18 Days after speech President’s jobs bill held up by Democrats


Jul 26, 2011
Obama's own Democratic Party controls the Senate and won't put their leader's jobs bill on the schedule because more wild spending like this doomed bill could also doom some Dem senators next year -- Andrew Malcolm

Here’s a little lesson in the U.S. Constitution. It is the Legislative Body’s or Congress’ responsibility to write bills. It is the Executive branch or the president’s responsibility to either sign the bill into law or veto the bill.

In an extraordinary act president Soetoro sent the bill entitled the American Job’s Bill to the Congress from the White house. Although the Progressive media isn’t reporting it, it is an extra-Constitutional act for the White house to write a bill and send that bill to Congress. What the Barry Hussein Soetoro White house has done is highly unusual and constitutionally abnormal. Read more...Creating Orwellian Worldview
He truly believes he is a King, some kind of royalty!! No budget, no jobs, nothing but more debt than all the people's taxes can cover in the next 20 years.

I'm so tired of being forced to give Washington my hard earned money for them to spend as they see fit. Their choices of the last 20 years have not been the wisest. God help our children and grandchildren!!
He truly believes he is a King, some kind of royalty!! No budget, no jobs, nothing but more debt than all the people's taxes can cover in the next 20 years.

I'm so tired of being forced to give Washington my hard earned money for them to spend as they see fit. Their choices of the last 20 years have not been the wisest. God help our children and grandchildren!!

Dittos! I only hope the majority of the American people are as aware as you!
He truly believes he is a King, some kind of royalty!! No budget, no jobs, nothing but more debt than all the people's taxes can cover in the next 20 years.

I'm so tired of being forced to give Washington my hard earned money for them to spend as they see fit. Their choices of the last 20 years have not been the wisest. God help our children and grandchildren!!

Dittos! I only hope the majority of the American people are as aware as you!

It doesnt bother me he sent a bill to congress for consideration.

It should bother democrats though, no one in their party has the stones to introduce the presidents budget.
Yeah, good for Obama to bring a bill to the Congress IMO... To bad it looks like he didn’t write it and it's all about a game of gottcha politics that is now backfiring on Obama because, well he never wrote the bill.

Obama is again holding the country hostage in a true sense. Obama is looking for a political victory without producing anything of value. When Obama plays these kind of games we all pay for it, uncertainty grows and the economy slows even more.

I mean it when I say if Obama repealed Obamacare, ended the wars and said I'll be on vacation until election day the economy would be booming when he got back. Obama has become the problem more than the problem is the problem. What I mean to say is, the correction has already started a while back but Obama on his own has scared the economy with new regulation, talk of new taxes and massive spending as to where the future is too uncertain… Obama is in the way of making his Presidency a good one.
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Yeah, good for Obama to bring a bill to the Congress IMO... To bad it looks like he didn’t write it and it's all about a game of gottcha politics that is now backfiring on Obama because, well he never wrote the bill.

Obama is again holding the country hostage in a true sense. Obama is looking for a political victory without producing anything of value. When Obama plays these kind of games we all pay for it, uncertainty grows and the economy slows even more.

I mean it when I say if Obama repealed Obamacare, ended the wars and said I'll be on vacation until election day the economy would be booming when he got back. Obama has become the problem more than the problem is the problem. What I mean to say is, the correction has already started a while back but Obama on his own has scared the economy with new regulation, talk of new taxes and massive spending as to where the future is too uncertain… Obama is in the way of making his Presidency a good one.

Obama hasn't come up with an ORIGINAL idea since he's been in office. The first 2 years--Nancy Pelosi wrote his bills--(stimulus/Obamacare)--now he is depending on people who have never worked a day in the private sector (professors) who wouldn't know how to create a private sector job if their lives depended on it.

And DEMOCRATS are running from Obama's new jobs bill. Obama knew this bill would be dead on arrival in the house--because it adds another 1/2 TRILLION in spending and TAX HIKES.

Something Obama even stated was a bad idea to do in August of 2009. So this new jobs bill is nothing more than a political ploy--not worth the paper it is written on.
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I mean it when I say if Obama repealed Obamacare, ended the wars and said I'll be on vacation until election day the economy would be booming when he got back.

I mean it when I say that is one of the most economically ignorant things I've ever seen in writing. Ending the wars would be a good idea for its own sake, but would do little to help the economy and conceivably might even hurt it slightly if we also cut military payrolls. Repealing the ACA would also cause marginal damage to the economy in the short term and hideous damage down the road, unless it were immediately replaced by something better like a single-payer plan or at least the ACA plus public option.

The root of these silly ideas would seem to be that the economy is suffering because the federal spending budget is too big and/or because rich people don't have enough money to invest. The first is false insofar as one considers the federal budget's effect on the economy (otherwise it's a judgment call), the second is just false period.
So O is flying around the country, pushing his bill and his own party won't even introduce it?!?! Sounds like they're cowards. It ain't gonna be pretty for them next year.
I mean it when I say if Obama repealed Obamacare, ended the wars and said I'll be on vacation until election day the economy would be booming when he got back.

I mean it when I say that is one of the most economically ignorant things I've ever seen in writing. Ending the wars would be a good idea for its own sake, but would do little to help the economy and conceivably might even hurt it slightly if we also cut military payrolls. Repealing the ACA would also cause marginal damage to the economy in the short term and hideous damage down the road, unless it were immediately replaced by something better like a single-payer plan or at least the ACA plus public option.

The root of these silly ideas would seem to be that the economy is suffering because the federal spending budget is too big and/or because rich people don't have enough money to invest. The first is false insofar as one considers the federal budget's effect on the economy (otherwise it's a judgment call), the second is just false period.

