1949 Armistice Agreement

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
Excerpts Lebanon:


The Parties to the present Agreement,

Responding to the Security Council resolution of 16 November 1948, calling upon them, as a further provisional measure under Article 40 of the Charter of the United Nations and in order to facilitate the transition from the present truce to permanent peace in Palestine, to negotiate an armistice;

In where?

Article I

With a view to promoting the return of permanent peace in Palestine and in recognition of the importance in this regard of mutual assurances concerning the future military operations of the Parties, the following principles, which shall be fully observed by both Parties during the armistice, are hereby affirmed:

In where?

Article V

1. The Armistice Demarcation Line shall follow the international boundary between the Lebanon and Palestine.

The international boundary between Lebanon and where?

Israel-Lebanon Armistice Agreement
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Excerpts Syria:


The Parties to the present Agreement,

Responding to the Security Council resolution of 16 November 1948, calling upon them, as a further provisional measure under Article 40 of the Charter of the United Nations and in order to facilitate the transition from the present truce to permanent peace in Palestine, to negotiate an armistice;

A permanent peace in where?

Article I

1. The injunction of the Security Council against resort to military force in the settlement of the Palestine question shall henceforth be scrupulously respected by both Parties. The establishment of an armistice between their armed forces is accepted as an indispensable step toward the liquidation of armed conflict and the restoration of peace in Palestine.

The restoration of peace in where?

Article V

Where the existing truce lines run along the international boundary between Syria and Palestine, the Armistice Demarcation Line shall follow the boundary line.

The international boundary between Syria and where?

Article VIII

2. This Agreement, having been negotiated and concluded in pursuance of the resolution of the Security Council of 16 November 1948 calling for the establishment of an armistice in order to eliminate the threat to the peace in Palestine and to facilitate the transition from the present truce to permanent peace in Palestine, shall remain in force until a peaceful settlement between the Parties is achieved, except as provided in paragraph 3 of this Article.

Peace in where?

Israel-Syria Armistice Agreement
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Excerpts Egypt:

Article V

1. The line described in Article VI of this Agreement shall be designated as the Armistice Demarcation Line and is delineated in pursuance of the purpose and intent of the resolutions of the Security Council of 4 and 16 November 1948.

2. The Armistice Demarcation Line is not to be construed in any sense as a political or territorial boundary, and is delineated without prejudice to rights, claims and positions of either Party to the Armistice as regards ultimate settlement of the Palestine question.

3. The basic purpose of the Armistice Demarcation Line is to delineate the line beyond which the armed forces of the respective Parties shall not move except as provided in Article III of this Agreement.
Annex I

On the sole basis of military considerations involving the forces of the two Parties to this Agreement as well as third party forces in the area not covered by this Agreement, the demarcation of the western and eastern fronts in Palestine is to be understood as follows:

b. Eastern Front:

The area east of the line described in paragraph a above, and from point 402 down to the southernmost tip of Palestine, by a straight line marking half the distance between the Egypt-Palestine and Transjordan-Palestine frontiers.

Israel-Egypt Armistice Agreement
It is interesting to note that the Armistice Agreement called an and to the 1948 war. It was after the so called establishment if a Jewish homeland in Palestine. That did not happen. It is also after the partition plan of the UN. (Resolution 181) This also did not happen.

None of these agreements mentioned Israel. All of the borders mentioned were between Lebanon and Palestine, Syria and Palestine, Jordan and Palestine, and Egypt and Palestine. Israel was not mentioned as being on one side of any of these borders.
So all the Islamic countries refused to acknowledge Israel in 1949, and this is worthy of comment how?

They still don't except for Jordan and Egypt who both are paid by the US to do so. However, there are popular movements in both countries to can their peace agreements with Israel.
If a nation has the power and cunning to exist it does, if not it does not.

Their is something simple and fair about that.

All the rest is just babble.
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So all the Islamic countries refused to acknowledge Israel in 1949, and this is worthy of comment how?

They still don't except for Jordan and Egypt who both are paid by the US to do so. However, there are popular movements in both countries to can their peace agreements with Israel.

The FACT is, officialy or unofficially, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lybia any most other Mid-East countries have already accepted Israel, either throygh peace accords, armistice agreements (like the one you quote here which was signed between by Lebanon and....wait for it.....ISRAEL), or many assorted proposals for peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

but don't let that get your way....
So all the Islamic countries refused to acknowledge Israel in 1949, and this is worthy of comment how?

They still don't except for Jordan and Egypt who both are paid by the US to do so. However, there are popular movements in both countries to can their peace agreements with Israel.

The FACT is, officialy or unofficially, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lybia any most other Mid-East countries have already accepted Israel, either throygh peace accords, armistice agreements (like the one you quote here which was signed between by Lebanon and....wait for it.....ISRAEL), or many assorted proposals for peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

but don't let that get your way....

Don't worry. I won't.

The recognition of Israel's existence is one thing. The recognition of Israels "right" to exist is another. Surely Israel exists, but does it have that right. The Palestinians are the only ones who can grant that so called right. Until the Palestinians grant that right, Israel does not have it.
It is interesting to note that the Armistice Agreement called an and to the 1948 war. It was after the so called establishment if a Jewish homeland in Palestine. That did not happen. It is also after the partition plan of the UN. (Resolution 181) This also did not happen.

