2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

Hell, the hate teaper ilk on

Or are you just another pussy racist? this forum cheered when the 2 white, savage teapers killed a cop in NV and placed a teaper flag over his body.

Hypocrites...the lot of you with your bullshit outrage. Shame on you using the death of 2 cops to spread your ignorant hate and filth.
Provide a link to support this claim
How can I post a link to show your LACK of outrage? Of something doesn't exist (caring about white people killing cops) then how can I link it? How about you give me a link SHOWING your outrage when a white person kills a cop. There are more than a dozen examples of white cop killers this year alone...so I am sure you can find at least one outrage post - if it exists (which it does not).
Are you defending the monkey thugs? If so, go jump off a cliff retard.
Please show me where I have defended anyone? Did you defend teaper terrorists? Did you support the teaper, Matthew Frein? DId you shout as loud as you are shouting now.
Oh RetiredGySgt ...still waiting for you to clarify...are you saying Bundy cop killers didn't train sniper weapons on LEO. Are you saying white, hate filled Bundy supporters didn't threaten to use women as human shields...like terrorists while they were in a standoff with LEO?
They were thugs to. I won't defend buddy. Are defending these thugs in NYC?
It's gonna get a bit hotter between De Blasio and NYPD....
I listened to De Blasio, and he is an idiot big time in my opinion.. I mean where do they find these kinds of people at, and how do they get to be in powerful positions like they do ? Kidding me right..
Hell, the hate teaper ilk on this forum cheered when the 2 white, savage teapers killed a cop in NV and placed a teaper flag over his body.

Hypocrites...the lot of you with your bullshit outrage. Shame on you using the death of 2 cops to spread your ignorant hate and filth.
Provide a link to support this claim
How can I post a link to show your LACK of outrage? Of something doesn't exist (caring about white people killing cops) then how can I link it? How about you give me a link SHOWING your outrage when a white person kills a cop. There are more than a dozen examples of white cop killers this year alone...so I am Iure you can find at least one outrage post - if it exists (which it does not).

Search for a Fallen Officer

I'm outraged over ALL of them

PS you wanna bet that WAY more than 12% of them were shot and killed by blacks?

And if you are too stupid, or dishonest, to understand and admit why 12% would be an important figure, well you can go on ignore with the other retards.
Hell, the hate teaper ilk on

Or are you just another pussy racist? this forum cheered when the 2 white, savage teapers killed a cop in NV and placed a teaper flag over his body.

Hypocrites...the lot of you with your bullshit outrage. Shame on you using the death of 2 cops to spread your ignorant hate and filth.
Provide a link to support this claim
How can I post a link to show your LACK of outrage? Of something doesn't exist (caring about white people killing cops) then how can I link it? How about you give me a link SHOWING your outrage when a white person kills a cop. There are more than a dozen examples of white cop killers this year alone...so I am sure you can find at least one outrage post - if it exists (which it does not).
Are you defending the monkey thugs? If so, go jump off a cliff retard.
Please show me where I have defended anyone? Did you defend teaper terrorists? Did you support the teaper, Matthew Frein? DId you shout as loud as you are shouting now.
I don't even know who Matthew Frein is.
LOL! Well he "Got" himself... right after he killed those two police officers. So that doesn't really make any sense. 'cause homey deyuhd.

Don't worry about it making sense to you...some folk won't get it.

What's to get Mark?

The OP said:

Two young officers gunned down by a protester who said he was getting revenge for Garner. This is what happens when Leftist protesters are allowed to break laws, riot, burn cop cars, destroy businesses, and kill civilians. What the hell did we expect them to do?

They took it to the next level.

Where is there room for disagreement? Honestly?

Sure, I'll explain it, if you really didn't get it.

My comment was meant to address the fact that all sort of assumptions were made by the poster in order to inflame irrational fear and animosity.

No one has stated that the perpetrator was a "protestor","liberal" and who is "them"???
It comes off as the type of person who heads a lynch mob and works them into a frenzy to harm anyone that resemble "them."
Not seeing white cop supporters rioting and burning down their own neighborhoods. Why is it Black anti cop folks are doing that, hurt their own communities and loot and shoot and all that? What does that prove , exactly?
Oh RetiredGySgt ...still waiting for you to clarify...are you saying Bundy cop killers didn't train sniper weapons on LEO. Are you saying white, hate filled Bundy supporters didn't threaten to use women as human shields...like terrorists while they were in a standoff with LEO?
They were thugs to. I won't defend buddy. Are defending these thugs in NYC?
Again, show me where I have defended anyone. Your ilk like to make accusations and assign arguments that aren't true...but if you didn't have hate filled knee jerk reactions...you would see where I condemned these savages.
At the end of the day... New Yorkers are also to be blamed!

