2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn


Are you happy that these 2 are dead?

Speak into the microphone........................

Not at all, but I'm not going to pretend I'm saddened by it either. It was just a matter of time this was going to start happening. When you push people too far eventually they push back.
That is a wimpy ass response..............

They assassinated these cops because of the racial hate in the other case..............That's fucking righteous.................

You need to get your priorities straight.................the one killed in the other case had just robbed a store minor theft or not, and assaulted the clerk.

He got shot for trying to assault a cop who was in his police car.

This isn't justice for anyone................It is blind hate assassinating men trying to protect the public.

Tell it too the kids of the dead.
Which is irrelevant. Darren Wilson had no idea about the convenience store when he stopped Brown.

But let's go with that... If we come to find that the officers broke the law in any way earlier that day then their murders are justified, right?

See how ridiculous that sounds?
I read most of the grand jury reports. Wilson heard the description over the radio. They matched the description of the convenience store. it stated, not when he stopped Brown, but when Brown was walking down the middle of the road a car having to avoid him. He told Brown to get out of the road, and then Brown approached the police car. The initial altercation was Brown jamming the door of the police car shut and punching Wilson through the window. Wilson could not get out of the car as Brown had it shoved shut.

This is what started it. Brown basically jay walking and then starting in on Wilson AT HIS CAR............during this time Wilson did realize that Brown matched the description called out over the radio.

Brown wasn't innocent of anything. Brown attacked Wilson in his car.

Read the grand jury report.
But we have since come to find that the Grand Jury was full of perjurers.

Are you happy that these 2 are dead?

Speak into the microphone........................

Not at all, but I'm not going to pretend I'm saddened by it either. It was just a matter of time this was going to start happening. When you push people too far eventually they push back.
That is a wimpy ass response..............

They assassinated these cops because of the racial hate in the other case..............That's fucking righteous.................

You need to get your priorities straight.................the one killed in the other case had just robbed a store minor theft or not, and assaulted the clerk.

He got shot for trying to assault a cop who was in his police car.

This isn't justice for anyone................It is blind hate assassinating men trying to protect the public.

Tell it too the kids of the dead.
Which is irrelevant. Darren Wilson had no idea about the convenience store when he stopped Brown.

But let's go with that... If we come to find that the officers broke the law in any way earlier that day then their murders are justified, right?

See how ridiculous that sounds?
I read most of the grand jury reports. Wilson heard the description over the radio. They matched the description of the convenience store. it stated, not when he stopped Brown, but when Brown was walking down the middle of the road a car having to avoid him. He told Brown to get out of the road, and then Brown approached the police car. The initial altercation was Brown jamming the door of the police car shut and punching Wilson through the window. Wilson could not get out of the car as Brown had it shoved shut.

This is what started it. Brown basically jay walking and then starting in on Wilson AT HIS CAR............during this time Wilson did realize that Brown matched the description called out over the radio.

Brown wasn't innocent of anything. Brown attacked Wilson in his car.

Read the grand jury report.
But we have since come to find that the Grand Jury was full of perjurers.
Which part of the evidence shows that Brown didn't start it by going to the car and assault the officer.............................

Which part changes that his description was reported over the wires..............

Are you happy that these 2 are dead?

Speak into the microphone........................

Not at all, but I'm not going to pretend I'm saddened by it either. It was just a matter of time this was going to start happening. When you push people too far eventually they push back.
That is a wimpy ass response..............

They assassinated these cops because of the racial hate in the other case..............That's fucking righteous.................

You need to get your priorities straight.................the one killed in the other case had just robbed a store minor theft or not, and assaulted the clerk.

He got shot for trying to assault a cop who was in his police car.

This isn't justice for anyone................It is blind hate assassinating men trying to protect the public.

Tell it too the kids of the dead.
Which is irrelevant. Darren Wilson had no idea about the convenience store when he stopped Brown.

But let's go with that... If we come to find that the officers broke the law in any way earlier that day then their murders are justified, right?

See how ridiculous that sounds?
I read most of the grand jury reports. Wilson heard the description over the radio. They matched the description of the convenience store. it stated, not when he stopped Brown, but when Brown was walking down the middle of the road a car having to avoid him. He told Brown to get out of the road, and then Brown approached the police car. The initial altercation was Brown jamming the door of the police car shut and punching Wilson through the window. Wilson could not get out of the car as Brown had it shoved shut.

This is what started it. Brown basically jay walking and then starting in on Wilson AT HIS CAR............during this time Wilson did realize that Brown matched the description called out over the radio.

