$1M In Fines After Nitrogen Kills 6 At Georgia Poultry Plant


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2014
So now 6 worker's lives are only worth 1 million dollars.

It's insulting.

The employer is responsible for what happens in their business. They are responsible to have a safe working environment for all workers.

This employer didn't.

This was preventable.

The people who caused this belong in prison.

So now 6 worker's lives are only worth 1 million dollars.

It's insulting.

The employer is responsible for what happens in their business. They are responsible to have a safe working environment for all workers.

This employer didn't.

This was preventable.

The people who caused this belong in prison.

Industrial accidents happen from time to time. How do you know that it was "preventable" except for criminal negligence by the employer? Nothing in the story says anything at all as to the cause of this leakage.

For all either of us know, a bird or other wildlife may have accident done something, or perhaps there was human error from another employee and NOT management's fault at all?

But you insist on jumping to a conclusion that the employer made a criminally negligent error instead of looking at all of the possible causes.
The million dollars is fines for the situation and created environment that the accident occured in.
The factory was slack in many of the safety protocols, housekeeping, and maintenance budgets.

The family's lawsuits for the dead and injured workers are a completely separate issue but the first part of the OSHA citing them and finding them negligent will make their cases a slam dunk. The judge can award the families punitive damages on top of actual damages for gross negligence that borders criminal negligence.

Messer is a huge international company with large cash reserves and lots of political fingers. This is going to be another situation of a million dollars for getting burnt by a hot cup of coffee.
It's going to be extremely expensive for them depending upon the judge that hears the case and the legal teams that represents the families.

The million dollars in fines is only the beginning.
Industrial accidents happen from time to time. How do you know that it was "preventable" except for criminal negligence by the employer? Nothing in the story says anything at all as to the cause of this leakage.

For all either of us know, a bird or other wildlife may have accident done something, or perhaps there was human error from another employee and NOT management's fault at all?

But you insist on jumping to a conclusion that the employer made a criminally negligent error instead of looking at all of the possible causes.
Several things mentioned in the article let those of us who have regularly been involved in FDA food production buildings maintenance know that they were very negligent.
Blocked exits, repair team during production, and lack of prepared safety protocols and equipment for accidents.

Working around nitrogen cooling has many protocols and equipment and procedures. They had to violate all of them to die. And the management team had to be complicit in their violation of the protocols and lack of equipment use...no other way around it.

Personally I had to spend 30-45 minutes just documenting all the equipment and procedures followed and name names of who did what protocols and readings from the safety equipment.
So now 6 worker's lives are only worth 1 million dollars.

It's insulting.

The employer is responsible for what happens in their business. They are responsible to have a safe working environment for all workers.

This employer didn't.

This was preventable.

The people who caused this belong in prison.

And conservatives want to pursue more needless, reckless, and irresponsible deregulation endangering the lives of countless Americans.

Conservatives are truly the enemy of working Americans.
The million dollars is fines for the situation and created environment that the accident occured in.
The factory was slack in many of the safety protocols, housekeeping, and maintenance budgets.

The family's lawsuits for the dead and injured workers are a completely separate issue but the first part of the OSHA citing them and finding them negligent will make their cases a slam dunk. The judge can award the families punitive damages on top of actual damages for gross negligence that borders criminal negligence.

Messer is a huge international company with large cash reserves and lots of political fingers. This is going to be another situation of a million dollars for getting burnt by a hot cup of coffee.
It's going to be extremely expensive for them depending upon the judge that hears the case and the legal teams that represents the families.

The million dollars in fines is only the beginning.

proving that the slackness in safety protocols or budgets was the actual cause of the accident could be difficult to prove. Yet failure to be up to date on reports is an OSHA violation that they will fine you for, even if there isn't an accident.

A fairly high standard has to be met to allow the families of the injured workers to sue- Workmens Compensation laws provide "no fault" coverage to injured workers but make the standards higher for lawsuits.

Depending on the exact facts, its impossible to say if they'll get anything past workmens comp.
So now 6 worker's lives are only worth 1 million dollars.

It's insulting.

The employer is responsible for what happens in their business. They are responsible to have a safe working environment for all workers.

This employer didn't.

This was preventable.

The people who caused this belong in prison.

Well... Sending people with Covid into a nursing home was preventable as well. ***I*** personally believe they should be in prison as well... But I get that you don't.

There is ONE big thing here that you are missing though... The families can sue. The fact that the government is finding them responsible, and doing the action of fining them... Only helps their case. It pretty much becomes a slam dunk. Sure it's only a million to the government, but the families of those people can now get so much more if they are smart.
It says "proposed" so it probably won't even be this high.

And when it goes to appeals, it will be knocked down even more.

It's perfectly fine for big business to violate the law and cause people's deaths in America.

The priorities in our nation are totally messed up.
And conservatives want to pursue more needless, reckless, and irresponsible deregulation endangering the lives of countless Americans.

Conservatives are truly the enemy of working Americans.


It's the deregulation and not holding companies responsible for their actions that allows this to happen.

As I've said for a very long time. Conservative economic, business and social policy is a total disaster.
So now 6 worker's lives are only worth 1 million dollars.

It's insulting.

The employer is responsible for what happens in their business. They are responsible to have a safe working environment for all workers.

This employer didn't.

This was preventable.

The people who caused this belong in prison.

It sounds fine to me, for the government. If the fines had released them of civil liability, shielding the company from paying damages to the families, that would be different, as it is the surviving families that are the remaining, injured parties, not society as a whole. No need for the government to get all the money, that should be paid to the ones that lost loved ones.
It sounds fine to me, for the government. If the fines had released them of civil liability, shielding the company from paying damages to the families, that would be different, as it is the surviving families that are the remaining, injured parties, not society as a whole. No need for the government to get all the money, that should be paid to the ones that lost loved ones.
Logic... Reason... Thank you.
Industrial accidents happen from time to time. How do you know that it was "preventable" except for criminal negligence by the employer? Nothing in the story says anything at all as to the cause of this leakage.

For all either of us know, a bird or other wildlife may have accident done something, or perhaps there was human error from another employee and NOT management's fault at all?

But you insist on jumping to a conclusion that the employer made a criminally negligent error instead of looking at all of the possible causes.
Conservative economic, business and social policy
Excuse me? Are you aware of who has been running the government for 10 1/2 of the last 12 1/2 years? Yup, that would be Obummer and Piglosi's witch hunting congress.
5 million per person as I stated. For the employer in this story they can easily afford it. They hate their workers.
Got it. 5M x 600K in the US, thats another 3T to add to the debt. How far up your ass are you going to reach for that cash? You can bet that the CCP and the democrats won't be paying any of it. SMH, moron.

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