2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

"New York City cops on Saturday were rattled after a missive warned that an undercover officer had forwarded a "credible threat to Detectives assigned to Homicide Section" that "10 BGF members (Black Gorilla Family) have begun preparing to shoot an on duty police officer."

The Black Guerrilla Family is a militant group active in the Maryland prison system. It was formed in San Quentin Prison in California in the late 1960s, and has historical ties to the Black Panthers and its offshoot, the Black Liberation Army. BLA members were responsible for the murder of several police officers, including the 1972 slaying of NYPD officers Rocco Laurie and Gregory Foster.

NYPD officers warned that Black Guerrilla Family members are looking to shoot an on-duty cop SILive.com

Stop making them out to be Ten Feet Tall.

Who? It's an article written two weeks ago.

The Black gangbangers. Daesh, commies,

I don't comprehend how posting the written word does any more than expose those that need it....even if it hurts...you do realize you are all over the map?
Hope you retards that hate the police are happy.

If the government doesn't care about cops killing civilians without just cause why should I care about civilians killing cops?

how can you be this retarded?

you don't care if two innocent cops are gunned down execution style, but you will bitch about a cop killing a civilian, non execution style.

fuck you and you have been tazed asshole

You're misrepresenting what Dont Taz Me Bro is saying. Grow up

pound sand dainty
Hell, the hate teaper ilk on this forum cheered when the 2 white, savage teapers killed a cop in NV and placed a teaper flag over his body.

Hypocrites...the lot of you with your bullshit outrage. Shame on you using the death of 2 cops to spread your ignorant hate and filth.
Provide a link to support this claim
How can I post a link to show your LACK of outrage? Of something doesn't exist (caring about white people killing cops) then how can I link it? How about you give me a link SHOWING your outrage when a white person kills a cop. There are more than a dozen examples of white cop killers this year alone...so I am sure you can find at least one outrage post - if it exists (which it does not).
I blame Sharpton, Jackson, Di Blasio, Holder and Obuma for this ASSISSINATION!!!...I also hold all you race baiters responsible, the ones that KNOW the true story, but will do anything to STIR THE POT of racial hatred, and black against blue crime!

It is now TWO cops dead!

2 NYPD cops shot dead ‘execution style’ as ‘revenge’ for Garner

New York Post ^

Two uniformed NYPD officers were shot dead Saturday afternoon as they sat in their marked police car on a Brooklyn street corner — in what investigators believe was a crazed gunman’s execution-style mission to avenge Eric Garner and Michael Brown. “It’s an execution,” one law enforcement source said of the 3 p.m. shooting of the two officers, whose names were being withheld pending family notification of their deaths. The tragic heroes were working overtime as part of an anti-terrorism drill when they were shot point-blank in their heads by the lone gunman, who approached them on foot from the sidewalk...
The monkey thugs show their true colors, yellow.
Hell, the hate teaper ilk on this forum cheered when the 2 white, savage teapers killed a cop in NV and placed a teaper flag over his body.

Hypocrites...the lot of you with your bullshit outrage. Shame on you using the death of 2 cops to spread your ignorant hate and filth.
Provide a link to support this claim
How can I post a link to show your LACK of outrage? Of something doesn't exist (caring about white people killing cops) then how can I link it? How about you give me a link SHOWING your outrage when a white person kills a cop. There are more than a dozen examples of white cop killers this year alone...so I am sure you can find at least one outrage post - if it exists (which it does not).
You made a claim back it up.
Hope you retards that hate the police are happy.

If the government doesn't care about cops killing civilians without just cause why should I care about civilians killing cops?
Um every case where a death occurs goes to a hearing or onward to a trial all depending on the case or cases that come forth in America, otherwise the system has to have time to work, but vigilante style killings won't work and they never have worked, so here you are advocating or being OK with cop killings ? Sadly what causes me to scratch my head is the Ferguson case, and how that case has been handled there, because once people saw Michael Brown robbing that store, and then him and his accomplice made their way down that street as if they weren't scared of the devil himself, and in which ultimately led to Micheal's death because he was feeling invincible that day, should have calmed the masses who thought the cop just shot him down in cold blood that day. I mean they (the people of Ferguson) were wrong in their assessment of the case, and even after the damning evidence was made available to them, their pride wouldn't allow them to do the right thing in which was to understand that they were wronged by judging the case in the media, instead of waiting for the wheels of justice to turn for them instead.

