2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn


Police believe New York City cop killer was a member of the Black Guerrilla Family: sources

The cold-blooded cop-hater who gunned down two police officers in Brooklyn on Saturday is suspected of being a member of a notorious prison gang that has declared open season on the NYPD.

Detectives were headed to Baltimore on Saturday night to probe Ismaaiyl Brinsley’s ties to the Black Guerrilla Family, sources told the Daily News.

One source said Baltimore police were already investigating Brinsley’s connection to the gang, which started in California’s San Quentin Prison in the 1960s by Black Panther member George Jackson.

“BGF has been talking about getting back at cops for Eric Garner and Ferguson,” a source told The News, citing intelligence intercepted in Baltimore area prisons.

Cop killer in NYPD slays ran with Black Guerrilla Family - NY Daily News

That's hilarious that they admit they are gorillas.
Because he is a stupid libtard.
LOL...whatever you say. Vigilante Show me a thread where the USMB hate ilk called for the terrorist teapers to be hunted down. From what I recall, you hypocrites were supporting the standoff and rooting for the terrorists when they said they would use women as human shields.

Go do your own work, I'm not your Boy! And WHY DID YOU LIE about Bundy and a killing? You lose any kind of credibility with shit like that! They were there to protect Bundy, from an overzealous Harry Reid, who wanted, and still wants that land! Feeding cows on public land ... how does that relate to the assassination of 2 cops?
What lie...please be specific.

You said someone was killed with the Bundy incident!
Where..show me.

Again, I'm not your BOY, you go back and look. You made the statement, now live with the lie!
Whatever, I support the Denver or Ferguson or the New York Police department. Because.... I will take a cops word over a small baller asshole black criminal. I have seen what liars blacks can be in a criminal investigation, and, that's something MSNBC needs to investigate. All the phony lies and allegations about racism blacks perpetrate to hide their crimes. That needs to be investigated.
Who did they kill with the Bundy situation? Why are you lying? Just to be a bad ass black? Women there put themselves in front of their men, not placed there by the men. What would you have whites do about a WHITE SURVIVALIST that had an experience with police and wanted revenge? There were more than a few threads in here where we of the right said they should hunt that prick down and kill him, why not go back and look instead of making stupid statements!
Because he is a stupid libtard.
LOL...whatever you say. Vigilante Show me a thread where the USMB hate ilk called for the terrorist teapers to be hunted down. From what I recall, you hypocrites were supporting the standoff and rooting for the terrorists when they said they would use women as human shields.

Go do your own work, I'm not your Boy! And WHY DID YOU LIE about Bundy and a killing? You lose any kind of credibility with shit like that! They were there to protect Bundy, from an overzealous Harry Reid, who wanted, and still wants that land! Feeding cows on public land ... how does that relate to the assassination of 2 cops?
What lie...please be specific.

^admits that he's told so many lies that he's not sure which one someone is referring to.
^Admits that he is a racist POS who only participates and creates race baiting threads...only so he can point his stinky little finger and call everyone else racists and race baiters. So ignorant, he didn't even know about Matthew Frein...because he is a white teaper killer.
LOL! Well he "Got" himself... right after he killed those two police officers. So that doesn't really make any sense. 'cause homey deyuhd.

Don't worry about it making sense to you...some folk won't get it.

What's to get Mark?

The OP said:

Two young officers gunned down by a protester who said he was getting revenge for Garner. This is what happens when Leftist protesters are allowed to break laws, riot, burn cop cars, destroy businesses, and kill civilians. What the hell did we expect them to do?

They took it to the next level.

Where is there room for disagreement? Honestly?

Sure, I'll explain it, if you really didn't get it.

My comment was meant to address the fact that all sort of assumptions were made by the poster in order to inflame irrational fear and animosity.

No one has stated that the perpetrator was a "protestor","liberal" and who is "them"???
It comes off as the type of person who heads a lynch mob and works them into a frenzy to harm anyone that resemble "them."

Mark... do you honestly believe that there is any degree of separation from the Race hustlers that fomented that murder and the Ideological Left?
Yes, I do.
I am from PA and I have family near where is this shooting occurred. It has never been reported that the fool that ambushed those two State Troopers had any ties to the Tea Party whatsoever.
Because he is a stupid libtard.
LOL...whatever you say. Vigilante Show me a thread where the USMB hate ilk called for the terrorist teapers to be hunted down. From what I recall, you hypocrites were supporting the standoff and rooting for the terrorists when they said they would use women as human shields.

