want pay for. This trend was just beginning to percolate before ACA, which is why they are conceding to the ridiculous regulatory requirements.

They know that, in the end, the regs will be watered down via lobbying (something they're very good at) and the mandate will stay. They'll have captive customers and profits guaranteed by the state.

This is where Obama and democrats are in bed with medical insurer's. The insurer's get taxpayer guaranteed subsidies for payment. They have no risk as far as getting paid--so why on earth should they lower their premiums?

The ONLY thing that forces prices down is competition. We have witnessed that in the high tech industry. Being able to cross state lines to sell insurance would bring in more competition to the high flyers--therefore driving premiums down. But that was a Republican idea--that democrats fully rejected.
When I was between the ages of 18-25 I didn't care about or want Health Insurance. It was an expense I didn't care to have. I never went around thinking "what if?" In hindsight it was dumb BUT you couldn't tell me that back then. Would I still do the same thing (not pay for it) yes I would. When your that age you just don't think about bad things happening to you. They happen to other people. I was invincible.

I don't see young people running into the exchanges, it's just another expense they really can't afford nor care to pay for (subsidized or not)....my opinion of course

Scapegoating the youth is only the tip of the iceberg. The reason why the insurance industry is playing along is the mandate. They saw the writing on the wall years ago, and now, realizing that the health care inflation they help create will eventually dive insurance prices through the roof, they want to chain us to a product that soon, none of us will want pay for. This trend was just beginning to percolate before ACA, which is why they are conceding to the ridiculous regulatory requirements.

They know that, in the end, the regs will be watered down via lobbying (something they're very good at) and the mandate will stay. They'll have captive customers and profits guaranteed by the state.

This is where Obama and democrats are in bed with medical insurer's. The insurer's get taxpayer guaranteed subsidies for payment. They have no risk as far as getting paid--so why on earth should they lower their premiums?

The ONLY thing that forces prices down is competition. We have witnessed that in the high tech industry. Being able to cross state lines to sell insurance would bring in more competition to the high flyers--therefore driving premiums down. But that was a Republican idea--that democrats fully rejected.
Hope springs eternal. The prices have gone up every year, and the insurance company could drop you for little to no reason.
At that age, I didn't think I needed it either. As it happened, I was wrong. Others are right. These day, even a relatively small accident can break a young person's bank and put the deep into debt. Its a crap shoot.


Really? I suspect another one of the fake scenerios here. Since when does motorcycle insurance not pay for injuries?
And Sept. 28th? Before the healthcare mandate even goes into effect??
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When I was between the ages of 18-25 I didn't care about or want Health Insurance. It was an expense I didn't care to have. I never went around thinking "what if?" In hindsight it was dumb BUT you couldn't tell me that back then. Would I still do the same thing (not pay for it) yes I would. When your that age you just don't think about bad things happening to you. They happen to other people. I was invincible.

I don't see young people running into the exchanges, it's just another expense they really can't afford nor care to pay for (subsidized or not)....my opinion of course

Obviously, I am not a supporter of Obamacare--but I will tell you it is absolutely crazy not to have medical insurance-regardless of your age.- I remember when my daughter went to college--and told me a few months later she didn't sign up for the college insurance--(I thought she had done it)--and I had a fit about it--and let her know what would have happened to her dad & I (financially) had she got into an accident with no medical insurance.

Now Obama was out there yesterday stating that young people can get insurance for around $100.00 per month--(which is very cheap) compared to my outrageous rates on the exchange. I understand that parents can keep their kids on their policies until they're at an ancient age of 26, but that has got to be a lot more expensive than the kid buying his own insurance at $100.00 per month.

Why aren't they buying it--is the question? My feeling is that they would prefer to spend that $100.00 a month on their car stereo or other item they're looking at. And if that is the attitude of the youth in this country today--we're going to have some serious problems in the future. It is your responsibility to take care of your own insurance needs, in fact it is a priority.

So get on there and BUY it. You supported Obama and his signature legislation--so instead of talking the talk, it's time you made the walk.
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When I was between the ages of 18-25 I didn't care about or want Health Insurance. It was an expense I didn't care to have. I never went around thinking "what if?" In hindsight it was dumb BUT you couldn't tell me that back then. Would I still do the same thing (not pay for it) yes I would. When your that age you just don't think about bad things happening to you. They happen to other people. I was invincible.

I don't see young people running into the exchanges, it's just another expense they really can't afford nor care to pay for (subsidized or not)....my opinion of course

Obviously, I am not a supporter of Obamacare--but I will tell you it is absolutely crazy not to have medical insurance-regardless of your age.- I remember when my daughter went to college--and told me a few months later she didn't sign up for the college insurance--(I thought she had done it)--and I had a fit about it--and let her know what would have happened to her dad & I (financially) had she got into an accident with no medical insurance.

