19 years ago today: Oklahoma City bombing

And what can we learn from this tragedy? "Violence isn't the answer"? Tell that to the gun monkeys in Nevada.
Did a right-wing asshole blow up the FBI building or not? You want to remember the victims but not the piece of shit coward who killed them? You don't want to ask the very simple question, "Why would he do that?"
Actually, Tim McVeigh never made a statement or uttered a single word as to why he blew up the building in OKC.

In reality, no one knows his motives or motivation for the attack.

So your idiotic screaming about right wing nut doing this and that doesn't hold water.

Because he could have committed the bombing for left wing reasons or no reason at all.

Now be a nice chap an vacate this memorial thread.

And quit looking like a complete fool. ... :cool:
Did a right-wing asshole blow up the FBI building or not? You want to remember the victims but not the piece of shit coward who killed them? You don't want to ask the very simple question, "Why would he do that?"
Actually, Tim McVeigh never made a statement or uttered a single word as to why he blew up the building in OKC.

In reality, no one knows his motives or motivation for the attack.

So your idiotic screaming about right wing nut doing this and that doesn't hold water.

Because he could have committed the bombing for left wing reasons or no reason at all.

Now be a nice chap an vacate this memorial thread.

And quit looking like a complete fool. ... :cool:
Right. Because leftist hippie peaceniks are always blowing up Federal buildings. It happens all the time....... You know their old slogan- "Peace, love, and firepower."

TemplarKormac said:
OOH! You sure showed me. Right-wing assholes want to ignore the fact that all of the victims that they're "honoring" were killed by another right-wing asshole, and you're going to call someone a "troll" for pointing that out to you. Good job.
Right. Because leftist hippie peaceniks are always blowing up Federal buildings. It happens all the time....... You know their old slogan- "Peace, love, and firepower."
Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Weathermen Underground, ..... :cool:
Those people only matter in your imagination. Read the words of Jesus Christ, Kahlil Gibran, Mahatma Gandhi, Mary Harris Jones or Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. if you want to learn the real Progressive message.
Right. Because leftist hippie peaceniks are always blowing up Federal buildings. It happens all the time....... You know their old slogan- "Peace, love, and firepower."
Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, Weathermen Underground, ..... :cool:
Those people only matter in your imagination. Read the words of Jesus Christ, Kahlil Gibran, Mahatma Gandhi, Mary Harris Jones or Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. if you want to learn the real Progressive message.
Dude.....you need to put the bong down and take a break.

Seriously........... :cool:
And you need to pick the bong up if you think that Bernadine Dohrn speaks for more Progressives than Dr. King or Jesus.
The best tribute to the victims of this evil would be to make sure it never happens again.
Sadly, the baby and all the other victims will have their graves dishonoured many times over because extremists (of whatever type) are far too stupid to stop their murderous rampages.

Left or right isn't the problem; extremist stupidity is.
I had really hoped that this would not turn into a pissing match over ideologies. Please, let's not go there. There are plenty of threads out there for that kind of junk.

For a Right-Wingnut who has don something horrible, you can also find a Left-Wingnut who has also done something horrible as well. Too many people are always looking for an ideological cause when a lone person does something like this, but they forget that in order to murder like this, you have to be pretty darned crazy in the head - and craziness like this has nothing in the world to do with ideologies that we know in the USA. Conservativism does NOT promote mass murder and terrorism and neither does Liberalism. That much should be clear to all of us.

And no, we don't always have to re-examine the ideological causes for the "why" of this in order to solemnly remember the dead. Remembering out of respect doesn't require me to do anything other than that: to remember. For the parents who lost their 1 year old baby, I am pretty sure they don't care in the least about ideology when thinking of that child. I am pretty sure that they love and miss that child. And I shudder at the thought were something like this to happen to my child or my friends' children.

I will now members of good will from all over the spectrum - from the extreme Right to the extreme Left and in-between, to simply remember with me today, nothing less and nothing more. I can't bring those lives back, but I can honor their memory in a humble way. We all can.

So, I am going to invite a very disparate list of people, some of whom are true friends and some of whom don't really get along with me at all, but that doesn't matter, cuz this thread is for all of us:

[MENTION=18755]mal[/MENTION] [MENTION=42916]Derideo_Te[/MENTION] [MENTION=43625]Mertex[/MENTION] [MENTION=19448]CrusaderFrank[/MENTION] [MENTION=25505]Jroc[/MENTION] [MENTION=42649]Gracie[/MENTION] [MENTION=31178]MeBelle60[/MENTION] [MENTION=24208]Spoonman[/MENTION] [MENTION=1322]007[/MENTION] [MENTION=20155]paperview[/MENTION] [MENTION=18990]Barb[/MENTION] [MENTION=44172]Sweet_Caroline[/MENTION] [MENTION=36767]Bloodrock44[/MENTION] [MENTION=36528]cereal_killer[/MENTION] [MENTION=19170]Coyote[/MENTION] [MENTION=25493]kiwiman127[/MENTION] [MENTION=41527]Pogo[/MENTION] [MENTION=6847]Foxfyre[/MENTION] [MENTION=36154]Roudy[/MENTION] [MENTION=15726]Hossfly[/MENTION] [MENTION=42946]Howey[/MENTION] [MENTION=27986]R.D.[/MENTION] [MENTION=45164]pacer[/MENTION] [MENTION=38281]Wolfsister77[/MENTION] [MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION] @HighGravity [MENTION=23239]westwall[/MENTION] [MENTION=20204]Kondor3[/MENTION] [MENTION=47390]DriftingSand[/MENTION] - just to name some

Feel free to share your memories of that day or your impressions.

I hold in my mind that each one of those innocent victims had family and friends.
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Tis was a sad day.....such a horrible tragedy, so many children...

it is indeed horrible when a person decides to avenge what he thinks is a wrong and takes it out on innocent people.

I was working at Edwards AFB, and heard it on the radio...I couldn't believe what I was hearing, why, why, why was the only thing most of us could mutter.

May all those innocents rest in peace.

(And Sunni, Jesus is alive).....:)
Unlike most of the people on this thread I grew up in Oklahoma and was still living there when the bombing took place.

The local media put out a list of items needed by the rescue teams.

One item was sun screen because, even though it was late April, the sun in Oklahoma burns hot and bright in the cloudless blue sky.

So I contacted a company I was associated with in Idaho and told them about the situation.

They responded by donating several cases of their sun screen product to the rescue teams. ... :cool:
Hard to believe it is 19 years already. It seems like only yesterday, I was watching t.v. and breaking news cut into the programming. I was shocked at the news and overwhelmed with emotion at the sight of the devastation. The images I have of the bombing are as vivid today as they were back then. I will devote 168 seconds of silence in remembrance of the 168 victims who lost their lives in the bombing.

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