2 star general killed in Afganistan

Heard it on the news.

An Afghan national soldier killed the American General and a maj General from Germany. Fifteen others were killed and wounded. It was some UN get together.

The soldier had been vetted and trained by Americans. He was part of the National Afghan Army. He was killed.

I doubt I'd trust any of the Afghan National soldiers. If I'm not mistaken this isn't the first time those soldiers have opened up on and Killed americans.

Once our troops are gone the Taliban will once again rule Afghanistan.
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This is a strong case for genocide of a group of sub-humans.
When was the last time a general died in a combat zone? I bet the goat herders are howling at the moon right now.
Has Issa gotten wind of this?

Time for him to open up another investigation..to you know..get to the bottom of it.

Issa's well acquainted with the bottom.
I got to hand it to the dumb bastards; that was one hell of a target they just took out from a purely military perspective. Reminds me of the conversation between Joker and his LT in full metal jacket!

"Well, how about a General?"
Simple fact. Had we gone in, taken out Bin Laden immediatly after 9-11, and gotten the hell out of that shithole region, we would be far better off. About 6000 of our sons and daughters and several trillion dollars better off.
Just another result of a total f*cked up situation caused by incredibly stupid actions by the past TWO Presidents.
President Bush for completely fucking everything up. Fighting the Iraq war in one of the most self defeating plans in world history. The Iraq war was a total FUBAR.
President Obama for being content with blaming it all on Bush, and then basically turn around and fight in Afghanistan in the same manner as Bush.
Just another result of a total f*cked up situation caused by incredibly stupid actions by the past TWO Presidents.
President Bush for completely fucking everything up. Fighting the Iraq war in one of the most self defeating plans in world history. The Iraq war was a total FUBAR.
President Obama for being content with blaming it all on Bush, and then basically turn around and fight in Afghanistan in the same manner as Bush.

Past two Presidents? You are being too generous. Our meddling in the Middle East never should have began decades ago.
The obvious solution to this tragedy is to institute GUN CONTROL in Afghanistan.

Background checks, waiting periods, concealed carry permits...........that will take care of EVERYTHING.
The obvious solution to this tragedy is to institute GUN CONTROL in Afghanistan.

Background checks, waiting periods, concealed carry permits...........that will take care of EVERYTHING.

Your being sarcastic, however you are right. Just not far enough.
If there is one area in the world that needs gun control it is the Middle East.
But a different kind of gun control...the kind we carried out in this area in the 1950's - 70's.
Let them shoot each other with black powder long rifles and ride round in camels.
It worked.
That is until the 1980's when the world decided it was cool to sell advanced weaponry to bat-shit crazy religious lunatics living in the most unstable region in the world. Aww gee - maybe that was a bad idea.
But wait - let's just keep doing it, and also train them in advanced military tactics also. Yeah that's the answer.

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