Now Obama was out there yesterday stating that young people can get insurance for around $100.00 per month--(which is very cheap) compared to my outrageous rates on the exchange. I understand that parents can keep their kids on their policies until they're at an ancient age of 26, but that has got to be a lot more expensive than the kid buying his own insurance at $100.00 per month.

Why aren't they buying it--is the question? My feeling is that they would prefer to spend that $100.00 a month on their car stereo or other item they're looking at. And if that is the attitude of the youth in this country today--we're going to have some serious problems in the future. It is your responsibility to take care of your own insurance needs, in fact it is a priority.

So get on there and BUY it. You supported Obama and his signature legislation--so instead of talking the talk, it's time you made the walk.

The hundred dollar a month thing sounds like another 'if you like your insurance you can keep it' line. From what I'm hearing, the people in question (younger people who are over 26 yet aren't poor enough to qualify for subsidies) are paying much more.

The funny thing is, these are the very people who, previously, were already getting high deductible, catastrophic insurance for $100 a month, or less. But ACA poisoned that well by pushing them toward more expensive polices - targeting them for the revenue necessary to finance the less profitable 'customers'. Now these young people doing the math and figuring that simply going without insurance and paying the fine is a substitute for the catastrophic insurance. They may be right, they may be wrong - but Obama sets up this dynamic by targeting them as the cash cows for his financing scheme. It's hard to fault them for trying to step aside.
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Yet...when the opposition said this would happen...they were called haters.
This is by design. (young not showing up)
Either one of two things is true (or both)...those involved in planning Obamacare are either amazingly closed-minded idealist who refuse to listen to reason - or they knoew all along ACA would fail - and wanted it to - to go to single payer
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Scapegoating the youth is only the tip of the iceberg. The reason why the insurance industry is playing along is the mandate. They saw the writing on the wall years ago, and now, realizing that the health care inflation they help create will eventually dive insurance prices through the roof, they want to chain us to a product that soon, none of us will want pay for. This trend was just beginning to percolate before ACA, which is why they are conceding to the ridiculous regulatory requirements.

They know that, in the end, the regs will be watered down via lobbying (something they're very good at) and the mandate will stay. They'll have captive customers and profits guaranteed by the state.

This is where Obama and democrats are in bed with medical insurer's. The insurer's get taxpayer guaranteed subsidies for payment. They have no risk as far as getting paid--so why on earth should they lower their premiums?

The ONLY thing that forces prices down is competition. We have witnessed that in the high tech industry. Being able to cross state lines to sell insurance would bring in more competition to the high flyers--therefore driving premiums down. But that was a Republican idea--that democrats fully rejected.
Hope springs eternal. The prices have gone up every year, and the insurance company could drop you for little to no reason.

And alas, we could drop them for little or no reason as well. No longer.
When I was between the ages of 18-25 I didn't care about or want Health Insurance. It was an expense I didn't care to have. I never went around thinking "what if?" In hindsight it was dumb BUT you couldn't tell me that back then. Would I still do the same thing (not pay for it) yes I would. When your that age you just don't think about bad things happening to you. They happen to other people. I was invincible.

I don't see young people running into the exchanges, it's just another expense they really can't afford nor care to pay for (subsidized or not)....my opinion of course

Scapegoating the youth is only the tip of the iceberg. The reason why the insurance industry is playing along is the mandate. They saw the writing on the wall years ago, and now, realizing that the health care inflation they help create will eventually dive insurance prices through the roof, they want to chain us to a product that soon, none of us will want pay for. This trend was just beginning to percolate before ACA, which is why they are conceding to the ridiculous regulatory requirements.

They know that, in the end, the regs will be watered down via lobbying (something they're very good at) and the mandate will stay. They'll have captive customers and profits guaranteed by the state.

This is where Obama and democrats are in bed with medical insurer's. The insurer's get taxpayer guaranteed subsidies for payment. They have no risk as far as getting paid--so why on earth should they lower their premiums?

The ONLY thing that forces prices down is competition. We have witnessed that in the high tech industry. Being able to cross state lines to sell insurance would bring in more competition to the high flyers--therefore driving premiums down. But that was a Republican idea--that democrats fully rejected.

But the insurance companies also are now required to keep overhead/profits at 15% maximum, which means insurance companies have to pay out 85% of their premiums in claims,

or refund to their customers the difference.

That prevents them from raising premiums just for their own benefit. If they jack up preminums beyond their limit, they'll be giving that money back.


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