2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

This guy has neither a formal nor informal relationship to the Left.

(Can you imagine having to hang out with a person like the OP? He has no standards for what comes out of his mouth. He probably never took a university level course on politics or history, and he gets all his information from TV, radio or the Internet - from Rightwing sources that prey upon the uneducated. It's very easy to disparage the Left without inventing spurious connections, but the OP lacks the discipline and courage to put in the effort....)

Of course you pretend to not understand why the OP posted what he did. EVERY single time there is a shooting the first thing out of the liberals mouth is that it was a right wing gun nut. So being as this is a black man, which would be hard to pin on the right, the left wing is paid back. Thoche as they say. But you knew that, nice righteous indignation.
"New York City cops on Saturday were rattled after a missive warned that an undercover officer had forwarded a "credible threat to Detectives assigned to Homicide Section" that "10 BGF members (Black Gorilla Family) have begun preparing to shoot an on duty police officer."

The Black Guerrilla Family is a militant group active in the Maryland prison system. It was formed in San Quentin Prison in California in the late 1960s, and has historical ties to the Black Panthers and its offshoot, the Black Liberation Army. BLA members were responsible for the murder of several police officers, including the 1972 slaying of NYPD officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster.

NYPD officers warned that Black Guerrilla Family members are looking to shoot an on-duty cop SILive.com

Stop making them out to be Ten Feet Tall.

Who? It's an article written two weeks ago.
This guy has neither a formal nor informal relationship to the Left.

(Can you imagine having to hang out with a person like the OP? He has no standards for what comes out of his mouth. He probably never took a university level course on politics or history, and he gets all his information from TV, radio or the Internet - from Rightwing sources that prey upon the uneducated. It's very easy to disparage the Left without inventing spurious connections, but the OP lacks the discipline and courage to put in the effort....)

Isn't that to be expected???...people like the o.p. love to be the first to point his finger at other people and shout "GET HIM!!!!"
Remember Matthew Frein...the white guy in PA that ambushed cops? Where was the outrage then? Oh...he was a Teaper nutter killing cops, so tyhat was okay. Where was the outrage when there were snipers pointing guns at LEO at the Bundy ranch? Oh, they were white....quite okay and they deserved the open support of every hate monger on this forum...Wait...what about the Bundy terrorists threatening to use women as human shields...where was the condemnation...oh, I forgot, that is ok because they were white.
Moron alert, there was outrage right here on this forum over the PA shooting and relief when he was captured dumb ass. AS TO THE REST SIMPLY DID NOT HAPPEN.
There was no outrage as compared to your outrage right here...once your ilk found out Frein was a white guy...you quit caring about the issue because you coulodn't play your race game.

And you are saying Bundy terrorists didn't have sniper positions with guns trained on LEO? Are you saying that the teapers didn't say they will use women as human shields...or are you just trying to justify that behavior while condemning other behavior.

HYPOCRITE...why don't you go make another post accusing someone of saying something they never said.
Hell, the hate teaper ilk on this forum cheered when the 2 white, savage teapers killed a cop in NV and placed a teaper flag over his body.

Hypocrites...the lot of you with your bullshit outrage. Shame on you using the death of 2 cops to spread your ignorant hate and filth.
Provide a link to support this claim
This guy has neither a formal nor informal relationship to the Left.

(Can you imagine having to hang out with a person like the OP? He has no standards for what comes out of his mouth. He probably never took a university level course on politics or history, and he gets all his information from TV, radio or the Internet - from Rightwing sources that prey upon the uneducated. It's very easy to disparage the Left without inventing spurious connections, but the OP lacks the discipline and courage to put in the effort....)

Isn't that to be expected???...people like the o.p. love to be the first to point his finger at other people and shout "GET HIM!!!!"

LOL! Well he "Got" himself... right after he killed those two police officers. So that doesn't really make any sense. 'cause homey deyuhd.
"New York City cops on Saturday were rattled after a missive warned that an undercover officer had forwarded a "credible threat to Detectives assigned to Homicide Section" that "10 BGF members (Black Gorilla Family) have begun preparing to shoot an on duty police officer."

The Black Guerrilla Family is a militant group active in the Maryland prison system. It was formed in San Quentin Prison in California in the late 1960s, and has historical ties to the Black Panthers and its offshoot, the Black Liberation Army. BLA members were responsible for the murder of several police officers, including the 1972 slaying of NYPD officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster.