None of these agreements mentioned Israel. All of the borders mentioned were between Lebanon and Palestine, Syria and Palestine, Jordan and Palestine, and Egypt and Palestine. Israel was not mentioned as being on one side of any of these borders.

Forum Dunce, on November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13 in favor of the Partition Plan, which took effect when the British withdraw from Palestine.

You are the Forum Dunce.
They still don't except for Jordan and Egypt who both are paid by the US to do so. However, there are popular movements in both countries to can their peace agreements with Israel.

The FACT is, officialy or unofficially, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lybia any most other Mid-East countries have already accepted Israel, either throygh peace accords, armistice agreements (like the one you quote here which was signed between by Lebanon and....wait for it.....ISRAEL), or many assorted proposals for peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

but don't let that get your way....

Don't worry. I won't.

The recognition of Israel's existence is one thing. The recognition of Israels "right" to exist is another. Surely Israel exists, but does it have that right. The Palestinians are the only ones who can grant that so called right. Until the Palestinians grant that right, Israel does not have it.

Forum Dunce, Israel is the ONLY country in the Middle East and North Africa given the right to exist by BOTH the League of Nations AND the UN.

The vast majority of countries in the region were merely created in the 20th century out of the old Ottoman Empire after its collapse in World War I. The British invented Jordan, which never existed in history, in the 1920s and named it after the Jordan River. In contrast, Israel existed not once, but, twice in antiquity.

Palestinians have no rights as Palestine was under Ottoman sovereignty for 400 years and most of the land was state-owned. Pallies were merely tenant farmers. Renters have no rights.

You are the Forum Dunce.
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It is interesting to note that the Armistice Agreement called an and to the 1948 war. It was after the so called establishment if a Jewish homeland in Palestine. That did not happen. It is also after the partition plan of the UN. (Resolution 181) This also did not happen.

None of these agreements mentioned Israel. All of the borders mentioned were between Lebanon and Palestine, Syria and Palestine, Jordan and Palestine, and Egypt and Palestine. Israel was not mentioned as being on one side of any of these borders.

Forum Dunce, on November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13 in favor of the Partition Plan, which took effect when the British withdraw from Palestine.

You are the Forum Dunce.

No it didn't. The partition never happened. If you have any documentation to the contrary, post it.
So all the Islamic countries refused to acknowledge Israel in 1949, and this is worthy of comment how?

They still don't except for Jordan and Egypt who both are paid by the US to do so. However, there are popular movements in both countries to can their peace agreements with Israel.

There are no such movements. You know less than zero about the Middle East.

You only know about being the Forum Dunce.
It is interesting to note that the Armistice Agreement called an and to the 1948 war. It was after the so called establishment if a Jewish homeland in Palestine. That did not happen. It is also after the partition plan of the UN. (Resolution 181) This also did not happen.

None of these agreements mentioned Israel. All of the borders mentioned were between Lebanon and Palestine, Syria and Palestine, Jordan and Palestine, and Egypt and Palestine. Israel was not mentioned as being on one side of any of these borders.

Forum Dunce, on November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13 in favor of the Partition Plan, which took effect when the British withdraw from Palestine.

You are the Forum Dunce.

No it didn't. The partition never happened. If you have any documentation to the contrary, post it.

Yes, the partition happened. It's called Israel, you mo-ron, established under UN Res. 181, passed by a majority of the UN General Assembly.

You are the Forum Dunce.
The FACT is, officialy or unofficially, Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Lybia any most other Mid-East countries have already accepted Israel, either throygh peace accords, armistice agreements (like the one you quote here which was signed between by Lebanon and....wait for it.....ISRAEL), or many assorted proposals for peace between Israel and the Palestinians.

but don't let that get your way....

Don't worry. I won't.

The recognition of Israel's existence is one thing. The recognition of Israels "right" to exist is another. Surely Israel exists, but does it have that right. The Palestinians are the only ones who can grant that so called right. Until the Palestinians grant that right, Israel does not have it.

Forum Dunce, Israel is the ONLY country in the Middle East and North Africa given the right to exist by BOTH the League of Nations AND the UN.

The vast majority of countries in the region were merely created in the 20th century out of the old Ottoman Empire after its collapse in World War I. The British invented Jordan, which never existed in history, in the 1920s and named it after the Jordan River. In contrast, Israel existed not once, but, twice in antiquity.

Palestinians have no rights as Palestine was under Ottoman sovereignty for 400 years and most of the land was state-owned. Pallies were merely tenant farmers. Renters have no rights.

You are the Forum Dunce.

No it didn't. Both the "homeland for the Jews" and the "partition plan" crashed and burned. neither one of those things happened.

Several countries were created by drawing borders. Palestine is the only one that had its native population driven out and replaced by foreign settlers. That happens to be illegal.
Forum Dunce, on November 29, 1947, the United Nations General Assembly voted 33 to 13 in favor of the Partition Plan, which took effect when the British withdraw from Palestine.

You are the Forum Dunce.

No it didn't. The partition never happened. If you have any documentation to the contrary, post it.

Yes, the partition happened. It's called Israel, you mo-ron, established under UN Res. 181, passed by a majority of the UN General Assembly.

You are the Forum Dunce.

What, no documentation? Of course not. There is no documentation so you can't produce it. You are just blowing smoke. The partition plan never happened.
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