2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

slow night, so let's see if Nutz is right about whites killing a higher a ratio of police than blacks

Oops, he's wrong.

2011 statistics

77 alleged offenders were identified of felonious killings on a LEO. 43 white. 29 black. the rest other.

Now an idiot would say "haha 55% of assaults were by whites, while "only 37%" were committed by blacks proves that whites kill cops at a higher ratio"

But a non idiot understand that that is not true. Those stats only show that a higher ratio of cops were killed by whites than by blacks , but we'd expect that considering that 66% of our population is white compared to 12% black.

No, to get the TRUE ratio you have to figure how often a member of each race is likely to felonious kill a cop.

So for whites we see 43 felonious killings per 220M people
For blacks 29 per 39M people.

Right away we can see Nutz is wrong, but let's do the math anyway.
For whites we have, .43 killings per 2.2M people , or .43 per 2,200,000 or .215 per 1.1M people.

Broken down we see that roughly one person in every FOUR million commits a felonious kills on a police officer.

what's the ratio for blacks? Let's see.

29 for 39M people. That equal .74 per million, OR 3 per FOUR million.

So blacks are 3 times more likely to feloniously kill a cop than whites.

FBI mdash Officers Feloniously Killed

Omg! let me show how smarter I am then a bear by doing fudgy math. That'll show em! So this this is my reason for being a race baitin teaper! That'll show em! You just won the useless award of the day by wasting so much time trying to outdo nutz! Your my hero !!! Ok what do you propose the government should do for the black community? How to solve the problem in your post? Keeping in mind your for smaller government?I am guessing? I suppose the answer would be nothing?

What are you gonna do when obama is not president anymore and Fox News runs out stories? Maybe they can do stories on what Obamas kids eat for lunch everyday! Oops they already did that....lol They can't go 3 minutes without saying his name.


oh, by the way sonny, check ANY of threads on the lunch program and see where I stand.

Further, feel free to show where I mentioned Obama in this topic.

Back on the OP. A scumbag killed his girl friend, executed two police officers sitting in their car, and then blew himself away............good riddance.............and still the people here are attempting to basically justify this..................................

My original statement on this thread stands..............with one addition. May the killer have a special seat in hell for his actions.
slow night, so let's see if Nutz is right about whites killing a higher a ratio of police than blacks

Oops, he's wrong.

2011 statistics

77 alleged offenders were identified of felonious killings on a LEO. 43 white. 29 black. the rest other.

Now an idiot would say "haha 55% of assaults were by whites, while "only 37%" were committed by blacks proves that whites kill cops at a higher ratio"

But a non idiot understand that that is not true. Those stats only show that a higher ratio of cops were killed by whites than by blacks , but we'd expect that considering that 66% of our population is white compared to 12% black.

No, to get the TRUE ratio you have to figure how often a member of each race is likely to felonious kill a cop.

So for whites we see 43 felonious killings per 220M people
For blacks 29 per 39M people.

Right away we can see Nutz is wrong, but let's do the math anyway.
For whites we have, .43 killings per 2.2M people , or .43 per 2,200,000 or .215 per 1.1M people.

Broken down we see that roughly one person in every FOUR million commits a felonious kills on a police officer.

what's the ratio for blacks? Let's see.

29 for 39M people. That equal .74 per million, OR 3 per FOUR million.

So blacks are 3 times more likely to feloniously kill a cop than whites.

FBI mdash Officers Feloniously Killed
Afain...let's do 2014 and use the cops down website. Go ahead. Try it...because the FBI doesn't categorize terrorism (when a white kills a cop) the same way. How about using some first hand stats from 2014?

LOL setting aside your stupidity in calling when a white calls a cop terrorism, OBVIOUSLY the FBI does count whites who kill cops, since they counted you know 43 of them.

Feel free to counter my claim with your own research.
That is the thing...idiot...you didn't do any research. You are using second hand sources. You can look up each killing and who was responsible by visiting the cop memorial website.

But again, Googling stormfornt to find FBI stats that work in your favor is not research. Dumbass! :lmao: pathetic racists.

^refusing to posts evidence which proves facts posted in a thread are wrong. Winning debates since.................never.
Do you know why the FBI stats don't reflect the students killed at Sandy Hook?
slow night, so let's see if Nutz is right about whites killing a higher a ratio of police than blacks

Oops, he's wrong.

2011 statistics

77 alleged offenders were identified of felonious killings on a LEO. 43 white. 29 black. the rest other.

Now an idiot would say "haha 55% of assaults were by whites, while "only 37%" were committed by blacks proves that whites kill cops at a higher ratio"

But a non idiot understand that that is not true. Those stats only show that a higher ratio of cops were killed by whites than by blacks , but we'd expect that considering that 66% of our population is white compared to 12% black.

