*ALL Jews Will Automatically Vote For Democrats, Do Whats Opposite In Their Interest!*

The Only Jews I know are ''pro-choice'' Republicans. I know what it says in the Bible and they did that but they came back to Gods way at least the ones that lived anyway.
Sorry bout that,

1. It would be generous to say only 25% survived the wrath of G-Ds judgement, when it could of been 100%.
2. It just amazes me where we are in this world, I'm pulling for you Jews, keep going.
3. But try to stay out of the (Colonels Pressure Cooker), here in the States, those in Israel will do what G-D says, your not doing anything here, the future of the Jews are in the LAND of Israel.
4. We will protect the Jew, cause your G-Ds children, children that are not listening, but your still G-Ds.

Sorry bout that,

1. Well to be fair just read the Bible, they always chose to go against what G-D leaded them to, not just once, not just twice but many many times.
2. Why were they so refusing to except help from G-D, he said go this way they chose to go another way.
3. How can a people be so intolerant of G-Ds guiding hand.
4. All they did was complain how unjust it was, sad really.
5. Ok let them fry now.
6. Your decision.
7. "Get into the, Pressure Cooker Deep Fryer,"~ says Colonel Sanders.

Old school Anti Semitism here..
Sorry bout that,

1. Oh what we have here is a failure to communicate.
2. And we are seeing certain people who have no ideas, try to attack those with many.
3. I'm the spark of genius of this place.
4. If it wasn't for me you bastards would be in total darkness.
5. Sure I don't spell real good, and I don't use so called proper grammar all the time, half the time, ok, 1/4 of the time, but I have something to say, that you dumb ass' never will.
6. If we sat around looking to debate an issue, we would wait a long time, on you fucks.
7. Try to understand, you guys got squat, always had squat, came from squat, are squat, and "you're" in squat city. lol!!!
8. Anyway whats for dinner, Jews are willing to go into the, chicken pot!
9. No vote will ever save them, they are a danger to themselves.
10. I'm pulling for you Jews, please be aware of the dangers.

Thanks fer leavin' the light on.

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