Brown wasn't innocent of anything. Brown attacked Wilson in his car.

Read the grand jury report.
But we have since come to find that the Grand Jury was full of perjurers.

You just LOVE those black THUGS... do they really do it for you?
He wasn't left wing.

90% percent of his racial group voted for Obama.

I did not see any report of the suspect's race.

Which is, itself, a report of the suspect's race................

Nigga please!

Okay, so here's what we know. The suspect was black. The cops were of Hispanic and Asian decent. So was race a factor? Not likely. He also shot his former girlfriend in Baltimore, who was African American. But it is known that he hated cops. He made disparaging remarks about cops online. But many right wingers also hate cops. The most notorious right winger who hated cops blew up the Federal building in Oklahoma city, home of the regional FBI office. Our suspect also had a long rap sheet for robbery and carrying a concealed gun, is believed to have shot his former girlfriend in Baltimore before traveling to Brooklyn. He also made statements on social media suggesting that he planned to kill police officers, which led Baltimore authorities to send out a warning about the guy. But, if they are to be believed, NY authorities received the warning at about the same time the shootings occurred.

The guy was out to kill. He hated cops, had already killed, so when he came across these two, it seems pretty clear that they were in the wrong place at the wrong time. So was this guy a leftist? There is no information that would lead to that conclusion. Right wing, left wing, there are plenty to go around who don't like cops. What we do know is that he had a criminal record and was a violent offender, hated cops, had already killed, and was out to kill again. So, to my mind, that makes him, above anything else, a criminal, one with a very troubled mind. Unfortunately, there are plenty of those across the political spectrum. Next.
If you can show any me proof of that he was a member of the Tea Party I am willing to take a look at the evidence. It has not once been reported by the local media that he had any ties at all. I think you are merely drawing your own conclusions.
Stop playing stupid games.

Tell me: what do you think he was, politically? Big Obama supporter, you think? Maybe even an Elizabeth Warren/Occupy Wall Street guy?

Or do you think he is a conservative, and most likely a hard-core Libertarian?

Now where are the teabaggers on that scale?
I am not playing any games, stupid or otherwise. I don't know his political affiliations anymore then you do. If you have some proof that he has ties to the Tea Party then I am willing to be convinced.
You know damn well what the politics of Militia survivalist types are. Especially if you live in Pennsylvania.

So you're just being dishonest.
I did not see any report of the suspect's race.

The liberal media usually only reports the race when it's a white person.

This was cold-blooded murder. It was no accident. The guy wasn't defending himself. He intended to kill cops and he did it. None of those things can be said regarding the Brown or Garner cases. At least the piece of shit shot himself and didn't waste anyone's time with a trial.

Will Holder be sending in a team to investigate? /sarcasm
Okay, so here's what we know. The suspect was black. The cops were of Hispanic and Asian decent. So was race a factor? Not likely.

Black on Hispanic or Black on Asian murder can't be race related? For all you know this POS has a long history of hating Hispanics and Asians. So much for your post, I let all the liberal hot air out of it.
Not at all, but I'm not going to pretend I'm saddened by it either. It was just a matter of time this was going to start happening. When you push people too far eventually they push back.
That is a wimpy ass response..............

They assassinated these cops because of the racial hate in the other case..............That's fucking righteous.................

You need to get your priorities straight.................the one killed in the other case had just robbed a store minor theft or not, and assaulted the clerk.

He got shot for trying to assault a cop who was in his police car.

This isn't justice for anyone................It is blind hate assassinating men trying to protect the public.

Tell it too the kids of the dead.
Which is irrelevant. Darren Wilson had no idea about the convenience store when he stopped Brown.

But let's go with that... If we come to find that the officers broke the law in any way earlier that day then their murders are justified, right?

See how ridiculous that sounds?
I read most of the grand jury reports. Wilson heard the description over the radio. They matched the description of the convenience store. it stated, not when he stopped Brown, but when Brown was walking down the middle of the road a car having to avoid him. He told Brown to get out of the road, and then Brown approached the police car. The initial altercation was Brown jamming the door of the police car shut and punching Wilson through the window. Wilson could not get out of the car as Brown had it shoved shut.

This is what started it. Brown basically jay walking and then starting in on Wilson AT HIS CAR............during this time Wilson did realize that Brown matched the description called out over the radio.

Brown wasn't innocent of anything. Brown attacked Wilson in his car.

