19 of 21 legal experts say healthcare should stand

when scotus tells the American people they are on their own again in healthcare the American people are going to hate the scotus.
If it doesn't get upheld, who pays for the treatment of the uninsured? It's not like ambulances and ERs are going to refuse service, are they?
Obama Health Law Seen Valid, Scholars Expect Rejection - Bloomberg

The U.S. Supreme Court should uphold a law requiring most Americans to have health insurance if the justices follow legal precedent, according to 19 of 21 constitutional law professors who ventured an opinion on the most-anticipated ruling in years.

Only eight of them predicted the court would do so.


11 must know that they have their own heads up their own asses.

Liberal scholars think they are more correct than SCOTUS can be.

Imagine that!

Some of them probably are. Maybe not on this, but in general. Heck any educated citizen could be more correct than the Supreme Court. They are just 9 men who were appointed by the President. They aren't gods. They aren't infallible.
I realize that SCOTUS can and does err now and then. Where ambiguity regarding the interpretation of law is discovered in a SCOTUS case, the vote goes along liberal/conservative lines...with the heavier side winning...either of which could be WRONG!

I am just thankful that there are nine of them.
If it doesn't get upheld, who pays for the treatment of the uninsured? It's not like ambulances and ERs are going to refuse service, are they?

That is not a question the SC answers....and if you think it should I suggest you ask to retake your civics class...you were screwed.
First they GIVE Bush the election in 2000.

and now they deside everything in a neo con manner.

Not to point out the OBVIOUS, you clueless idiot...but THIS Supreme Court didn't give anything to anyone in 2000 because 4 of the current members WERE NOT EVEN ON THE COURT AT THAT TIME!!! GET YOUR HEAD OUT OF YOUR ASS.
when scotus tells the American people they are on their own again in healthcare the American people are going to hate the scotus.

When more people are against it than are for it, most people are going to tell you to get an aenema because you are full of s__t.
Well Whitman is a lib I imagine most all are, still I'd like to say I disagree there is no precedent for telling all Americans they MUST purchase something.
If it doesn't get upheld, who pays for the treatment of the uninsured? It's not like ambulances and ERs are going to refuse service, are they?

The same people that pay for the uninsured now will continue to pay for the uninsured.

Health care was NOT denied to people in the USA prior to Obama "saving" us.
when people are kicked off their current healthcare for preexsisting conditions and the like they are not going to be happy.

they will blame the scotus.

its going to be sad
First they GIVE Bush the election in 2000.

and now they deside everything in a neo con manner.

when people are kicked off their current healthcare for preexsisting conditions and the like they are not going to be happy.

they will blame the scotus.

its going to be sad

If they already have coverage it's not preexsisting conditions
Right wingers will not respect law professors, this thread is a waste of time.

Yeah, look at what they give us... dopes like President Barry Kardashian who seems to be unable to distinguish a buttonhole from an asshole.

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