1952, 1968, 2024


Diamond Member
Apr 28, 2011
This feels more like 1968, for those of us old enough to remember.

We’ll see if Democrats can unite to defeat Trump.
This feels more like 1968, for those of us old enough to remember.

We’ll see if Democrats can unite to defeat Trump.
Similar to 1968 but different enough that I feel the Democrats could win in 2024.
In 1968 the party was split on the Vietnam war.
In 2024 the party has unified, finally, that it is time for Biden to pass the torch because of age. The party is unified on the necessity to beat Trump.
Trump is the equivalent of the Vietnam war in 1968, in more ways than one.
There is unity to take him down along with many Republicans and Independets.
Similar to 1968 but different enough that I feel the Democrats could win in 2024.
In 1968 the party was split on the Vietnam war.
In 2024 the party has unified, finally, that it is time for Biden to pass the torch because of age. The party is unified on the necessity to beat Trump.
Trump is the equivalent of the Vietnam war in 1968, in more ways than one.
There is unity to take him down along with many Republicans and Independets.
This is a great assessment. I believe you may have pretty much nailed the essence of this time.
This feels more like 1968, for those of us old enough to remember.

We’ll see if Democrats can unite to defeat Trump.

Will the Dems and the Establishment have the courage to elect a legitimate leader who could stare down the global threats that are growing?

This is critical. There needs to be two choices that can benefit the U.S economy that brings back the Middle Class and can ensure China does not take Taiwan. If the wrong president is in power between 2024 and 2028, you can expect that Xi will take Taiwan. The experts predicted 2026. Who knows?

If Taiwan falls, the chips and territory are controlled by China, it's game over.

As such, one candidate who should never be president is Newsom.

I'd prefer Hillary throw her name in hat, that's how critical the world is at this point. She at least has some credibility as a potential leader.
I thought he would. But he stopped, which is something Trump should do.
Again your thought is wrong. Trump should not drop out. He is literally about to be our next president. Why should he drop out?
Yes, hopefully it will be like '68, and there will be riots at the Dimocrat convention.
There won't be any riots at the Democratic convention. Because there is no Vietnam that a president is send our troops to. Your party needs to remove Trump, but since the Trump family controls the RNC, you guys are just going to be made to suffer.
Will the Dems and the Establishment have the courage to elect a legitimate leader who could stare down the global threats that are growing?

This is critical. There needs to be two choices that can benefit the U.S economy that brings back the Middle Class and can ensure China does not take Taiwan. If the wrong president is in power between 2024 and 2028, you can expect that Xi will take Taiwan. The experts predicted 2026. Who knows?

If Taiwan falls, the chips and territory are controlled by China, it's game over.

As such, one candidate who should never be president is Newsom.
Harris is that leader. How about you concernt yourself with whether Trudeau can do all tose things.
I was here in 68. I was 7. These days do kinda feel like the 1960's.
For President Biden it wasn’t an unpopular war but an ‘unpopular economy’ – the incorrect perception that there’s something ‘wrong’ with the economy, and the president’s inability to overcome that incorrect perception.
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For President Biden it wasn’t an unpopular war but an ‘unpopular economy’ – the incorrect perception that there’s something ‘wrong’ with the economy, and the president’s inability to overcome that incorrect perception.
Yeah, the disinformation was never something he could get out in front of. I don't know who he had for P.R. but they should be fired. On top of that trump never shut his fucking mouth like every other ex president did during the term of their sucessor.
Harris is that leader. How about you concernt yourself with whether Trudeau can do all tose things.

You don't understand what's at stake. My fear is that far too many people don't understand this, even those who are supposed to.

I predicted war after Biden won in 2020 and I expected the greatest shift of global influence in my lifetime.

I thought China would be that expander, though Russia clearly was along with the terrorists in the M.E. China however, definitely expanded their global influence and has even insulated themselves from the impact the West can have on their economy.

For you this is a "my Party vs the other Party" battle. For me I see all of the signs of the real potential for WWIII at a time when Europe in particular is grossly unprepared across many metrics.
Will the Dems and the Establishment have the courage to elect a legitimate leader who could stare down the global threats that are growing?

This is critical. There needs to be two choices that can benefit the U.S economy that brings back the Middle Class and can ensure China does not take Taiwan. If the wrong president is in power between 2024 and 2028, you can expect that Xi will take Taiwan. The experts predicted 2026. Who knows?

If Taiwan falls, the chips and territory are controlled by China, it's game over.

As such, one candidate who should never be president is Newsom.

I'd prefer Hillary throw her name in hat, that's how critical the world is at this point. She at least has some credibility as a potential leader.
If you believe what you wrote why would you back Trump? Trump is more likely than any other presidential candidate to hand over Taiwan to China. Trump was just bashing Taiwan. His position is so out of the mainstream that even his fellow Pubs are distancing themselves from Trump’s Taiwan position.

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If you believe what you wrote why would you back Trump? Trump is more likely than any other presidential candidate to hand over Taiwan to China. Trump was just bashing Taiwan. His position is so out of the mainstream that even his fellow Pubs are distancing themselves fro Trump’s Taiwan position.

Because Trumps words and actions are often different when it comes time to execute. He will sell Taiwan far more weapons and do so without any intimidation from China, he has to set the table for the negotiation. Remember when he called Taiwans PM and all of Americas media were outraged (because it would piss off Xi)? Well, Trump is a wildcard like that.

America has $36T in debt. The world seems oblivious to what this is going to lead to if the rest of the world doesn't pull their weight on these global challenges.

He would also sell weapons to Ukraine if needed, though I sense he would create another East/West split as that which Germany had for years. In a perfect scenario the Ukraine would take back their stolen land, as it were, their best option now seems to be to simply keep the war in a stalemate state. The average age of the Ukrainian soldier is 45, this simply isn't going to be easily maintained absent Western boots on the ground. Russia is simply employing what they did in WWII, a war of attrition.

Beyond this is Trumps ability to demand allies increase their contributions and they are already discussing this in their domestic discussions. I know this because I watch European media nightly. His demands ensure Europe will manufacture weapons again, which is to their own benefit because even England is a paper tiger now.

Where that war ends is anyones guess, but I imagine Americans will not support endless support for Ukraine as inflation destroys their lives. I am not an isolationist, I believe America needs to be a strong presence in the world. However, on the scale of importance and based on the scenario, Ukraine is not the priority over Taiwan.

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