NYPD officers warned that Black Guerrilla Family members are looking to shoot an on-duty cop SILive.com

Stop making them out to be Ten Feet Tall.

Who? It's an article written two weeks ago.

The Black gangbangers. Daesh, commies,
"New York City cops on Saturday were rattled after a missive warned that an undercover officer had forwarded a "credible threat to Detectives assigned to Homicide Section" that "10 BGF members (Black Gorilla Family) have begun preparing to shoot an on duty police officer."

The Black Guerrilla Family is a militant group active in the Maryland prison system. It was formed in San Quentin Prison in California in the late 1960s, and has historical ties to the Black Panthers and its offshoot, the Black Liberation Army. BLA members were responsible for the murder of several police officers, including the 1972 slaying of NYPD officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster.

NYPD officers warned that Black Guerrilla Family members are looking to shoot an on-duty cop SILive.com

Time, well past time actually, to do whatever i necessary to decimate prison gangs
You do realize, there are white prison gangs too, right? But that is besides the fact...there will always be gangs in prison...pussies need protection. Just ask GrampaMurkedYou, the ex-con

Lol....Perp is allegedly connected to the BFG's, if he is, it is a connection to a group that has long targeted police officers....why are you bringing race into it?
Have you read the thread...I was not the person introducing race...or are you one of those with tunnel vision who doesn't see the teaper race baiting effort.

Ive read enough of the thread to see the lowest common denominator on both sides...It makes me sad we have come to this
There are 35,000 active duty police officers in the NYPD probably twice that in retired. The police should recognize that this is a war and start trying to win rather than roll over and die for liberal amusement.

I'm pretty sure they've been winning for a long time since almost none of them ever get prosecuted for the crimes they commit against the public rather frequently.
Just like how the FBI internal reviews have come out 151-0 when it comes to justifiable force:

He wasn't left wing.
Pretty safe bet he voted for Obabble.
And it's a pretty safe bet you are a complete asshole. I figured you would be thrilled that these two cops got killed. After all, if you looked at their last names, it is pretty clear both of the officers were minorities. One of them asian and the other one latino, or as you would most likely call them, a gook and a sp*c.
I don't get this thrilled thing. I see people saying that when their leaders are essentially proclaiming that the cops are the bad guys, these incidents are inevitable. And when I say incidents I mean murders. It certainly isn't something to be thrilled about, more like expected and dreaded.

These things have only just begun... they've been knifing people out of nowhere, for nothing for weeks and while you see a report here and there, it has been largely unreported and they've gone out of their way to not mention the obvious. Prior to that it was "the Knock-out Game".

Inevitably, they will begin to turn in earnest toward Islam and in that, they'll be taught to build bombs, IEDs, VBIEDS. Their tendency is to burn down their own hoods... so for the foreseeable future, there will be little to concern most people. But eventually, they'll hit the road and at that point, we will be justified to clean this mess up. So we can rest assured, that THAT will be when the brown-clown will run up the Martial Law flag and it will be ON!
Oh Lord I hope not. It's what I've feared about black America for years. That they'll force a race war and of course they'll lose. I have 4 mixed children who would be considered black living in the US. Luckily we have room for them here if it ever comes to that.
This guy has neither a formal nor informal relationship to the Left.

(Can you imagine having to hang out with a person like the OP? He has no standards for what comes out of his mouth. He probably never took a university level course on politics or history, and he gets all his information from TV, radio or the Internet - from Rightwing sources that prey upon the uneducated. It's very easy to disparage the Left without inventing spurious connections, but the OP lacks the discipline and courage to put in the effort....)

Isn't that to be expected???...people like the o.p. love to be the first to point his finger at other people and shout "GET HIM!!!!"

LOL! Well he "Got" himself... right after he killed those two police officers. So that doesn't really make any sense. 'cause homey deyuhd.

Don't worry about it making sense to you...some folk won't get it.
Hell, the hate teaper ilk on this forum cheered when the 2 white, savage teapers killed a cop in NV and placed a teaper flag over his body.

Hypocrites...the lot of you with your bullshit outrage. Shame on you using the death of 2 cops to spread your ignorant hate and filth.
Provide a link to support this claim

How racist to ask the poor negro to substantiate his claim. I bet if he was a white guy you wouldn't have asked for proof.

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