No, to get the TRUE ratio you have to figure how often a member of each race is likely to felonious kill a cop.

So for whites we see 43 felonious killings per 220M people
For blacks 29 per 39M people.

Right away we can see Nutz is wrong, but let's do the math anyway.
For whites we have, .43 killings per 2.2M people , or .43 per 2,200,000 or .215 per 1.1M people.

Broken down we see that roughly one person in every FOUR million commits a felonious kills on a police officer.

what's the ratio for blacks? Let's see.

29 for 39M people. That equal .74 per million, OR 3 per FOUR million.

So blacks are 3 times more likely to feloniously kill a cop than whites.

FBI mdash Officers Feloniously Killed
Afain...let's do 2014 and use the cops down website. Go ahead. Try it...because the FBI doesn't categorize terrorism (when a white kills a cop) the same way. How about using some first hand stats from 2014?

LOL setting aside your stupidity in calling when a white calls a cop terrorism, OBVIOUSLY the FBI does count whites who kill cops, since they counted you know 43 of them.

Feel free to counter my claim with your own research.
That is the thing...idiot...you didn't do any research. You are using second hand sources. You can look up each killing and who was responsible by visiting the cop memorial website.

But again, Googling stormfornt to find FBI stats that work in your favor is not research. Dumbass! :lmao: pathetic racists.

^refusing to posts evidence which proves facts posted in a thread are wrong. Winning debates since.................never.
Do you know why the FBI stats don't reflect the students killed at Sandy Hook?

Because the students killed at Sandy Hook weren't cops feloniously killed while in the line of duty?
Afain...let's do 2014 and use the cops down website. Go ahead. Try it...because the FBI doesn't categorize terrorism (when a white kills a cop) the same way. How about using some first hand stats from 2014?

LOL setting aside your stupidity in calling when a white calls a cop terrorism, OBVIOUSLY the FBI does count whites who kill cops, since they counted you know 43 of them.

Feel free to counter my claim with your own research.
That is the thing...idiot...you didn't do any research. You are using second hand sources. You can look up each killing and who was responsible by visiting the cop memorial website.

But again, Googling stormfornt to find FBI stats that work in your favor is not research. Dumbass! :lmao: pathetic racists.

^refusing to posts evidence which proves facts posted in a thread are wrong. Winning debates since.................never.
Do you know why the FBI stats don't reflect the students killed at Sandy Hook?

Because the students killed at Sandy Hook weren't cops feloniously killed while in the line of duty?
Nice try.
He wasn't left wing.

90% percent of his racial group voted for Obama.

I did not see any report of the suspect's race.

I'll do you one better:

Is that the guy?
Blacks need to get over this racism stuff and get real, stop blaming whites for their mental issues. All the violence in black communities, all the fear, that's a black thing. Not racism. Don't blame whites. The Vietnamese, Irish, the Catholics got past this stuff. Why can't blacks? in 250 years, they still blame others for their failures. That is sooo cheap. Get over IT.
"Certain" groups DEMAND cops lay off. One of that group kills a couple cops. The rest of the group will be left wondering why cops continue to target their communities.
Well that's what they were going for... they're trying to start race war. So that they can move toward martial law. Which will start a civil war. Which they'll lose... in a scale on which no one has ever lost before... total and complete annihilation.
I guess we're going to hear from all the racists tonight. I'll bet you were shouting with glee when you heard about this.
Your side is so far up it's ass on this one.
Two police officers minding their own business are assassinated and all you can do is circle the wagons around your politically correct protected classes.
YOU are the racist piece of shit.....
You getting run over by an exploding gasoline truck would make me laugh until my sides hurt.
Well that's what they were going for... they're trying to start race war. So that they can move toward martial law. Which will start a civil war. Which they'll lose... in a scale on which no one has ever lost before... total and complete annihilation.
I guess we're going to hear from all the racists tonight. I'll bet you were shouting with glee when you heard about this.
Rev. Al Sharpton was quick to condemn the killing, saying "any use of the names Eric Garner and Michael Brown, in connection with any violence or killing of police, is reprehensible and against the pursuit of justice in both cases."

How many Right-Wingers will praise Sharpton?

Sorry....sharpton's sins stain his soul until he gets to heaven.....look up Tawana Brawley and the riot he started that got people killed...he is a race hustling poverty pimp who soils the White House whenever he enters it....
See? Nothing good he ever does will elicit anything from you extremists other than a 25 year old case.

But you'll watch Ollie North and Mark Fuhrman on FOXNEWS and not give a second thought to their histories.

Because race and Party.
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