19 years ago today: Oklahoma City bombing


Diamond Member
Nov 21, 2013
deep within the statistical brain!!
Oklahoma City bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It happened on 19 April, 1995, 19 years ago.


Here is a list of the 168 people who died on that day:

Victims Of The Murrah Building Bombing - CBS News


Feel free to write your thoughts and memories.
Like Cliven Bundy today, Tim McVeigh was just a typical American right-wing hero fighting against the big fascist Sharia Marxist tyrannical Federal government of Democrat traitor Bill Clinton.

Fighting against the government is good, isn't it, right-wing douchemonkeys?
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CaféAuLait;8959166 said:
The baby’s name was Baylee Almon. She would have turned 20 years old today. This photo was taken the day after her first birthday.



I remember that photo and I remember crying openly in a group meeting with some parents at a school that day.

Is probably my strongest memory from the bombing.
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Like Cliven Bundy today, Tim McVeigh was just a typical American right-wing hero fighting against the big fascist Sharia Marxist tyrannical Federal government of Democrat traitor Bill Clinton.

Fighting against the government is good, isn't it, right-wing douchemonkeys?

No, [MENTION=45917]KNB[/MENTION], no.

This thread is not about Right/ Left shit-slinging. That was and is not my intent. It's about remembering the victims in a respectful way.

Take your horseshit elsewhere.
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CaféAuLait;8959186 said:
I wonder if it's possible to remember the victims without turning into a partisan political name calling match? :(

People of good will from all sides of the political spectrum will see this thread for what it is: a humble memorial. And they will act like people of good will.

I'm disappointed that KNB decided to go that way. Whoever KNB is, btw.
CaféAuLait;8959186 said:
I wonder if it's possible to remember the victims without turning into a partisan political name calling match? :(

It's not. McVeigh was a product of the set of Americans who hate other Americans and our government, those who see violence as a solution to an unproved problem. What McVeigh and his accomplishes did was pure EVIL and to deny this set of Americans is not political is to put ones head in the sand.
Like Cliven Bundy today, Tim McVeigh was just a typical American right-wing hero fighting against the big fascist Sharia Marxist tyrannical Federal government of Democrat traitor Bill Clinton.

Fighting against the government is good, isn't it, right-wing douchemonkeys?
No, [MENTION=45917]KNB[/MENTION], no.

This thread is not about Right/Left shit-slinging. That was and is not my intent. It's about remembering the victims in a respectful way.

Take your horseshit elsewhere.
Excuse me, but you started the horseshit by wanting to "remember" people for the mere fact that they died. So let's apply that same "respect" to everyone else who has ever died for any reason, anywhere on Earth throughout history.

Let's remember the Iraqis killed by US weapons sold to Saddam. Let's remember the ongoing slaughter in Afghanistan to try to win a war that the CIA designed to never end. Or is this only to remember American deaths in April? Well, then let's remember the Branch Davidians. Let's remember Columbine. Let's remember the Beirut embassy bombing. Let's start a thread remembering every death throughout history for every day of the year.

Or you can move your horseshit to the "clean debate" arena instead of putting this in current events. The Oklahoma City bombing isn't a current event, but stupid mouth-breathing Republican Teabaggers wanting to go to war against the evil Marxist Kenyan Muslim-in-Chief is a current event that needs to be addressed before one of these trigger-happy morons tries to grow a pair and take a shot at our President.
Like Cliven Bundy today, Tim McVeigh was just a typical American right-wing hero fighting against the big fascist Sharia Marxist tyrannical Federal government of Democrat traitor Bill Clinton.

Fighting against the government is good, isn't it, right-wing douchemonkeys?
No, [MENTION=45917]KNB[/MENTION], no.

This thread is not about Right/Left shit-slinging. That was and is not my intent. It's about remembering the victims in a respectful way.

Take your horseshit elsewhere.
Excuse me, but you started the horseshit by wanting to "remember" people for the mere fact that they died. So let's apply that same "respect" to everyone else who has ever died for any reason, anywhere on Earth throughout history.

Let's remember the Iraqis killed by US weapons sold to Saddam. Let's remember the ongoing slaughter in Afghanistan to try to win a war that the CIA designed to never end. Or is this only to remember American deaths in April? Well, then let's remember the Branch Davidians. Let's remember Columbine. Let's remember the Beirut embassy bombing. Let's start a thread remembering every death throughout history for every day of the year.

Or you can move your horseshit to the "clean debate" arena instead of putting this in current events. The Oklahoma City bombing isn't a current event, but stupid mouth-breathing Republican Teabaggers wanting to go to war against the evil Marxist Kenyan Muslim-in-Chief is a current event that needs to be addressed before one of these trigger-happy morons tries to grow a pair and take a shot at our President.

No, it's not bullshit. Sometimes a memorial is just that: a memorial.

The Oklahoma City bombing is not a current event, but the memorial TODAY is, being the 19th anniversary. And next year on April 19th, I am going to put out a memorial thread too.

Don't like it? Tough shit for you.

I hate it when Righties spew this venom and I hate is just as much when Lefties do it.

You are out of line, way, way, way out of line.

So get off yer fucking high horse before you get an incurable nosebleed.
Like Cliven Bundy today, Tim McVeigh was just a typical American right-wing hero fighting against the big fascist Sharia Marxist tyrannical Federal government of Democrat traitor Bill Clinton.

Fighting against the government is good, isn't it, right-wing douchemonkeys?

Absolutely despicable. How utterly shameful. How dare you dishonor the memories of those people with your partisan hackery? Take that political BS somewhere else. You too Wry. You thanked the post. You would much rather use this to trash your political opponents. I will not stand for it.

You too conservatives. Keep it classy.
I'm sorry but if you don't address the root causes of the right-wing douchebaggery that caused the Oklahoma City bombing then you are eventually going to have to deal with more right-wing psycho bombers.

Remember the victims all you want, but remember the perpetrators, too: psycho right-wing assholes. There are still a lot of them running around out there.
I'm sorry but if you don't address the root causes of the right-wing douchebaggery that caused the Oklahoma City bombing then you are eventually going to have to deal with more right-wing psycho bombers.

Remember the victims all you want, but remember the perpetrators, too: psycho right-wing assholes. There are still a lot of them running around out there.

You're just as bad as those Westboro people. Perhaps you should join them.
I'm sorry but if you don't address the root causes of the right-wing douchebaggery that caused the Oklahoma City bombing then you are eventually going to have to deal with more right-wing psycho bombers.

Remember the victims all you want, but remember the perpetrators, too: psycho right-wing assholes. There are still a lot of them running around out there.
Give it a break retard.

You are the only asshole on this thread. ... :evil:
Did a right-wing asshole blow up the FBI building or not? You want to remember the victims but not the piece of shit coward who killed them? You don't want to ask the very simple question, "Why would he do that?"

Turn on FOX News any day of the week.........

"Obama's a tyrant!" "Obama's destroying America!" "Obama's war on white people!" "Obama's a Marxist Sharia Muslim pussy!" "The government is coming for your rights!" Etc. etc. etc. etc.

Do you really wonder why some crazy right-wing lunatics go off the deep end?
You dishonor their memory even more by ignoring the reasons for their deaths.
You dishonor their memory even more by ignoring the reasons for their deaths.

Really now? That's odd. I'm not the one trolling a memorial thread. The reasons they died were because two idiot extremists decided to act on their delusions and slaughter 168 innocent people. Somehow you think that in retrospect, the entire Republican party killed them.

But it doesn't matter now. It could have been either party and it would have been equally as tragic. You embarrass yourself. Too busy playing the blame game and ignoring how we can learn from such tragedy.
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