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2.5 Trillion barrels of Oil Shale Oil


Senior Member
Oct 13, 2004
Ok........Drudge this morning said, "$87.00/barrel"

I still recall reading that the rough and dirty extraction price with oil shale was between $80-$90.00/barrel.

Now we have here in the USA an estimated 2.5 trillion barrels of oil locked up in oil shale. So we open-up a few "token" off-shore areas by the President, and everyone is suppose to be wetting their collective pants that we are on the way to energy independence from OPEC. Oh........give me a break! Are the "sheep" really buying into this?

This 2.5 trillion barrels far-exceeds the total oil reserves of the Middle East, if not Saudi Arabia alone.

Now if we have extraction prices from shale at the above prices, you and I know that technology/research will not stop there, but there should be coming down the pipe, even cheaper methods of extraction.

Why, oh why, isn't this administration "green lighting" this area of energy potential with gusto.

Ethanol is a joke! If we were to do as Brazil and start agri-farming, grow-able land to produce Ethanol, we would have to use every inch/acre of present land that is producing edible crops for our nation. We don't have sugar cane climate here in the U.S.. Brazil is close to the equator, and is very humid/tropical, which is ideal for high-yield ethanol crops.

Sure, theres nothing wrong with bio-fuels......but they can't make but a golf ball sized dent in our energy consumption/needs. There's only so much fast food/restaurant oil to be had, and the way the government is going after fatting foods to save our collective lives the amount of useable cooking oils will not expand with this economy IMO.
Why Not Nuke Plants?: They're one heck of a lot cleaner than the cleanest coal burning plants. Interestingly, I listened to a notable scientist, Dr. Bill Wattenberg, who has worked and Livermore Labs in weapons research, and also has been an independent inventer, and has been contracted by both state and Federal Gov, agencies to help "invent" ASAP methods/devices during emergency situations such as, temporary bridge replacements, mine sweeping equipment......etc, etc...

Wattenberg had emphatically said, over the years, that the amount of radioactive isotopes emitted into the atmosphere by even clean coal burning power plants is so immense, and health/dangerous.

Wattenberg has been an nuke power plant advocate for years, and has tried and tried to fight the panic, and b.s. poured out by the "left" and "green" wingnuts about the horrors of nuclear power.

France: They are on their merry way to independence from OPEC. Roughly 70% of Frances' electric power comes from nuke power plants. France actually produces an excess of electicity, and is able to sell it off to other countrys' grids. I also understand that France is stockpiling hydrogen, as their excess electricity allows them to "crack" H2O, into hyrogen gas.
Us or the U.S.. Our President, gave in to Harry Reid, and closed Yucca Mountain. This was a major multi$$$$$$ project that was designed to store our nations' spent nuclear fuels with a margin of safety that far exceeded the risks. Yucca Mountain was geologically studied for dangerous seismic faults that could rupture storage and cause dangerous ground water leakage of nuclear or hot wastes.

Containerization of spent fuels is so-beyond adequate, as the containers will far exceed the spent half-lives of these materials. Never the less, the wingnut, greenie crowd still holds sway over a certain major political party in our country, and I mean major lobbying pressure probably second to none. As a result, U.S. energy independence is held hostage to archaic, 19th century mentality/dreams........that "utopia" for all Americans is the destruction of industrialization, and the adoption of an agrarian mentality, and culture.

I'm an idealist........but I"m also a realist. We have a party/administration in power that has a skewed, and illogical mentality and outlook on the future of this country. Nothing they propose encourages entrepreneurialism, but in fact hinders or destroys it.

Entrepreneurialism is the unspoken swear word of this administration..........................Unless it fits into their illogical paradigm of American life according to their bible.

I live in Silicon Valley, the birth place of R&D on the nano-scale like no other place in our country. What is it now? It is empty parking lots..........building for lease banners everywhere.

Tech support goes to India now. For years here in Silicon Valley we had an incredible influx of Indian Nationals who were highly educated computer engineers for the most-part. Many gained legal citizenship, and have continued to contribute to our economy with hard working ethics...........But............now even our R&D is being jobbed-out to faraway India and other parts of the world. Manufacturing of hardware has gone to the far reaches of the world. That's ok...........but...........R&D??? That's the bread and butter of "entrepreneurialism"!

We were a country of innovation! So what's our claim to fame now? Oh we make "negative sum gain" windmills, and residential solar panels. Big whoopee! We are the home of Tesla motors that only the "Sean Penns" of the world can afford.

Oh..............I could go on and on and on.............
Ahh the shale oil scam.

Ever lived in an area that has been strip mined?

Ever seen what proper land/enviro management looks like where strip mining has been done and finished?

Your bringing up past stuff, that isn't allowed, and is monitored by the EPA.

Some of the most beautiful areas of re-planting, and soil restoration is being done where strip mining has been completed.
Bringing up the past, just kills what good can and is being done.
Ahh the shale oil scam.

Ever lived in an area that has been strip mined?

Ever seen what proper land/enviro management looks like where strip mining has been done and finished?

Your bringing up past stuff, that isn't allowed, and is monitored by the EPA.

