19 US Troops Have Been Killed This Week In Afghanistan


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts
Five U.S. troops killed by IED attack in Afghanistan

By Kiko Itasaka and Matthew DeLuca, NBC News

Five United States troops were killed Saturday by an attack involving an improvised explosive device, the NATO-led security force in the country said.

The troops were in southern Afghanistan when they were attacked, the International Security Assistance Force said in a statement.

Nineteen American personnel have died over the past week, including a series of air crashes and the bombing on Saturday. Seven people died when a U.S. civilian cargo plain crashed and exploded shortly after takeoff from Bagram Airfield outside Kabul earlier in the week.

Kandahar governor's spokesperson Jawed Faizel says there was a large roadside bomb that exploded on Saturday, killing the five U.S. soldiers.

The Taliban did not immediately claim responsibility for this incident.​


Five U.S. troops killed by IED attack in Afghanistan - World News
"Rasool and other Afghan villagers have their own name for Predator drones. They call them benghai, which in the Pashto language means the 'buzzing of flies.'

"When they explain the noise, they scrunch their faces and try to make a sound that resembles an army of flies.

"'They are evil things that fly so high you don't see them but all the time you hear them,' said Rasool, whose body is stooped and shrunken with age and his voice barely louder than a whisper. 'Night and day we hear this sound and then the bombardment starts.'"

So what happens when the economy crashes, and the Pentagon can't borrow enough money to kill Muslims in Afghanistan?

U.S. Drone Strikes In Afghanistan Cause Villagers To Flee: Report
Not a word from the left. They used the deaths of our troops to win an election then discarded them until they can exploit them again.
What "left" are you talking about?
The one I saw put millions of people into the streets all around this planet in opposition to a pair of illegal invasions and occupations that have since murdered, maimed, incarcerated, or displaced millions of innocent Muslim civilians.
In WW1, there would be single days were tens of thousands of soldiers on just one side would get killed.
What "left" are you talking about?
The one I saw put millions of people into the streets all around this planet in opposition to a pair of illegal invasions and occupations that have since murdered, maimed, incarcerated, or displaced millions of innocent Muslim civilians.

Oh, now it's a pair of illegal invasion, not just one in Iraq. (Afghanistan was the good war don't you know. Bush had us all but outta there)

Funny how the anarchists and communists' like to move the goalposts constantly.
What "left" are you talking about?
The one I saw put millions of people into the streets all around this planet in opposition to a pair of illegal invasions and occupations that have since murdered, maimed, incarcerated, or displaced millions of innocent Muslim civilians.

Oh, now it's a pair of illegal invasion, not just one in Iraq. (Afghanistan was the good war don't you know. Bush had us all but outta there)

Funny how the anarchists and communists' like to move the goalposts constantly.
The left has never been confused about the crime committed on 911.
Conservatives seem to think maiming and murdering thousands of innocent civilians in Afghanistan compensate for their reluctance to fully investigate how two planes crashed three steel framed skyscrapers.
what a shame they had to die.

How I wish Bush had not ingored the real war and went into iraq all those years ago.

we should have taken out AQ training camps and got the hell out.
what a shame they had to die.

How I wish Bush had not ingored the real war and went into iraq all those years ago.

we should have taken out AQ training camps and got the hell out.
We created al-Qa'ida to drive the godless commies from Afghanistan.
We are funding and training their spiritual descendants in Syria and Chechyna today.
Every president since Carter has participated:

"At last we know. The mysterious legal authority for Barack Obama’s killer drone program flows from another administration with an elastic interpretation of executive power: that of Richard Nixon.

"In a chilling 16-page dossier known simply as the White Paper, one of Obama’s statutory brains at the Justice Department cites the 1969 secret bombing of Cambodia as a legal rationale justifying drone strikes, deep inside nations, against which the United States is not officially at war."

Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names

It's a shame all presidents who commit war crimes aren't condemned for their sins.

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