1996 Court Document Confirms Tara Reade Shared Biden Harassment Complaint

The declaration — exclusively obtained by The Tribune in San Luis Obispo, California — does not say Biden committed the harassment nor does it mention Reade’s more recent allegations of sexual assault.
These idiots don't care about actual facts.

Most of these idiots never even read the article.

Why believe in real facts when you can create your own set of alternative facts instead.
From the OP:

The declaration — exclusively obtained by The Tribune in San Luis Obispo, California — does not say Biden committed the harassment nor does it mention Reade’s more recent allegations of sexual assault.

Read more here: https://www.sanluisobispo.com/news/politics-government/article242527331.html#storylink=cpy

We were all told that Kavanaugh absolutely could not be allowed into the USSC because 'credible allegations' of sexual assault that had literally zero corroborative facts. The major media outlets crowed over and over and over again about how credible the allegations were despite the lack of anything backing them up. They would not even report on it without using the term the vast majority of the time. Later it was even shown that her friend supposedly backing her up was pressured into doing so and has since back off as far as she could. Those VERY SAME PEOPLE are now advocating for Biden and saying that such allegations actually do require proof. There is almost no media coverage of this charge. I have not heard the term 'credible allegation' once yet. Suddenly Innocent until proven guilty means something again now that we are talking about the democrats.

No one is pointing out the hypocrisy because they think the standard makes any sense and should be applied. They are pointing out the gross and asinine standard that the democrats use but absolutely reject when their golden calf turns out to be the target. It gets tiring to come against this bullshit over and over again and then see the same sycophants attacking people over asinine allegations outright reject allegations that are ten times as credible. Pelosi backs Biden and goes so far as to outright reject questions about the allegations after holding press confrences to talk about how brave Ford was and condemning Kavanaugh.
Any bets the MSM does NOT ask Biden about it?
Biden will be in the basement under the basement until after the election.

Ask him about what? After the one friendly interview with one of the idiots on Morning Joe, this is officially over.........the press will move on and any question about biden will simply be replaced with...."But....But...Trump...." and accusations that Reade is either a nut or a slut or both....
Tara is making the rounds offering to take a polygraph after Joe Biden takes one first. That's a good sign.

They can't take polygraph tests until the machines arrive from China. I understand the machines are sent by 3rd class mail and are shipped by boat mail.
“The San Luis Obispo County court filing is the first official public record confirming she made allegations at that time,” the San Luis Obispo Tribune is reporting.

I’m so happy I bought that pallet of popcorn at Sam’s Club.
View attachment 333334

And you voted for Trump inspire of 20 credible assault allegations. Join the club.
The left lost an moral high ground when the voted for and covered for Slick Willy and his wife called his victims sluts.

And to pretend that one or ten or seventeen is some big difference then your are only attempting a smoke screen. Do you call the fellow that murdered ten people a saint because they did not murder fifteen?
“The San Luis Obispo County court filing is the first official public record confirming she made allegations at that time,” the San Luis Obispo Tribune is reporting.

I’m so happy I bought that pallet of popcorn at Sam’s Club.
View attachment 333334

If the same rules apply to Democrats as they do to Republicans, Biden should get exactly the same treatment the Democrats wanted to give Kavanaugh. They should be held to their own rules and standards, no matter what.

The Democrats proved that they had absolutely no regard for the "presumption of innocence" during the Kavanaugh inquisition, so Biden's feet need to be held to the fire.

There was very little in the way of evidence against Kavanaugh, but that isn't the case in this instance: Reade has contemporary collaborative witnesses and a call from her mother to Larry King at the time of the event. Reade is or has been a Democrat her whole life, as has at least one of her witnesses. She has a believable story as to why she chose to come forward at this time, and her story is apolitical and unbiased.

If you're going to believe all women, you’d better believe this one. I sure do.
“The San Luis Obispo County court filing is the first official public record confirming she made allegations at that time,” the San Luis Obispo Tribune is reporting.

I’m so happy I bought that pallet of popcorn at Sam’s Club.
View attachment 333334
So amusing that you are concerned with this. You’re going to vote for idiot trumpscum. But thanks for pretending that sexual harassment matters now.
“The San Luis Obispo County court filing is the first official public record confirming she made allegations at that time,” the San Luis Obispo Tribune is reporting.

I’m so happy I bought that pallet of popcorn at Sam’s Club.
View attachment 333334
So amusing that you are concerned with this. You’re going to vote for idiot trumpscum. But thanks for pretending that sexual harassment matters now.

It only "matters" when it's been proven to have happened, unlike the Kavanaugh case. Here there is evidence, not just some bimbo being trotted out like a prize pig, as was Blasey Ford.
“The San Luis Obispo County court filing is the first official public record confirming she made allegations at that time,” the San Luis Obispo Tribune is reporting.

I’m so happy I bought that pallet of popcorn at Sam’s Club.
View attachment 333334
So amusing that you are concerned with this. You’re going to vote for idiot trumpscum. But thanks for pretending that sexual harassment matters now.
And equally amusing that you were willing to roast Kavanaugh for less but give Biden a pass here.

Two peas in a pod.
“The San Luis Obispo County court filing is the first official public record confirming she made allegations at that time,” the San Luis Obispo Tribune is reporting.

I’m so happy I bought that pallet of popcorn at Sam’s Club.
View attachment 333334

And you voted for Trump inspire of 20 credible assault allegations. Join the club.
There was nothing credible about any of those allegations.
Women's rage has been such a catalyst for beautiful things, like Trump's election and re-election. thank you Tara!
“The San Luis Obispo County court filing is the first official public record confirming she made allegations at that time,” the San Luis Obispo Tribune is reporting.

I’m so happy I bought that pallet of popcorn at Sam’s Club.
View attachment 333334

And you voted for Trump inspire of 20 credible assault allegations. Join the club.
There was nothing credible about any of those allegations.
She doesn't care. She hates Trump and all Conservatives. She routinely makes up crap about Conservatives in all the threads she participates in. She BELIEVED Ford and we all know there was no REAL evidence in that case. She was one of those shouting you gotta believe all women. Now suddenly she claims you need proof before anything can be done and when presented with ACTUAL proof and evidence she claims it is not.
She's a typical TDS moron.
“The San Luis Obispo County court filing is the first official public record confirming she made allegations at that time,” the San Luis Obispo Tribune is reporting.

I’m so happy I bought that pallet of popcorn at Sam’s Club.
View attachment 333334

And you voted for Trump inspire of 20 credible assault allegations. Join the club.

The Trump crowd were not the ones who created #MeToo, the Women's March, etc.

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