2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

I have to wonder just how much the Left wing terrorist was inspired by New York mayor Bill de Blasio, who sided against his own police department, expressed sympathy for the protesters, and joined in with the "facts don't matter" mindset that has fueled the protests over Ferguson and Garner. Leftist murderers and terrorists take their cues from our leadership, from Obama insisting that cops need to be retrained even though they did nothing wrong to Eric Holder's justice department launching "white privilege" investigations into the shooting in Ferguson.

I place the blame with our Democrat leaders. They called for this and it happened. This is what happens when you put the Left in charge.

Well that's what they were going for... they're trying to start race war. So that they can move toward martial law. Which will start a civil war. Which they'll lose... in a scale on which no one has ever lost before... total and complete annihilation.

Did you get away from the orderlies again?
I did not see any report of the suspect's race.

The liberal media usually only reports the race when it's a white person.

This was cold-blooded murder. It was no accident. The guy wasn't defending himself. He intended to kill cops and he did it. None of those things can be said regarding the Brown or Garner cases. At least the piece of shit shot himself and didn't waste anyone's time with a trial.
Mayor Bill "I supported the Sandinistas" de Blasio was born Warren Wilhelm.

When cops came under attack because Al not so Sharpton and other race bait-ers were unhappy with a Grand Jury determination, Mayor Wilhelm spoke a little disparagingly of his own police department.

Many of the uniformed officers of the NYPD can't stand this rabid red joke of a Mayor.

And when a piece of shit like the thug that assassinated two NYC PD cops today attacks, he wraps himself in the rhetoric of hate. (I am glad the lowlife piece of shit murderer is dead, by the way.) The police are under attack in more ways than one.
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I did not see any report of the suspect's race.

The liberal media only report the race when it's a white person.

This was cold-blooded murder. It was no accident. The guy wasn't defending himself. He intended to kill cops and he did it. None of those things can be said regarding the Brown or Garner cases. At least the piece of shit shot himself and didn't waste anyone's time with a trial.

He'll still be a victim.

Wait for it.....
Again, I'm not your BOY, you go back and look. You made the statement, now live with the lie!
No, I did not, Catboy. You are that desperate of a racist that you have to lie? That is pretty pathetic, even for you. All yo have to do is copy and paste...that so called comment should be on this pager...(but I never made it, so you will play the boy game in your effort to show your true colors).

There you go... you lie right out in front of everyone and now you deny it... You're just too fucking stupid, and a LIAR to even answer!
What exactly did I say? Can't prove it....you racistshave gotten really pathetic in your efforts. What a liar. I almost respected you before Vagaracist. Go fuck a cat, liar.

But I suppose you can call me Boy again, and that shold get your racist buddies to back your lies - POS racist scum.

You want me to call you a ni66er? I can do that. Ifit wets your pants! And you still are a liar! No one was killed at Bundy, fucking idiot! And why even bring that up when it has NOTHING to do with the assassination of 2, shall we call them White Latino, and a White Asia cops? I mean look who killed that thug Trayvon.... this meets that criteria!
I never said anyone was killed at the Bundy ranch, racist liar. As for calling me a n!gger, your ilk does it on a daily basis (along with your personal threats). Nothing new...I just like it when you pussies define yourselves as the racist scum you actually are. Pussy.

Go fuck a cat, pussyboy.

Yes, I pulled that Bundy thing right out of your racist ass! You lying piece of shit! YOU are what even decent blacks would call a N!GGER! Nothing but a huckster like Sharpton and Jackson, and the obomanation! You can't fuck shit, your dickless! Damn little cartoons sure do hit the nail on the fucking head!

Mayor Bill "I supported the Sandinistas" de Blasio was born Warren Wilhelm.

When cops came under attack because Al not so Sharpton and other race bait-ers were unhappy with a Grand Jury determination, Mayor Wilhelm spoke a little disparagingly of his own police department.

Many of the uniformed officers of the NYPD can't stand this rabid red joke of a Mayor.

And when a piece of shit like the thug that assassinated two NYC PD cops today attacks, he wraps himself in the rhetoric of hate. (I am glad the lowlife piece of shit murdererer is dead, by the way.) The police are under attack in more ways than one.

The police are the scapegoats for failed Left wing policies.
Yet the pussy can't provide a link or quote where I said what he claims. HOw pathetic...go search the internet for memes...and avoid the truth Pussy!
Sure, I'll explain it, if you really didn't get it.

My comment was meant to address the fact that all sort of assumptions were made by the poster in order to inflame irrational fear and animosity.

No one has stated that the perpetrator was a "protestor","liberal" and who is "them"???
It comes off as the type of person who heads a lynch mob and works them into a frenzy to harm anyone that resemble "them."

Mark... do you honestly believe that there is any degree of separation from the Race hustlers that fomented that murder and the Ideological Left?
Yes, I do.

Then let me introduce you to somebody who combines race hustling, Leftist ideology, and Leftist politics all in one person.


That woman is one of the ugliest women on the face of the earth, inside and out.

Probable she is, now that Helen Thomas died.


I never agreed with Helen Thomas' politics, but I respected her tenacity. She would have never put up with the BS that the current Press Corp seems to roll over for.

