18 Signs That The Obama Administration Is Openly Hostile To The Military

I think the "sign" that he is gutting it is the only one you need.

The military needs to be gutted. We spend too much money we don't have on our military and meddle into too many foreign entanglements that aren't our business. We should downsize our military around the world and bring our soldiers home.

I could also make an argument that Bush was openly hostile to our military seeing as how he sent them into an ill conceived war in Iraq without the will to do what needed to be done to win it outright and resulted in the deaths of a few thousand American soldiers as well as thousands more now dealing with PTSD and getting shit treatment by the VA.
#1 A new VA training guide compares our precious military veterans to Oscar the Grouch.

some are, some are even worse...When the article misrepresents it's first issue with Oblama and the military, you know the rest is misrepresented also.. They can't even prove Oblama did it.. But I know, the OP poster is Long on Knife but short on political scrutiny of biased articles..
Philly VA training slides depicted veterans as ‘Oscar the Grouch’

The training provided was not intended to equate veterans with this character," spokeswoman Marisa Prugsawan said. "It was intended to remind our employees to conduct themselves as courteously and professionally as possible when dealing with veterans and their concerns."

She said the guide appeared to be an old internal document from which employees at the Philadelphia office pulled information ahead of Friday's training. Prugsawan said she was unsure if the original slide show comparing veterans to Oscar had been created locally or by the national VA office and sent to regional centers.

Philly VA training slides depicted veterans as Oscar the Grouch - Stripes
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I think the "sign" that he is gutting it is the only one you need.

The military needs to be gutted. .

It most certainly doesn't, and by the time you realize that there's gonna be a high price to pay one way or another.

The neocons had their moment in the spotlight. It's over now. America is no longer buying what you're selling.

There is no need to sell what history teaches for free. Waiting until the last minute to cram for that test can be a real bitch though...
1. some veterans are grouchy. i mean you're a veteran, right? learning to deal with them is important for va workers.
2. i guess we'll just ignore the history of military veterans that have become terrorists, and ignore that the disillusioned with military training might be fertile recruiting grounds for terrorist groups, because the idea offends you.
3. the inspector general disagrees with sen. coburn. their number is 0
4. i'm curious how you tie va waits to the president. is he doing something to slow down doctor visits?
5. again, what has the president done, or not done, that has made the processing of claims slow down? kind of an important fact if you're going to blame him for the problem.
6. budget cuts... now who controls the budget... also those officers losing their jobs are a drop in the bucket. something like 6% of just those reviewed for dismissal.
7. bullshit. just bullshit.
8. again, budget cuts. who controls the budget?
9. and more budget cuts. aren't republicans supposed to be fiscally responsible?
10. a retired army o5 giving his opinion on naval and air force assets? really? and if they are all that old haven't they been been around during a lot of other administrations?
11. you don't suppose that we might have fewer, more capable ships than we did during wwi, do you? or that the role of the navy itself has changed? or did obama suddenly decommission a bunch of ships on a whim?
12. and desegregation of the armed forces was a bad idea, too. welcome to the 21st century.
13. we gave Iraq equipment to defend itself (and because bringing it home was too costly) and because the Iraqi forces screwed the pooch on their end with isis that's obama's fault?
14. sexual assault in the military is serious. however, in 2012 a woman in the military was 5 times as likely to be assaulted than a man. also, i'm not sure what the point is. is obama handing out roofies to military rapists?
15. not sure how this relates to obama either. possibly one cemetery may have overstepped their bounds. according to links in the article, the us attorney was investigating. either way, the cemetery would have been acting outside of the rules and was an isolated case. do you think obama told them to make those rules?
16. should the mentally ill have guns? is obama making the determination on who is and isn't mentally ill?
17. one guy, in an unusual circumstance, gets invoiced for the shipment of his medal. or do you have more examples, and a policy memo from the president?
18. Abide by treaties! the horror!

you really did just post a steaming pile of bs. you realize that, don't you?

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