They wanted de Blasio ...and de Blasio they get.....the rule of the mob ... the rule of chaos

This would not have happened under Rudy Giuliani.
LOL! Well he "Got" himself... right after he killed those two police officers. So that doesn't really make any sense. 'cause homey deyuhd.

Don't worry about it making sense to you...some folk won't get it.

What's to get Mark?

The OP said:

Two young officers gunned down by a protester who said he was getting revenge for Garner. This is what happens when Leftist protesters are allowed to break laws, riot, burn cop cars, destroy businesses, and kill civilians. What the hell did we expect them to do?

They took it to the next level.

Where is there room for disagreement? Honestly?

The Left is illustrating the Broken Window Theory Broken windows theory - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

You allow law breaking, it only incentivizes more. Leftist "tolerance" just got two young cops killed.
Not seeing white cop supporters rioting and burning down their own neighborhoods. Why is it Black anti cop folks doing that, hurt their own communities and loot and shoot and all that? What does that prove , exactly?
Tribal mentality.
Hell, the hate teaper ilk on

Or are you just another pussy racist? this forum cheered when the 2 white, savage teapers killed a cop in NV and placed a teaper flag over his body.

Hypocrites...the lot of you with your bullshit outrage. Shame on you using the death of 2 cops to spread your ignorant hate and filth.
Provide a link to support this claim
How can I post a link to show your LACK of outrage? Of something doesn't exist (caring about white people killing cops) then how can I link it? How about you give me a link SHOWING your outrage when a white person kills a cop. There are more than a dozen examples of white cop killers this year alone...so I am sure you can find at least one outrage post - if it exists (which it does not).
Are you defending the monkey thugs? If so, go jump off a cliff retard.
Please show me where I have defended anyone? Did you defend teaper terrorists? Did you support the teaper, Matthew Frein? DId you shout as loud as you are shouting now.
I don't even know who Matthew Frein is.
EXACTLY!!! PA tea party supp0rter/ terrorist who ambushed and killed a PA state trooper.
Oh RetiredGySgt ...still waiting for you to clarify...are you saying Bundy cop killers didn't train sniper weapons on LEO. Are you saying white, hate filled Bundy supporters didn't threaten to use women as human shields...like terrorists while they were in a standoff with LEO?

Who did they kill with the Bundy situation? Why are you lying? Just to be a bad ass black? Women there put themselves in front of their men, not placed there by the men. What would you have whites do about a WHITE SURVIVALIST that had an experience with police and wanted revenge? There were more than a few threads in here where we of the right said they should hunt that prick down and kill him, why not go back and look instead of making stupid statements!
Provide a link to support this claim
How can I post a link to show your LACK of outrage? Of something doesn't exist (caring about white people killing cops) then how can I link it? How about you give me a link SHOWING your outrage when a white person kills a cop. There are more than a dozen examples of white cop killers this year alone...so I am sure you can find at least one outrage post - if it exists (which it does not).
Are you defending the monkey thugs? If so, go jump off a cliff retard.
Please show me where I have defended anyone? Did you defend teaper terrorists? Did you support the teaper, Matthew Frein? DId you shout as loud as you are shouting now.
I don't even know who Matthew Frein is.
EXACTLY!!! PA tea party supp0rter/ terrorist who ambushed and killed a PA state trooper.
That guy. Prove he was a tea party member.
Because two innocent men were executed for no reason. Their families will never see them again - if they have children - their children will now grow up without their fathers. How about that?
I know you're talking about the cops, but you could very well be talking about the guy in WalMart, killed while holding a WalMart product, in one of their aisles.

You could very well be talking about the guy who was walking down the street with a toy sword, who cops pumped bullets into for no reason.

You could very well be talking about the 12 year old kid, who never even got the chance to drop his toy gun.

You could very well be talking about Eric Garner. It doesn't matter if he was selling loose cigarettes - the NYPD has already said that it is not an arrestable offense, it's an infraction that is ticketed. So he should never have been trying to collar him in the first place.

All of these people had families.

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