LOL! Well he "Got" himself... right after he killed those two police officers. So that doesn't really make any sense. 'cause homey deyuhd.

Don't worry about it making sense to you...some folk won't get it.

What's to get Mark?

The OP said:

Two young officers gunned down by a protester who said he was getting revenge for Garner. This is what happens when Leftist protesters are allowed to break laws, riot, burn cop cars, destroy businesses, and kill civilians. What the hell did we expect them to do?

They took it to the next level.

Where is there room for disagreement? Honestly?

Sure, I'll explain it, if you really didn't get it.

My comment was meant to address the fact that all sort of assumptions were made by the poster in order to inflame irrational fear and animosity.

No one has stated that the perpetrator was a "protestor","liberal" and who is "them"???
It comes off as the type of person who heads a lynch mob and works them into a frenzy to harm anyone that resemble "them."

Mark... do you honestly believe that there is any degree of separation from the Race hustlers that fomented that murder and the Ideological Left?
Yes, I do.

Based upon what Mark? I'm interested in hearin' what ya have to say.

Are you happy that these 2 are dead?

Speak into the microphone........................

Not at all, but I'm not going to pretend I'm saddened by it either. It was just a matter of time this was going to start happening. When you push people too far eventually they push back.
That is a wimpy ass response..............

They assassinated these cops because of the racial hate in the other case..............That's fucking righteous.................

You need to get your priorities straight.................the one killed in the other case had just robbed a store minor theft or not, and assaulted the clerk.

He got shot for trying to assault a cop who was in his police car.

This isn't justice for anyone................It is blind hate assassinating men trying to protect the public.

Tell it too the kids of the dead.
Which is irrelevant. Darren Wilson had no idea about the convenience store when he stopped Brown.

But let's go with that... If we come to find that the officers broke the law in any way earlier that day then their murders are justified, right?

See how ridiculous that sounds?
I read most of the grand jury reports. Wilson heard the description over the radio. They matched the description of the convenience store. it stated, not when he stopped Brown, but when Brown was walking down the middle of the road a car having to avoid him. He told Brown to get out of the road, and then Brown approached the police car. The initial altercation was Brown jamming the door of the police car shut and punching Wilson through the window. Wilson could not get out of the car as Brown had it shoved shut.

This is what started it. Brown basically jay walking and then starting in on Wilson AT HIS CAR............during this time Wilson did realize that Brown matched the description called out over the radio.

Brown wasn't innocent of anything. Brown attacked Wilson in his car.

Read the grand jury report.
Mark... do you honestly believe that there is any degree of separation from the Race hustlers that fomented that murder and the Ideological Left?
Yes, I do.

Then let me introduce you to somebody who combines race hustling, Leftist ideology, and Leftist politics all in one person.


That woman is one of the ugliest women on the face of the earth, inside and out.

Probable she is, now that Helen Thomas died.


I never agreed with Helen Thomas' politics, but I respected her tenacity. She would have never put up with the BS that the current Press Corp seems to roll over for.


I have a confession to make. I once used her face to scare my kids into behaving better....that's after the fear of the Travelocity gnome wore off.

Sure, I'll explain it, if you really didn't get it.

My comment was meant to address the fact that all sort of assumptions were made by the poster in order to inflame irrational fear and animosity.

No one has stated that the perpetrator was a "protestor","liberal" and who is "them"???
It comes off as the type of person who heads a lynch mob and works them into a frenzy to harm anyone that resemble "them."

Mark... do you honestly believe that there is any degree of separation from the Race hustlers that fomented that murder and the Ideological Left?
Yes, I do.

Then let me introduce you to somebody who combines race hustling, Leftist ideology, and Leftist politics all in one person.


That woman is one of the ugliest women on the face of the earth, inside and out.

Probable she is, now that Helen Thomas died.


Nailed it... Both are completely ate up with evil. Horrible human beings. At best neither rises to the minimal threshold required to claim 'humanity'.
Cops turned their backs on DiBlasio as he entered the news conference!
This is what happens when we have weak pathetic leadership in this nation.. Period!
And Obama could give a shit ,he and the clan are on a 17 day vacation in Hawaii living it up on your dime, probably chewing on a Cuban cigar.

there he is....

look...I dislike this President so much!....all that is happening now is his fault...Hussein is the most divisive President ever

My feeling of aversion towards him and towards Holder and Valerie Jarrett ...and ...de Blasio....towards the whole bunch of thugs....knows no bounds.
Why is it that the media usually accuses these guys of being Tea Party members or Conservatives...until the facts come out and they aren't...but in this case....no mention in national or local stories about him being in the Tea Party...

he was some sort of re enacter of Serbian wars or something....but no Tea Party...
It is a massive conspiracy. The tea party pays the media not to report the truth about teaper killers...plus, they are a shadowy organization - terrorists - that hide their true beliefs and identities. Just like the couple that killed the cop in NV...they were teapers but the Tea Party created a FAKE facebook page to show otherwise.


Take this post to the conspiracy forum please.
you mean thread?
This is truly sad. These poor guys were just sitting in their patrol car, according to what I've heard. Both of them shot in the head execution style, and less than a week before Christmas. My God, that is cold.
It's positively Neanderthal-ish.

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