1992 speech Paul Harvey speech about the media pushing global warming due to the HOLE IN THE OZONE


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013

Hilarious. Remember when that was the cause and not the cow farts or people breathing and then for some STRAAAANGE REASON the leftist media didn't celebrate when the "HOLE IN THE OZONE" was fixed.

Yeap, they claim the "HOLE IN THE OZONE" was fixed and how? The "Montreal Protocol."


Hilarious. Remember when that was the cause and not the cow farts or people breathing and then for some STRAAAANGE REASON the leftist media didn't celebrate when the "HOLE IN THE OZONE" was fixed.

Yeap, they claim the "HOLE IN THE OZONE" was fixed and how? The "Montreal Protocol."


The mass media loves only imminent doomsday narratives. Apparently, nothing else sells. I remember going to Jamaica as a teen worried I'd get fried alive by the hole in the ozone while out on the beach. That did not happen, but the fire ants . . . oh, those little teeming, biting bastards.

Hilarious. Remember when that was the cause and not the cow farts or people breathing and then for some STRAAAANGE REASON the leftist media didn't celebrate when the "HOLE IN THE OZONE" was fixed.

Yeap, they claim the "HOLE IN THE OZONE" was fixed and how? The "Montreal Protocol."


Except at that time..there WAS a hole in the ozone layer. Which has been gradually fixed and the threat has been reduced.
Don't you read?

Dems claimed their scientists were 100% sure deformed frogs were the result of the hole in the ozone layer hence the end of the world was near. Later real scientists not on the Dem's government propaganda payroll discovered the frog deformations were the result of a mite. Look Dems LIE that's the one scientific fact you can count on.

Hilarious. Remember when that was the cause and not the cow farts or people breathing and then for some STRAAAANGE REASON the leftist media didn't celebrate when the "HOLE IN THE OZONE" was fixed.

Yeap, they claim the "HOLE IN THE OZONE" was fixed and how? The "Montreal Protocol."


This is a rotten hoax that was the precursor to global warming.

We must resist with violence against these motherfuckers. Never again.

Hilarious. Remember when that was the cause and not the cow farts or people breathing and then for some STRAAAANGE REASON the leftist media didn't celebrate when the "HOLE IN THE OZONE" was fixed.

Yeap, they claim the "HOLE IN THE OZONE" was fixed and how? The "Montreal Protocol."


They started recapturing and recycling the refrigerant gases in1993. My brothers took it seriously and made 10s of millions. Hilarious.
Except at that time..there WAS a hole in the ozone layer. Which has been gradually fixed and the threat has been reduced.
Don't you read?

If you believe that, you are a motherfucking idiot moron bastard motherfucker.
If you believe that, you are a motherfucking idiot moron bastard motherfucker.
Stop using big words. You'll hurt yourself.
Acid rain, hole in the ozone..these things were addressed in the 70's.
Where you been?

Hey, gotta ask. How's that secession for Texas coming?
You have a website I can donate to? :auiqs.jpg:
They started recapturing and recycling the refrigerant gases in1993. My brothers took it seriously and made 10s of millions. Hilarious.

You idiots are so goddamn full of shit.

It was an attempt to shift refrigerant manufacturing to GE and its conglomerate.

It's the same reason why we do not use hemp. Marijuana remained illegal partly to support DuPont' nylon replacement. Same with CFCs.

How powerful global organizations use government force to improve their bottom lines for only that reason. It is the ultimate bitch slap a few communist shits and you buy it hook line and sinker.

You cock sucking idiots are a bunch of goddamn gullible pieces of fucking shit.
Stop using big words. You'll hurt yourself.
Acid rain, hole in the ozone..these things were addressed in the 70's.
Where you been?

Hey, gotta ask. How's that secession for Texas coming?
You have a website I can donate to? :auiqs.jpg:
All proved to be BULLSHIT!!


You useful idiots are exactly what the authoritarian establishment LOVES to have around. Your gullible asses gives those bastards all the power they need.

Hilarious. Remember when that was the cause and not the cow farts or people breathing and then for some STRAAAANGE REASON the leftist media didn't celebrate when the "HOLE IN THE OZONE" was fixed.

Yeap, they claim the "HOLE IN THE OZONE" was fixed and how? The "Montreal Protocol."


I wonder how much money he got from Koch
I agree.

They are all a bunch of fucking liars. There are no safety issues. They want crisis after crisis until we have no rights left.
There are plenty of safety issues, plenty of abuse by corporations that effect citizens and our environment while they make millions, plenty of over regulation by government, and plenty of BS going on from both sides.

The campaigns created and pushed by Koch to completely dismiss any environmental threats is far far far more dangerous to our world than proposed regulations that would cut into their profits.

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