2 cops shot (one killed) in Brooklyn

There are 35,000 active duty police officers in the NYPD probably twice that in retired. The police should recognize that this is a war and start trying to win rather than roll over and die for liberal amusement.

I'm pretty sure they've been winning for a long time since almost none of them ever get prosecuted for the crimes they commit against the public rather frequently.

So, you are in favor of the action today and you are ready to wear the T shirt with the assasin's name on it?

I believe there are racist cops, but I believe we can deal with it without the likes of Sharpton, Obama,Holder, Di Blasio or war on police officers. Those men just make matters worse.
I'm disgusted. WTF is wrong with people?

Human nature?

Ignorance. That has to be it.
Ignorance = part of human nature

I hate the Policemen's Union, but I don't hate cops. I do not worship cops either. I have friends who are cops and am acquaintance of a Chief/ . I have very close like family that is NYPD

But I hate media and people on web when this shit happens

Sure. It's human nature. It's also a lot of hype. You have people who truly think that by either killing or assaulting cops they win a badge of honor. This guy murdered his girlfriend and then as if he was serving some type of justice decided to kill two cops AND was banking on suicide by cop.

Subsequently, any type of change has been set back. The people that are most vocal (currently) lack the foresight necessary to alter this course.

nothing has been set back, except to people wafflers on the fence. to hold any progress hostage to this is just silly.

are you a waffler?

I'm not a breakfast person. I'm not a waffler. I am a realist.

Yanno, people become cops because they think cops are superheros. They will get the bad guys. Instead, they are political pawns. They are hated because everyone is supposed to obey the law except the individual getting the ticket or arrested. Laws are for lesser humans. They are supposed to be robots. It doesn't even cross people's minds that these folk are SUPPOSED to go home after work. When they do realize this small little fact, people are actually offended.

The nature of the job creates an us versus them mentality. It's text book. It's a recognized issue. The problem is that it currently is an us versus them. Now, you currently have 45 gun related deaths this year for LEO. You have politicians that are playing it for all they have. You have people lashing out for both real and imaginary race issues and a mob sense of justice.

So, I'm thinking not only is there a need to deal with the ordinary bullshit but the additional crap that came along.
I'd say that it is a hell of a setback in more than community relations.

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Gunman kills self after 2 NYPD cops fatally shot 8216 execution style 8217 as 8216 revenge 8217 for Garner New York Post

When are we going to start rioting and stating how our lives matter?

No worries bro.......its getting close. Spoke to about a dozen people tonight at a hockey game about this incident..........pretty much strangers. Consensus was........"ok....open season time for cops on the savages............." OR "Fuck those assholes.......cops get a call, they sit in their car and finish their coffee and let the mofu's waste each other"

Regular people are sick of this black victimhood bs..........
If you can show any me proof of that he was a member of the Tea Party I am willing to take a look at the evidence. It has not once been reported by the local media that he had any ties at all. I think you are merely drawing your own conclusions.
Stop playing stupid games.

Tell me: what do you think he was, politically? Big Obama supporter, you think? Maybe even an Elizabeth Warren/Occupy Wall Street guy?

Or do you think he is a conservative, and most likely a hard-core Libertarian?

Now where are the teabaggers on that scale?
I would love to see the cops in NY walk off the job.

I wonder how long it would take before all those piss ant progressives in the Rotten Apple would be begging them to get back to workk

Hmmm... interesting. They walk off until the mayor resigns.
He wasn't left wing.
Pretty safe bet he voted for Obabble.
And it's a pretty safe bet you are a complete asshole. I figured you would be thrilled that these two cops got killed. After all, if you looked at their last names, it is pretty clear both of the officers were minorities. One of them asian and the other one latino, or as you would most likely call them, a gook and a sp*c.
Holy shit...Is it possible for you to be more inaccurate?
There are 35,000 active duty police officers in the NYPD probably twice that in retired. The police should recognize that this is a war and start trying to win rather than roll over and die for liberal amusement.

I'm pretty sure they've been winning for a long time since almost none of them ever get prosecuted for the crimes they commit against the public rather frequently.

Fuck you. How about that you piece of shit?

What an intellectual debater you are. I'll bet Harvard was busting down your door to recruit you. :lol:

Show us your degree. :rolleyes:

No worries bro.......its getting close. Spoke to about a dozen people tonight at a hockey game about this incident..........pretty much strangers. Consensus was........"ok....open season time for cops on the savages............." OR "Fuck those assholes.......cops get a call, they sit in their car and finish their coffee and let the mofu's waste each other"

Regular people are sick of this black victimhood bs..........
:lmao: Let's get the pulse of America from people at a hockey game. :rofl: A bunch of canadians and canadian lovers!
what I want to know is what is New York police going to do


not do

what is their plan?

to protect themselves and the community

from Thugs Inc.....


they will have to do something

something that does not smell of PC

so what will that be
If you can show any me proof of that he was a member of the Tea Party I am willing to take a look at the evidence. It has not once been reported by the local media that he had any ties at all. I think you are merely drawing your own conclusions.
Stop playing stupid games.

Tell me: what do you think he was, politically? Big Obama supporter, you think? Maybe even an Elizabeth Warren/Occupy Wall Street guy?

Or do you think he is a conservative, and most likely a hard-core Libertarian?

Now where are the teabaggers on that scale?
I am not playing any games, stupid or otherwise. I don't know his political affiliations anymore then you do. If you have some proof that he has ties to the Tea Party then I am willing to be convinced.
This is what happens when we have weak pathetic leadership in this nation.. Period!
And Obama could give a shit ,he and the clan are on a 17 day vacation in Hawaii living it up on your dime, probably chewing on a Cuban cigar.
I hope he has a great time, eats the finest food, gets daily massages, and gets plenty of rest and relaxation. He deserves it!

No worries bro.......its getting close. Spoke to about a dozen people tonight at a hockey game about this incident..........pretty much strangers. Consensus was........"ok....open season time for cops on the savages............." OR "Fuck those assholes.......cops get a call, they sit in their car and finish their coffee and let the mofu's waste each other"

Regular people are sick of this black victimhood bs..........
:lmao: Let's get the pulse of America from people at a hockey game. :rofl: A bunch of canadians and canadian lovers!

A pulse at a hockey game:uhh:............wtf s0n. A huge majority of Americans concur with the message on this tee shirt >>>


Nobody gives a fuck about Ferguson anymore.......figured that shit out well before the grand jury dropped the hammer!!!:up:
im having hard time finding if the killer was black or white. will obama speak out?

Maybe because it doesn't matter.
The hell it doesn't.

If it matters, whether the cop who shot Brown or Garner was white
, then it matters, if the lowlife bastard who shot the two NYPD cops was black.

What's good for the goose...
Who said it mattered whether Darren Wilson was White? If it was a Black or Hispanic or Asian cop it still would have been voluntary manslaughter. Or Murder Two.

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