Go do your own work, I'm not your Boy! And WHY DID YOU LIE about Bundy and a killing? You lose any kind of credibility with shit like that! They were there to protect Bundy, from an overzealous Harry Reid, who wanted, and still wants that land! Feeding cows on public land ... how does that relate to the assassination of 2 cops?
What lie...please be specific.

^admits that he's told so many lies that he's not sure which one someone is referring to.
^Admits that he is a racist POS who only participates and creates race baiting threads...only so he can point his stinky little finger and call everyone else racists and race baiters. So ignorant, he didn't even know about Matthew Frein...because he is a white teaper killer.
Of course I knew about him, I didn't know his name off the top of my head, probably most don't. I doubt you did.

Oh, and proof that he was with the Tea Party?
LOL...whatever you say. Vigilante Show me a thread where the USMB hate ilk called for the terrorist teapers to be hunted down. From what I recall, you hypocrites were supporting the standoff and rooting for the terrorists when they said they would use women as human shields.

Go do your own work, I'm not your Boy! And WHY DID YOU LIE about Bundy and a killing? You lose any kind of credibility with shit like that! They were there to protect Bundy, from an overzealous Harry Reid, who wanted, and still wants that land! Feeding cows on public land ... how does that relate to the assassination of 2 cops?
What lie...please be specific.

You said someone was killed with the Bundy incident!
Where..show me.

Again, I'm not your BOY, you go back and look. You made the statement, now live with the lie!
No, I did not, Catboy. You are that desperate of a racist that you have to lie? That is pretty pathetic, even for you. All yo have to do is copy and paste...that so called comment should be on this pager...(but I never made it, so you will play the boy game in your effort to show your true colors).

Are you happy that these 2 are dead?

Speak into the microphone........................

Not at all, but I'm not going to pretend I'm saddened by it either. It was just a matter of time this was going to start happening. When you push people too far eventually they push back.
A gang member who murdered his girlfriend, and who then decides to use the ferguson bs to make his inevitably life in jail or death sentence seem righteous has won you over?

say it ain't so!
I thought of that. He may have just known he was gonna get caught and decided he would martyr himself - at least he'd be remembered. And that seems to be the most important thing to gang members - their reputation.
I am from PA and I have family near where is this shooting occurred. It has never been reported that the fool that ambushed those two State Troopers had any ties to the Tea Party whatsoever.

and this ^ is why you are on of the few respectable liberals on this site.
I am from PA and I have family near where is this shooting occurred. It has never been reported that the fool that ambushed those two State Troopers had any ties to the Tea Party whatsoever.
He was outraged over a black President...claimed he lost his rights, claimed that gov't is too intrusive...he was certainly a teaper.
LOL...whatever you say. Vigilante Show me a thread where the USMB hate ilk called for the terrorist teapers to be hunted down. From what I recall, you hypocrites were supporting the standoff and rooting for the terrorists when they said they would use women as human shields.

Go do your own work, I'm not your Boy! And WHY DID YOU LIE about Bundy and a killing? You lose any kind of credibility with shit like that! They were there to protect Bundy, from an overzealous Harry Reid, who wanted, and still wants that land! Feeding cows on public land ... how does that relate to the assassination of 2 cops?
What lie...please be specific.

^admits that he's told so many lies that he's not sure which one someone is referring to.
^Admits that he is a racist POS who only participates and creates race baiting threads...only so he can point his stinky little finger and call everyone else racists and race baiters. So ignorant, he didn't even know about Matthew Frein...because he is a white teaper killer.
Of course I knew about him, I didn't know his name off the top of my head, probably most don't. I doubt you did.

Oh, and proof that he was with the Tea Party?
Oh, I guess you are still in denial that whites kill cops (and at a higher rate than blacks).
Two weeks ago the shitheads in New York were marching in the streets chanting "kill the police".

That Communist Mayor of NY, shithead Al Sharpton, the AG of the US and the fucking President of the US were all inciting them to riot because they said the NY police dept was racist.

