18 year old "trans" student exposes himself in High School girls locker room, beats up female students who object

Too bad it wasn't my girl. She would have cleaned his clock. She's been in fight training since she was 8. She loves a good tussle!
Wow, it looks like the fight happened outside and all the kids were wearing their clothes.
"According to a student witness, the transgender boy entered the girls locker room and after being confronted for being in there, spat at a group of girls and exposed his penis to them. “He spit on my friends that are girls, females. He shows his genitals in the locker room." A fight then ensued outside between one of the female victims and the Transgender boy. "

No surprise you take the side of this thug
"According to a student witness, the transgender boy entered the girls locker room and after being confronted for being in there, spat at a group of girls and exposed his penis to them. “He spit on my friends that are girls, females. He shows his genitals in the locker room." A fight then ensued outside between one of the female victims and the Transgender boy. "

No surprise you take the side of this thug

joe secretly wishes he had a penis. So he over compensates by always taking the tranny side. I hope the tranny student is expelled. You know anybody else doing something similar would be.
That may not happen in today’s sissified generation

We are raising a generation of lib pussies

View attachment 780802
The pussification of today's American youth ... they now require safe spaces, censored language, trigger warnings and alignment with like individuals so they don't lash out with violence outbreaks or crawl back to their safe area.
This guy was Bout 3X the size of the girl he was pounding? If this is the same, I saw this video last week. Not signing jn again to frekin google.
:mad-61: :cuckoo:

Aaaaaaaaand you ignore the fact that a boy, was beating up a girl.

You mean after she threw the first punch?

No surprise you take the side of this thug
I'm not taking any side. I Just don't think it's the big moral panic the rest of you think it is.

The pussification of today's American youth ... they now require safe spaces, censored language, trigger warnings and alignment with like individuals so they don't lash out with violence outbreaks or crawl back to their safe area.

Um, you are the ones having a meltdown over a tranny on a beer can.

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