The root of these silly ideas would seem to be that the economy is suffering because the federal spending budget is too big and/or because rich people don't have enough money to invest

Its just the root of your misunderstanding. thats it!
The root of these silly ideas would seem to be that the economy is suffering because the federal spending budget is too big and/or because rich people don't have enough money to invest

Its just the root of your misunderstanding. thats it!

Well, so you explain why he thinks ending the wars and repealing the ACA would cause the economy to boom. I'd love to hear it.
I mean it when I say if Obama repealed Obamacare, ended the wars and said I'll be on vacation until election day the economy would be booming when he got back.

I mean it when I say that is one of the most economically ignorant things I've ever seen in writing. Ending the wars would be a good idea for its own sake, but would do little to help the economy and conceivably might even hurt it slightly if we also cut military payrolls. Repealing the ACA would also cause marginal damage to the economy in the short term and hideous damage down the road, unless it were immediately replaced by something better like a single-payer plan or at least the ACA plus public option.

The root of these silly ideas would seem to be that the economy is suffering because the federal spending budget is too big and/or because rich people don't have enough money to invest. The first is false insofar as one considers the federal budget's effect on the economy (otherwise it's a judgment call), the second is just false period.

Yes the economy would get worse before it got better but it would get better.

And no, Obama couldn't really just leave... At some point he would have to sign a budget but if he ended the wars and got rid of Obamacare that budget would be a much better one, helping to create much needed certainty in the markets/economy.

I was not giving a “do this and things will be better next week” scenario. I was giving a “do this and things will be better by election day scenario.” If I wanted to make things better next week I’d pass another stimulus like Obama wants to do, but a short term “float” that will hurt us long term is not the answer and we both know this.
The root of these silly ideas would seem to be that the economy is suffering because the federal spending budget is too big and/or because rich people don't have enough money to invest

Its just the root of your misunderstanding. thats it!

Well, so you explain why he thinks ending the wars and repealing the ACA would cause the economy to boom. I'd love to hear it.

Believe it or not I fully understand and have in the past talked about Obama using the military through our wars as a form of welfare. Obama would rather start new wars, expand old wars and just keep other wars going rather than end the wars like he said he would because that could spike the UE%… Yes Obama would rather spend on military to have them die and kill others just to keep UE slightly down… That does not help our country in any way… Not to mention the soldiers are spending a shit ton of that money where they are, overseas, not here in America.
He truly believes he is a King, some kind of royalty!! No budget, no jobs, nothing but more debt than all the people's taxes can cover in the next 20 years.

I'm so tired of being forced to give Washington my hard earned money for them to spend as they see fit. Their choices of the last 20 years have not been the wisest. God help our children and grandchildren!!

Dittos! I only hope the majority of the American people are as aware as you!

It doesnt bother me he sent a bill to congress for consideration.

It should bother democrats though, no one in their party has the stones to introduce the presidents budget.

Exactly. One of the main responsibilities of the congress is the budget. There hasn't been one in over two years. One of the Dem talking points today is how the Repubs don't want to pay for disaster victims. They do but at the expense of the program that paid for Sylendra (?sp). I don't see a problem with that.
Obama's own Democratic Party controls the Senate and won't put their leader's jobs bill on the schedule because more wild spending like this doomed bill could also doom some Dem senators next year -- Andrew Malcolm

Here’s a little lesson in the U.S. Constitution. It is the Legislative Body’s or Congress’ responsibility to write bills. It is the Executive branch or the president’s responsibility to either sign the bill into law or veto the bill.

In an extraordinary act president Soetoro sent the bill entitled the American Job’s Bill to the Congress from the White house. Although the Progressive media isn’t reporting it, it is an extra-Constitutional act for the White house to write a bill and send that bill to Congress. What the Barry Hussein Soetoro White house has done is highly unusual and constitutionally abnormal. Read more...Creating Orwellian Worldview

Here's a video of Marco Rubio--explaining how enept the democrat lead senate has been over the last 800 days or since Obama has taken over. They haven't produced ONE single bill.

Sen. Rubio: "Save the Whole House or It Will All Burn Down" - YouTube
Dittos! I only hope the majority of the American people are as aware as you!

It doesnt bother me he sent a bill to congress for consideration.

It should bother democrats though, no one in their party has the stones to introduce the presidents budget.

Exactly. One of the main responsibilities of the congress is the budget. There hasn't been one in over two years. One of the Dem talking points today is how the Repubs don't want to pay for disaster victims. They do but at the expense of the program that paid for Sylendra (?sp). I don't see a problem with that.

Yep. The Reps have no problem with disaster relief. They just want to pay for it by cutting all the subsidies to that green bs. Works for me. We've already wasted half a billion with that Solyndra crap. Money we will never get back.

The obstruction is coming from the Senate. Its just another bill gathering dust on Reids desk. I guess Harry is more worried about the election than he is disaster relief.
Believe it or not I fully understand and have in the past talked about Obama using the military through our wars as a form of welfare. Obama would rather start new wars, expand old wars and just keep other wars going rather than end the wars like he said he would because that could spike the UE%… Yes Obama would rather spend on military to have them die and kill others just to keep UE slightly down… That does not help our country in any way… Not to mention the soldiers are spending a shit ton of that money where they are, overseas, not here in America.

Jesus, I'm not going to defend the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan or Obama's role in keeping them going far past the point when we should have declared victory and come home. I agree we should end the wars and I said so. That's not the point. The point is that you claimed that if he did end the wars and repealed "Obamacare," and then went on vacation for the rest of his term, the economy would boom.

There's absolutely no reason to expect that.

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