The convoluted thing is that the Garner killing was not racial.

By the way, many police stood and turned that backs on de Balzio when he entered the room for the press conference. He has no respect of the police department. He needs to go.

Of course this is all the consequences of the people of New York electing Libtards that can't really govern and don't have the right morals. They get what they asked for.

It's unfortunate that those two cops paid the ultimate price for Leftist policies. It's why I believe that the innocent cry up to heaven to a vigilant God, decrying the injustice that those who set deadly policies are never the ones who pay the price for them. De Blazio, Sharpton, Holder, and Obama will never take responsibility for the people they get killed. Hillary summed it up nicely, "What difference does it make?" The Left will continue to kill and move on to the next victim. And those who kill will never have to answer for it.

Not in this life.
Why is it that the media usually accuses these guys of being Tea Party members or Conservatives...until the facts come out and they aren't...but in this case....no mention in national or local stories about him being in the Tea Party...

he was some sort of re enacter of Serbian wars or something....but no Tea Party...
Go do your own work, I'm not your Boy! And WHY DID YOU LIE about Bundy and a killing? You lose any kind of credibility with shit like that! They were there to protect Bundy, from an overzealous Harry Reid, who wanted, and still wants that land! Feeding cows on public land ... how does that relate to the assassination of 2 cops?
What lie...please be specific.

^admits that he's told so many lies that he's not sure which one someone is referring to.
^Admits that he is a racist POS who only participates and creates race baiting threads...only so he can point his stinky little finger and call everyone else racists and race baiters. So ignorant, he didn't even know about Matthew Frein...because he is a white teaper killer.
Of course I knew about him, I didn't know his name off the top of my head, probably most don't. I doubt you did.

Oh, and proof that he was with the Tea Party?
Oh, I guess you are still in denial that whites kill cops (and at a higher rate than blacks).

oh, so you're another negro who doesn't understand what " a higher rate" means?

I'll ask again, do you think blacks have shot <12% of the cops shot in 2014?
Go do your own work, I'm not your Boy! And WHY DID YOU LIE about Bundy and a killing? You lose any kind of credibility with shit like that! They were there to protect Bundy, from an overzealous Harry Reid, who wanted, and still wants that land! Feeding cows on public land ... how does that relate to the assassination of 2 cops?
What lie...please be specific.

You said someone was killed with the Bundy incident!
Where..show me.

Again, I'm not your BOY, you go back and look. You made the statement, now live with the lie!
No, I did not, Catboy. You are that desperate of a racist that you have to lie? That is pretty pathetic, even for you. All yo have to do is copy and paste...that so called comment should be on this pager...(but I never made it, so you will play the boy game in your effort to show your true colors).

There you go... you lie right out in front of everyone and now you deny it... You're just too fucking stupid, and a LIAR to even answer!
I am from PA and I have family near where is this shooting occurred. It has never been reported that the fool that ambushed those two State Troopers had any ties to the Tea Party whatsoever.
He was outraged over a black President...claimed he lost his rights, claimed that gov't is too intrusive...he was certainly a teaper.

actually, no....from what I read they all say he had a problem with police for some reason....no mention of that other stuff...
LOL! Well he "Got" himself... right after he killed those two police officers. So that doesn't really make any sense. 'cause homey deyuhd.

Don't worry about it making sense to you...some folk won't get it.

What's to get Mark?

The OP said:

Two young officers gunned down by a protester who said he was getting revenge for Garner. This is what happens when Leftist protesters are allowed to break laws, riot, burn cop cars, destroy businesses, and kill civilians. What the hell did we expect them to do?

They took it to the next level.

Where is there room for disagreement? Honestly?

Sure, I'll explain it, if you really didn't get it.

My comment was meant to address the fact that all sort of assumptions were made by the poster in order to inflame irrational fear and animosity.

No one has stated that the perpetrator was a "protestor","liberal" and who is "them"???
It comes off as the type of person who heads a lynch mob and works them into a frenzy to harm anyone that resemble "them."

Mark... do you honestly believe that there is any degree of separation from the Race hustlers that fomented that murder and the Ideological Left?
Yes, I do.

Then let me introduce you to somebody who combines race hustling, Leftist ideology, and Leftist politics all in one person.


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