19,000 Ukrainian soldiers deserted!

19,000 AWOL Ukrainian soldiers?

I doubt it. Smells like propaganda to me.
People are upset they are losing their generational homes and businesses. That stuff doesn't go without a fight.

Well maybe she should have thought about that before she threw her lot in with the disciples of Bandera.
So her whole town she has owned a business in is going to be destroyed and somehow that is her fault?

That's racist. ULM
Ukrainian Lives Matter

Are all Russians as racist as you are?
So her whole town she has owned a business in is going to be destroyed and somehow that is her fault?

That's racist. ULM
Ukrainian Lives Matter

Are all Russians as racist as you are?
I am not Russian you clown i don't know how many times i have to say it, she made the wrong Choice when the elected Government was overthrown by the US and their Ukrainian collaborators, and she doesn't need to leave she could stay.
I am not Russian
No, you are, or you are getting fucked by Muslim 🇷🇺 🇸🇦 ivan daily


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