2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

Oh RetiredGySgt ...still waiting for you to clarify...are you saying Bundy cop killers didn't train sniper weapons on LEO. Are you saying white, hate filled Bundy supporters didn't threaten to use women as human shields...like terrorists while they were in a standoff with LEO?

Who did they kill with the Bundy situation? Why are you lying? Just to be a bad ass black? Women there put themselves in front of their men, not placed there by the men. What would you have whites do about a WHITE SURVIVALIST that had an experience with police and wanted revenge? There were more than a few threads in here where we of the right said they should hunt that prick down and kill him, why not go back and look instead of making stupid statements!
Because he is a stupid libtard.
Not seeing white cop supporters rioting and burning down their own neighborhoods. Why is it Black anti cop folks are doing that, hurt their communities and loot and shoot and all that? What does that prove , exactly?

They don't care. Someone else will come along and pay to repair the damages, someone always does. All Obama has to do is declare Ferguson a disaster area and all those people will get PAID for destroying their own property.

It's shameful.
A nigga to me is anyone no matter what color who thinks that they can act outside the norm.
Tell that to a group of negroes

It is what it is.

Why do blacks think that whatever they do is justified by whatever somebody else did?

It's not just blacks. The Left in general operates on the principle that two wrongs make a right and that reasoning is suffused in all their arguments.
Provide a link to support this claim
How can I post a link to show your LACK of outrage? Of something doesn't exist (caring about white people killing cops) then how can I link it? How about you give me a link SHOWING your outrage when a white person kills a cop. There are more than a dozen examples of white cop killers this year alone...so I am sure you can find at least one outrage post - if it exists (which it does not).
Are you defending the monkey thugs? If so, go jump off a cliff retard.
Please show me where I have defended anyone? Did you defend teaper terrorists? Did you support the teaper, Matthew Frein? DId you shout as loud as you are shouting now.
I don't even know who Matthew Frein is.
EXACTLY!!! PA tea party supp0rter/ terrorist who ambushed and killed a PA state trooper.

oh please, I also still don't know the name of the guy who shot these two cops without looking. It's not exactly a household name.
Black are really hurting them selves. It hurts them, those little temper tantrums blacks have , riots, looting, not helping anyone.
8216 NYPD Gets What They Deserve 8217 Here 8217 s How Some Celebrated the Shooting Deaths of Two Ambushed New York City Police Officers TheBlaze.com

Some more news as the Left celebrates the death of two innocent men.

Again... the Ideological Left rests entirely in Relativism.

Relativism is the doctrine which holds that knowledge, truth, and morality exist only in relation to one's cultural, societal, historical and personal context, and, as such can never be the result of soundly reasoned moral absolutes.

It is through this deviation in reason that relativism axiomatically rejects the objectivity which is essential to truth.

And with truth being essential to trust and, both of those being critical to the establishment of a soundly reasoned morality, and because a soundly reasoned morality is essential to Justice... it becomes clear to reasonable people, that Relativism can never serve justice.

See how that works?
Oh RetiredGySgt ...still waiting for you to clarify...are you saying Bundy cop killers didn't train sniper weapons on LEO. Are you saying white, hate filled Bundy supporters didn't threaten to use women as human shields...like terrorists while they were in a standoff with LEO?

Who did they kill with the Bundy situation? Why are you lying? Just to be a bad ass black? Women there put themselves in front of their men, not placed there by the men. What would you have whites do about a WHITE SURVIVALIST that had an experience with police and wanted revenge? There were more than a few threads in here where we of the right said they should hunt that prick down and kill him, why not go back and look instead of making stupid statements!
Because he is a stupid libtard.
LOL...whatever you say. Vigilante Show me a thread where the USMB hate ilk called for the terrorist teapers to be hunted down. From what I recall, you hypocrites were supporting the standoff and rooting for the terrorists when they said they would use women as human shields.
How can I post a link to show your LACK of outrage? Of something doesn't exist (caring about white people killing cops) then how can I link it? How about you give me a link SHOWING your outrage when a white person kills a cop. There are more than a dozen examples of white cop killers this year alone...so I am sure you can find at least one outrage post - if it exists (which it does not).
Are you defending the monkey thugs? If so, go jump off a cliff retard.
Please show me where I have defended anyone? Did you defend teaper terrorists? Did you support the teaper, Matthew Frein? DId you shout as loud as you are shouting now.
I don't even know who Matthew Frein is.
EXACTLY!!! PA tea party supp0rter/ terrorist who ambushed and killed a PA state trooper.

oh please, I also still don't know the name of the guy who shot these two cops without looking. It's not exactly a household name.
EXACTLY...because it was a white guy killing a cop. Your hate ilk don't care about those incidents...you only race bait on the occasion black violence occurs...and if it is a slow week, you post stories from years ago from the dredges of the internet.
Oh RetiredGySgt ...still waiting for you to clarify...are you saying Bundy cop killers didn't train sniper weapons on LEO. Are you saying white, hate filled Bundy supporters didn't threaten to use women as human shields...like terrorists while they were in a standoff with LEO?