How can a people be so prideful that they can't back off when they find out they were wrong in a case ? The Eric Garner case is different, because I think the cops may have acted wrongfully when they choked the man like they did, because they had enough officers there to arrest him without choking him at all. It wasn't a racial thing though, but just an over reaction of the law or a wrong call on the officers part who decided to choke Eric to subdue him. Still it may be that Sharpton and his ilk want a war, and so this may be what is motivating the crowd instead of seeking justice through the proper channels as it should be.
This guy has neither a formal nor informal relationship to the Left.

(Can you imagine having to hang out with a person like the OP? He has no standards for what comes out of his mouth. He probably never took a university level course on politics or history, and he gets all his information from TV, radio or the Internet - from Rightwing sources that prey upon the uneducated. It's very easy to disparage the Left without inventing spurious connections, but the OP lacks the discipline and courage to put in the effort....)

Yeah, it's a shame I didn't get a formal education so I could turn out to be another bubble headed Leftist like you. You Leftists don't like being Loughnered? Tough shit.
Oh RetiredGySgt ...still waiting for you to clarify...are you saying Bundy cop killers didn't train sniper weapons on LEO. Are you saying white, hate filled Bundy supporters didn't threaten to use women as human shields...like terrorists while they were in a standoff with LEO?
LOL! Well he "Got" himself... right after he killed those two police officers. So that doesn't really make any sense. 'cause homey deyuhd.

Don't worry about it making sense to you...some folk won't get it.

What's to get Mark?

The OP said:

Two young officers gunned down by a protester who said he was getting revenge for Garner. This is what happens when Leftist protesters are allowed to break laws, riot, burn cop cars, destroy businesses, and kill civilians. What the hell did we expect them to do?

They took it to the next level.

Where is there room for disagreement? Honestly?
Hell, the hate teaper ilk on this forum cheered when the 2 white, savage teapers killed a cop in NV and placed a teaper flag over his body.

Hypocrites...the lot of you with your bullshit outrage. Shame on you using the death of 2 cops to spread your ignorant hate and filth.
Provide a link to support this claim
How can I post a link to show your LACK of outrage? Of something doesn't exist (caring about white people killing cops) then how can I link it? How about you give me a link SHOWING your outrage when a white person kills a cop. There are more than a dozen examples of white cop killers this year alone...so I am sure you can find at least one outrage post - if it exists (which it does not).
Are you defending the monkey thugs? If so, go jump off a cliff retard.
Hell, the hate teaper ilk on this forum cheered when the 2 white, savage teapers killed a cop in NV and placed a teaper flag over his body.

Hypocrites...the lot of you with your bullshit outrage. Shame on you using the death of 2 cops to spread your ignorant hate and filth.
Provide a link to support this claim
How can I post a link to show your LACK of outrage? Of something doesn't exist (caring about white people killing cops) then how can I link it? How about you give me a link SHOWING your outrage when a white person kills a cop. There are more than a dozen examples of white cop killers this year alone...so I am sure you can find at least one outrage post - if it exists (which it does not).
You made a claim back it up.
LOL...nice try. You know damned well I can't provide a link when your hate ilk didn't care or comment because the suspect was white. How pathetic, hypocrite.
I'm disgusted. WTF is wrong with people?

Human nature?

Ignorance. That has to be it.
Ignorance = part of human nature

I hate the Policemen's Union, but I don't hate cops. I do not worship cops either. I have friends who are cops and am acquaintance of a Chief/ . I have very close like family that is NYPD

But I hate media and people on web when this shit happens

Sure. It's human nature. It's also a lot of hype. You have people who truly think that by either killing or assaulting cops they win a badge of honor. This guy murdered his girlfriend and then as if he was serving some type of justice decided to kill two cops AND was banking on suicide by cop.

Subsequently, any type of change has been set back. The people that are most vocal (currently) lack the foresight necessary to alter this course.
He wasn't left wing.
Pretty safe bet he voted for Obabble.
And it's a pretty safe bet you are a complete asshole. I figured you would be thrilled that these two cops got killed. After all, if you looked at their last names, it is pretty clear both of the officers were minorities. One of them asian and the other one latino, or as you would most likely call them, a gook and a sp*c.
I looked at their uniforms GERTRUDE...GFY.

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