Some of the most beautiful areas of re-planting, and soil restoration is being done where strip mining has been completed.
Bringing up the past, just kills what good can and is being done.

What bull have you been reading? I live in eastern KY.
I have seen the streams run as black slurries from strip mining.

I also remember the last time the shale oil bollocks ran rampant here.
Lots ripped off and nothing came of it.
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Hi Eightball:

Ok........Drudge this morning said, "$87.00/barrel"

I still recall reading that the rough and dirty extraction price with oil shale was between $80-$90.00/barrel.

Now we have here in the USA an estimated 2.5 trillion barrels of oil locked up in oil shale. So we open-up a few "token" off-shore areas by the President, and everyone is suppose to be wetting their collective pants that we are on the way to energy independence from OPEC. Oh........give me a break! Are the "sheep" really buying into this?...

There are billions of barrels of oil under Gull Island, Alaska (story) that the Govt and Big Oil does not want you to know about. Lindsey Williams knows all about it ...

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NbakN7SLdbk]The Energy Non-Crisis By Lindsey Williams 1/8[/ame]


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Ahh the shale oil scam.

Ever lived in an area that has been strip mined?

Ever seen what proper land/enviro management looks like where strip mining has been done and finished?

Your bringing up past stuff, that isn't allowed, and is monitored by the EPA.

Some of the most beautiful areas of re-planting, and soil restoration is being done where strip mining has been completed.
Bringing up the past, just kills what good can and is being done.

What bull have you been reading? I live in eastern KY.
I have seen the streams run as black slurries from strip mining.

I also remember the last time the shale oil bollocks ran rampant here.
Lots ripped off and nothing came of it.

Your part of the country doesn't have oil shale reserves..........That yuck in your streams is from unregulated coal, and other types of strip mining.

Again, is past atrocities of unregulated mining...........

The EPA won't and doesn't allow that now. Have you seen what good, and wise land management techniques result-in after strip mining is completed? If you did, you wouldn't be posting the past yuck of unregulation of mining.
Ahh the shale oil scam.

Ever lived in an area that has been strip mined?

Ever seen what proper land/enviro management looks like where strip mining has been done and finished?

Your bringing up past stuff, that isn't allowed, and is monitored by the EPA.

Some of the most beautiful areas of re-planting, and soil restoration is being done where strip mining has been completed.
Bringing up the past, just kills what good can and is being done.

I have a cousin that lives in Bozeman, Montana. He has traveled all over Montana. You start talking about proper land/enviro management to him, and he will go livid. You see, even though he is a conservative, he has seen what the energy companies claim, and what they actually do.

Montana Coal, Part 2 — Montana Environmental Information Center

This is not what happens in reality. Montana coal mines encompass just over 62,000 permitted acres of which 36,632 acres have actually been disturbed by mining. Of those 36,632 acres only 6,255—or just 17% — have been backfilled, regraded, and had topsoil applied. Even worse, in the 30 years since Montana’s coal law was passed only 712 acres, or just under 2% of all land disturbed by mining, have achieved full reclamation.
Ever seen what proper land/enviro management looks like where strip mining has been done and finished?

Your bringing up past stuff, that isn't allowed, and is monitored by the EPA.

Some of the most beautiful areas of re-planting, and soil restoration is being done where strip mining has been completed.
Bringing up the past, just kills what good can and is being done.

What bull have you been reading? I live in eastern KY.
I have seen the streams run as black slurries from strip mining.

I also remember the last time the shale oil bollocks ran rampant here.
Lots ripped off and nothing came of it.

Your part of the country doesn't have oil shale reserves..........That yuck in your streams is from unregulated coal, and other types of strip mining.

Again, is past atrocities of unregulated mining...........

The EPA won't and doesn't allow that now. Have you seen what good, and wise land management techniques result-in after strip mining is completed? If you did, you wouldn't be posting the past yuck of unregulation of mining.

Man, this is getting old!

The fly ash spill in Tennessee;
Inside the Tennessee Coal Ash Spill - Newsweek.com

Where are you going to get the water for the processing of oil shale? How are you going to heat that shale without putting huge amounts of CO2 into the atmosphere?

And the claims of reclamation by the mining companies are at present just claims. About 2% true in Montana.
EVery solution has a problem.

Shale oil recovery demands on hell of a lot of water.

And one hell of a lot of that shale oil is nowhere near major water sources, either.

There is NO free lunch, folks.
Ahh the shale oil scam.

Ever lived in an area that has been strip mined?

yes, what would a good thread about global energy be without mention of shale or Gull Island. Classic.

Ok........Drudge this morning said, "$87.00/barrel"

I still recall reading that the rough and dirty extraction price with oil shale was between $80-$90.00/barrel.


Oh..............I could go on and on and on.............

Oh, I'm sure you could. There's plenty of hubris out there to cut and paste.

extracting shale "cost effectively" at $90 barrel is a pipedream figure that 'disconsiders' several factors in its little formula, most especially environmental costs that would have to be mitigated.

are you prepared to strip mine the rocky mountains? you are aware that the jet stream goes east, right?

Ahh the shale oil scam.