Who did they kill with the Bundy situation? Why are you lying? Just to be a bad ass black? Women there put themselves in front of their men, not placed there by the men. What would you have whites do about a WHITE SURVIVALIST that had an experience with police and wanted revenge? There were more than a few threads in here where we of the right said they should hunt that prick down and kill him, why not go back and look instead of making stupid statements!
Because he is a stupid libtard.
LOL...whatever you say. Vigilante Show me a thread where the USMB hate ilk called for the terrorist teapers to be hunted down. From what I recall, you hypocrites were supporting the standoff and rooting for the terrorists when they said they would use women as human shields.

Go do your own work, I'm not your Boy! And WHY DID YOU LIE about Bundy and a killing? You lose any kind of credibility with shit like that! They were there to protect Bundy, from an overzealous Harry Reid, who wanted, and still wants that land! Feeding cows on public land ... how does that relate to the assassination of 2 cops?
Are you defending the monkey thugs? If so, go jump off a cliff retard.
Please show me where I have defended anyone? Did you defend teaper terrorists? Did you support the teaper, Matthew Frein? DId you shout as loud as you are shouting now.
I don't even know who Matthew Frein is.
EXACTLY!!! PA tea party supp0rter/ terrorist who ambushed and killed a PA state trooper.

oh please, I also still don't know the name of the guy who shot these two cops without looking. It's not exactly a household name.
EXACTLY...because it was a white guy killing a cop. Your hate ilk don't care about those incidents...you only race bait on the occasion black violence occurs...and if it is a slow week, you post stories from years ago from the dredges of the internet.


Let's be honest here. There is a never a slow day when it comes to black violence.

But speaking of that, where are your posts condemning blacks for killing other negroes?
I'm disgusted. WTF is wrong with people?

Human nature?

Ignorance. That has to be it.
Ignorance = part of human nature

I hate the Policemen's Union, but I don't hate cops. I do not worship cops either. I have friends who are cops and am acquaintance of a Chief/ . I have very close like family that is NYPD

But I hate media and people on web when this shit happens

Sure. It's human nature. It's also a lot of hype. You have people who truly think that by either killing or assaulting cops they win a badge of honor. This guy murdered his girlfriend and then as if he was serving some type of justice decided to kill two cops AND was banking on suicide by cop.

Subsequently, any type of change has been set back. The people that are most vocal (currently) lack the foresight necessary to alter this course.

nothing has been set back, except to people wafflers on the fence. to hold any progress hostage to this is just silly.

are you a waffler?
Oh RetiredGySgt ...still waiting for you to clarify...are you saying Bundy cop killers didn't train sniper weapons on LEO. Are you saying white, hate filled Bundy supporters didn't threaten to use women as human shields...like terrorists while they were in a standoff with LEO?

Who did they kill with the Bundy situation? Why are you lying? Just to be a bad ass black? Women there put themselves in front of their men, not placed there by the men. What would you have whites do about a WHITE SURVIVALIST that had an experience with police and wanted revenge? There were more than a few threads in here where we of the right said they should hunt that prick down and kill him, why not go back and look instead of making stupid statements!
Because he is a stupid libtard.
LOL...whatever you say. Vigilante Show me a thread where the USMB hate ilk called for the terrorist teapers to be hunted down. From what I recall, you hypocrites were supporting the standoff and rooting for the terrorists when they said they would use women as human shields.

Go do your own work, I'm not your Boy! And WHY DID YOU LIE about Bundy and a killing? You lose any kind of credibility with shit like that! They were there to protect Bundy, from an overzealous Harry Reid, who wanted, and still wants that land! Feeding cows of public land ... how does that relate to the assignation of 2 cops?

Bundy is in the wrong, and so were his "supporters" your position would be more credible if you admitted that.

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