Read the grand jury report.
But we have since come to find that the Grand Jury was full of perjurers.
Which part of the evidence shows that Brown didn't start it by going to the car and assault the officer.............................

Which part changes that his description was reported over the wires..............
It. Doesn't. Matter.

Brown was killed 148 feet from the cruiser. Once there was separation from whatever altercation took place at the car, once Brown was walking away, Wilson was no longer in mortal danger. There was no more self-defense involved.
I guess when the RWnuts repeatedly remind us that armed rebellion against a tyrannical government is God given right of the people,

they weren't thinking about this sort of thing?
Okay, so here's what we know. The suspect was black. The cops were of Hispanic and Asian decent. So was race a factor? Not likely.

Black on Hispanic or Black on Asian murder can't be race related? For all you know this POS has a long history of hating Hispanics and Asians. So much for your post, I let all the liberal hot air out of it.

Not when he had already killed his black girlfriend, which is where this all started (and in another city). They were, likely in his mind, above anything else, cops. And we know he hated cops. That was obviously their "offense". If you have evidence he also hated Hispanics and Asians, by all means, post it here.
That is a wimpy ass response..............

They assassinated these cops because of the racial hate in the other case..............That's fucking righteous.................

You need to get your priorities straight.................the one killed in the other case had just robbed a store minor theft or not, and assaulted the clerk.

He got shot for trying to assault a cop who was in his police car.

This isn't justice for anyone................It is blind hate assassinating men trying to protect the public.

Tell it too the kids of the dead.
Which is irrelevant. Darren Wilson had no idea about the convenience store when he stopped Brown.

But let's go with that... If we come to find that the officers broke the law in any way earlier that day then their murders are justified, right?

See how ridiculous that sounds?
I read most of the grand jury reports. Wilson heard the description over the radio. They matched the description of the convenience store. it stated, not when he stopped Brown, but when Brown was walking down the middle of the road a car having to avoid him. He told Brown to get out of the road, and then Brown approached the police car. The initial altercation was Brown jamming the door of the police car shut and punching Wilson through the window. Wilson could not get out of the car as Brown had it shoved shut.

This is what started it. Brown basically jay walking and then starting in on Wilson AT HIS CAR............during this time Wilson did realize that Brown matched the description called out over the radio.

Brown wasn't innocent of anything. Brown attacked Wilson in his car.

Read the grand jury report.
But we have since come to find that the Grand Jury was full of perjurers.
Which part of the evidence shows that Brown didn't start it by going to the car and assault the officer.............................

Which part changes that his description was reported over the wires..............
It. Doesn't. Matter.

Brown was killed 148 feet from the cruiser. Once there was separation from whatever altercation took place at the car, once Brown was walking away, Wilson was no longer in mortal danger. There was no more self-defense involved.
He turned around and was coming back............after assaulting Wilson...........was he suddenly just going to obey and go peacefully..............doubt it..............

It's not your typical person who assaults a police officer in his own dang car............just for saying get out of the street as traffic had to go around him..................

All these rights over person who assaulted a clerk................and then assaulted a police officer........getting himself shot..................

Perhaps he should have chosen a better path than crime and assault...................and it sure doesn't justify the violence that has happened as a result...................burning down businesses who had NOTHING to do with it...............and now some wack shoots 2 police officers in the head for being at the wrong place at the right time...................
slow night, so let's see if Nutz is right about whites killing a higher a ratio of police than blacks

Oops, he's wrong.

2011 statistics

77 alleged offenders were identified of felonious killings on a LEO. 43 white. 29 black. the rest other.

Now an idiot would say "haha 55% of assaults were by whites, while "only 37%" were committed by blacks proves that whites kill cops at a higher ratio"

But a non idiot understand that that is not true. Those stats only show that a higher ratio of cops were killed by whites than by blacks , but we'd expect that considering that 66% of our population is white compared to 12% black.

No, to get the TRUE ratio you have to figure how often a member of each race is likely to felonious kill a cop.

So for whites we see 43 felonious killings per 220M people
For blacks 29 per 39M people.

Right away we can see Nutz is wrong, but let's do the math anyway.
For whites we have, .43 killings per 2.2M people , or .43 per 2,200,000 or .215 per 1.1M people.

Broken down we see that roughly one person in every FOUR million commits a felonious kills on a police officer.

what's the ratio for blacks? Let's see.

29 for 39M people. That equal .74 per million, OR 3 per FOUR million.

So blacks are 3 times more likely to feloniously kill a cop than whites.

