18 year old "trans" student exposes himself in High School girls locker room, beats up female students who object

Parents said that the transgender student has a history of “erratic and uncomfortable behavior,” (NO SHIT) FOX 11 reported.

The Riverside Unified School District issued a statement Thursday claiming the transgender student no longer attends the school:

These kind of incidents will surely continue until sanity returns to schools and gyms and students are once again separated by sex in locker rooms.

This stuff gets DemoKKKrats wet. Look how happy JoeB131 is defending this behavior.
The Riverside Unified School District issued a statement Thursday claiming the transgender student no longer attends the school

Too funny, all these trannies all fight like little girls, or at least like Unkotare the salty vampire. Don't any of these women know to kick these trannies in the nuts? Abut 20 women need to organize and confront these guys who use false dysphoria as an excuse to gawk at women undressing.

Parents said that the transgender student has a history of “erratic and uncomfortable behavior,” (NO SHIT) FOX 11 reported.

The Riverside Unified School District issued a statement Thursday claiming the transgender student no longer attends the school:

These kind of incidents will surely continue until sanity returns to schools and gyms and students are once again separated by sex in locker rooms.

This has got to be fake news. We were assured that things like this would never happen.
This scenario would make even the most liberal head explode. They can’t go with with the man-on-woman violence angle because the tran wants to be a woman.
This scenario would make even the most liberal head explode. They can’t go with with the man-on-woman violence angle because the tran wants to be a woman.
Naw, real world, high school kids get into fights over stupid shit.

Only you want to make a federal case over this one when the people involved are probably over it by now.
Naw, real world, high school kids get into fights over stupid shit.

Only you want to make a federal case over this one when the people involved are probably over it by now.
Quite the contrary….. I don’t want a case on any level in an already over-litigious culture we live in. I want to see liberals’ heads explode on this one. No courtroom needed.
We aren't the ones melting down over trans-folk.

Parents said that the transgender student has a history of “erratic and uncomfortable behavior,” (NO SHIT) FOX 11 reported.

The Riverside Unified School District issued a statement Thursday claiming the transgender student no longer attends the school:

These kind of incidents will surely continue until sanity returns to schools and gyms and students are once again separated by sex in locker rooms.

What's your point?

That you're an idiot if you can't figure it out

A pity you can't say since there are flashers of all types of people. Singling out one particular group only serves to expose your bigotry. In reality, they're all sick fucks.
Yet you are the same ones that are pro-women, can’t define what a woman is, and get offended by misogynists.

You people have a major fucking identity crisis.

No identity crisis at all. We are able to identify priorities.

Priorities - Protecting reproductive choice, equal opportunities, equal pay, protection for sexual harassment in the workplace, protecting women from sexual abuse.

Not a priority - Some trans-girl won a little plastic trophy instead of a cis-girl.
One of the best statements I've heard..."if some guy pretending to be a female gets into my daughter's restroom or locker room he'll get his transition surgery asap"

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