Ever lived in an area that has been strip mined?

yes, what would a good thread about global energy be without mention of shale or Gull Island. Classic.

Ok........Drudge this morning said, "$87.00/barrel"

I still recall reading that the rough and dirty extraction price with oil shale was between $80-$90.00/barrel.


Oh..............I could go on and on and on.............

Oh, I'm sure you could. There's plenty of hubris out there to cut and paste.

extracting shale "cost effectively" at $90 barrel is a pipedream figure that 'disconsiders' several factors in its little formula, most especially environmental costs that would have to be mitigated.

are you prepared to strip mine the rocky mountains? you are aware that the jet stream goes east, right?


What is your solution to the price of fuel that will no doubt hit at least $3.50 - $4.00 per gallon this summer? The "president" says he doesn't have a problem with that or even higher prices for fuel, why would he, he burns 2,500 gallons of jet fuel per hour every time he decides to take Air Force One on another useless campaign jaunt and doesn't think twice about it. The price of gas is affecting the poor the worst, the poor certainly can't afford to go out and buy an overpriced hybrid or electric car........ what is your solution? What is the solution from the democrats? Wind? Sure, been done for decades, doesn't work worth a shit. Nuclear, dims have fought that idea for years ever since China Syndrome came out......... it would take years to bring nuclear online. What is the solution?
What is your solution to the price of fuel that will no doubt hit at least $3.50 - $4.00 per gallon this summer? The "president" says he doesn't have a problem with that or even higher prices for fuel

......... it would take years to bring nuclear online. What is the solution?

there IS no solution.

there, i said it. ... "problems have solutions. predicaments can only be managed. this is a predicament." - Chris Martenson.

still want answers? ... i dunno, take a sustainability class this summer at your local college.

get very local, meet your neighbors, reinforce a sense of community. ... find out the crisis and distribution centers in your area, and the protocol for your municipality in the event of a serious energy shock, or other civilian crisis. ... call in your dollar-denominated investments as much as they'll allow. ... buy metals, tradable goods. ...
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Now if we have extraction prices from shale at the above prices, you and I know that technology/research will not stop there, but there should be coming down the pipe, even cheaper methods of extraction.

Why, oh why, isn't this administration "green lighting" this area of energy potential with gusto.
You're assuming that shale oil isn't already being extracted.

It is, but there's a lot more to exploit.

The thing stopping shale oil from fully being exploited is the market forces themselves.

Companies are quite correctly reluctant to invest the enormous cost to set up the extraction and distribution system because why?

Because the profit margin on existing oil is so enormous.

For example...the extraction cost at the pump cost of existing oil in many cases is about $5.

That means that if somebody invest in shale oil industry and goes on line, their competition can drive them broke by reducing the cost of oil just enough to bleed them dry, and STILL make a huge profit.

You get it?

The market has decided, at least for now, not to exploit the shale oil that you imagine the government won't let them take.

Not Obama, not the liberal, not the tree huggers.../the MARKET FORCES are stopping those developments
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Now if we have extraction prices from shale at the above prices, you and I know that technology/research will not stop there, but there should be coming down the pipe, even cheaper methods of extraction.

Why, oh why, isn't this administration "green lighting" this area of energy potential with gusto.
You're assuming that shale oil isn't already being extracted.

It is, but there's a lot more to exploit.

The thing stopping shale oil from fully being exploited is the market forces themselves.

Companies are quite correctly reluctant to invest the enormous cost to set up the extraction and distribution system because why?

Because the profit margin on existing oil is so enormous.

For example...the extraction cost at the pump cost of existing oil in many cases is about $5.

That means that if somebody invest in shale oil industry and goes on line, their competition can drive them broke by reducing the cost of oil just enough to bleed them dry, and STILL make a huge profit.

You get it?

The market has decided, at least for now, not to exploit the shale oil that you imagine the government won't let them take.

Not Obama, not the liberal, not the tree huggers.../the MARKET FORCES are stopping those developments

it will never be economically viable so as to sustain growth.

but that won't stop them from trying when things get really bad.

after all... must.... keep.... feeding... that.... beast.
Coal gassification takes a price per gallon of refined gasoline at $1.60.
Shale Oil is about the same, no greater than $2.00/gallon refined gas.

So... you think that's too much to pay for gas?

Of course, we could just drill for what is available and getting the econazis out of the way and have prices REALLY drop.
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Coal gassification takes a price per barrel of $1.60.
Shale Oil is about the same, no greater than $2.00

So... you think that's too much to pay for gas?

Of course, we could just drill for what is available and getting the econazis out of the way and have prices REALLY drop.

Read from more than one source from the news, that oil extraction from shale was running roughly, $80.00-$90.00/Barrel.

Is your price per oil/barrel or the refined gasoline price per gallon?
Yes, there is an incredible amount of oil trapped in shale, and under the best of circumstances it can be captured and refined in the $80 - $90 range.

Where this shale is, isn't the best of circumstances for shale recovery, unless there is an underground aquifer nearby that hasn't been discovered yet, and somebody suddenly decides to donate an nuclear power plant nearby to produce the electricity to produce the steam from the aquifer to cook the oil out of the shale.

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