FBI mdash Officers Feloniously Killed

Omg! let me show how smarter I am then a bear by doing fudgy math. That'll show em! So this this is my reason for being a race baitin teaper! That'll show em! You just won the useless award of the day by wasting so much time trying to outdo nutz! Your my hero !!! Ok what do you propose the government should do for the black community? How to solve the problem in your post? Keeping in mind your for smaller government?I am guessing? I suppose the answer would be nothing?

What are you gonna do when obama is not president anymore and Fox News runs out stories? Maybe they can do stories on what Obamas kids eat for lunch everyday! Oops they already did that....lol They can't go 3 minutes without saying his name.


oh, by the way sonny, check ANY of threads on the lunch program and see where I stand.

Further, feel free to show where I mentioned Obama in this topic.


Ok so you pretty much admitted there is a problem with blacks killing officers by 3 percent. Soo you want to do nothing to reverse this trend? Is this all you guys do is point out issues and not give any solutions? Why did you go through all that math then? To feel good that you outdid an anonymous poster? Nice work! Actually you are a reverse sharpton, a white sharpton pointing fingers and stiring the pot by doing exactly what he does. Quoting numbers. Sigh

A tragedy happened let's hope for no more violence and start the new year in a better place...
If you can show any me proof of that he was a member of the Tea Party I am willing to take a look at the evidence. It has not once been reported by the local media that he had any ties at all. I think you are merely drawing your own conclusions.
Stop playing stupid games.

Tell me: what do you think he was, politically? Big Obama supporter, you think? Maybe even an Elizabeth Warren/Occupy Wall Street guy?

Or do you think he is a conservative, and most likely a hard-core Libertarian?

Now where are the teabaggers on that scale?
I am not playing any games, stupid or otherwise. I don't know his political affiliations anymore then you do. If you have some proof that he has ties to the Tea Party then I am willing to be convinced.
You know damn well what the politics of Militia survivalist types are. Especially if you live in Pennsylvania.

So you're just being dishonest.

I am doing nothing of the sort. Again, if you have any evidence that proves he has ties to the Tea Party then I am willing to be convinced. You are offering a lot of speculation and I need more then just assumptions and speculations to be convinced.
I guess when the RWnuts repeatedly remind us that armed rebellion against a tyrannical government is God given right of the people,

they weren't thinking about this sort of thing?


Here's the distinction... ours is valid, your's is not.
The physical evidence in the Michael Brown case supported the officer updated with DNA evidence - The Washington Post

As those who have been following the case closely are aware, Wilson testified before the grand jury that Brown reached for his (Wilson’s) gun and a struggle for the gun followed, during which Wilson fired two shots. Later, Wilson pursued Brown and, after he turned and then charged toward Wilson, fired multiple shots bringing him to the ground about 8 to 10 feet away from him.

The physical evidence is consistent with his testimony. The County Medical Examiner was one of the first witnesses to testify before the grand jury. He explained the autopsy he conducted on Brown. It will be useful to show the injuries discussed and, for these purposes, I insert a chart prepared by an examiner hired by Brown’s family. (The parallel chart from the ME has not been publicly released, although the ME’s testimony has been released).

he ME found a tangential injury on Brown’s right thumb that traveled along the surface of the thumb — grand jury testimony Volume 3 (Sept. 9), page 114, line 12 etc. (hereafter cited by just page and line number). The ME further explained that he saw what appeared to be “soot” in the wound, which was consistent with a shot from close range (116:22). Indeed, based on his training and expertise, the ME thought that the soot would be indicative of the gun that fired the bullet causing the wound having been only 6 to 9 inches away (118:12). The soot was consistent with that discharged from a gun (122:13). The official report from the Office of Medical Examiner later confirmed that “the previously described particles of foreign particulate matter are consistent with products that are discharged from the barrel of a firearm.”

The significance of this wound and related physical evidence is that it places Brown’s right hand within 6 to 9 inches of the barrel of Wilson’s firearm. This physical evidence is thus quite consistent with Wilson’s testimony that Brown was trying to get hold of Wilson’s weapon, creating a fear in Wilson that he was going to get shot. It also creates a problem for those who view Brown as having been somehow accosted by Wilson and was just trying to escape. At least in the theories that I have seen sketched out, no explanation is offered for why Brown (who weighed around 300 pounds) had been forced by Wilson to have his right hand in a position where it was close to the gun and inside Wilson’s police car.
8 to 10 feet................

within 9 inches as soot was in the wound................

People lied in court all right..............the one's testifying against Wilson.

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