2 years in: midterms, stock market - Dear Mr. Trump, Who are you going to blame this time?

Stock Market Reulst: Who will Trump blame this time?

  • Obama

    Votes: 1 25.0%
  • Democrats

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Media

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • The Deep State Boogeyman

    Votes: 2 50.0%
  • Anyone but himself

    Votes: 1 25.0%

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VIP Member
Jun 7, 2018
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Dear Mr. Trump, I ask because if the past is any guide, your proclivity is to strike out like a whining child. You stated on national television that you are the world's greatest whiner and whine until you get what you want - as if that was a thing to be proud of, to brag about. Also, you always appear to look to avoid responsibility by blaming others.

So who? Who do you blame this time? We know you have started the blame game the day after the midterm elections, but the news kept getting terrible for you and your so-called agenda. An agenda based on claiming America has been doing so badly -- even when after the 2007/2008 financial melt down, compared to most every other nation, America in 2015/2016 would have been considered the envy of most other nations in how well she was recovering.

"Donald Trump has failed at most things he’s tried to do in life, with the crucial exception of selling himself as a success." - Michelle Goldberg
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Trump has blamed other people for most every bad decision he has made in his life, and...

"Many MAGA hat-wearers will probably go to their graves insisting that Trump is an agent of American redemption. But as the economy shows signs of cooling and Republicans realize, with a panic, that driving white suburban women away from their party was a bad idea, I wonder if some are finding it harder to choke back their doubts. They might have thought they were Trump’s allies, or his constituents. They’ve only ever been his marks." Opinion | Donald Trump Fails, Again
Fed pumps over $4 trillion into Wall Street seven years ago...Obama saved capitalism!

Fed raises interest rates and tries to reel back in some of the funny money that has inflated the Wall Street....Trump is destroying the economy!

And the moonbat circle jerk goes on.....
Michelle has Oddball's number: during the Trump administration, I’ve returned several times to a psychological study called “When Prophecy Fails,” about how members of a millenarian U.F.O. cult reacted when no extraterrestrial saviors appeared. Most redoubled their commitment to spreading the cult’s message, as if needing others to confirm their challenged faith. - Opinion | Donald Trump Fails, Again

Fed pumps over $4 trillion into Wall Street seven years ago...Obama saved capitalism!

Fed raises interest rates and tries to reel back in some of the funny money that has inflated the Wall Street....Trump is destroying the economy!

And the moonbat circle jerk goes on.....

As with most financial news, the experts, using facts and context get some things correct..."context matters. President Obama was elected in the midst of the worst economic downturn America has seen since the Great Depression. Trump was elected amid almost universal U.S. growth: rising GDP, escalating home prices, and an unemployment rate (4.8%) that was less than half its late-2009 nadir (10%). So it’s far from an apples-to-apples comparison."

...but some things based on speculation are a mixed bag: "midterms, the first real referendum on Trump’s administration. The Wall Street vote is already in. And despite some wobbly action this year—including a downright scary October—the net stock market results indicate that (so far at least) investors largely approve of Donald Trump as President."

Stock Market Results: Early Trump vs. Early Obama
As with most financial news, the experts, using facts and context get some things correct..."context matters. President Obama was elected in the midst of the worst economic downturn America has seen since the Great Depression. Trump was elected amid almost universal U.S. growth: rising GDP, escalating home prices, and an unemployment rate (4.8%) that was less than half its late-2009 nadir (10%). So it’s far from an apples-to-apples comparison."

...but some things based on speculation are a mixed bag: "midterms, the first real referendum on Trump’s administration. The Wall Street vote is already in. And despite some wobbly action this year—including a downright scary October—the net stock market results indicate that (so far at least) investors largely approve of Donald Trump as President."

Stock Market Results: Early Trump vs. Early Obama

Political spin.
Dear Mr. Trump, I ask because if the past is any guide, your proclivity is to strike out like a whining child. You stated on national television that you are the world's greatest whiner and whine until you get what you want - as if that was a thing to be proud of, to brag about. Also, you always appear to look to avoid responsibility by blaming others.

So who? Who do you blame this time? We know you have started the blame game the day after the midterm elections, but the news kept getting terrible for you and your so-called agenda. An agenda based on claiming America has been doing so badly -- even when after the 2007/2008 financial melt down, compared to most every other nation, America in 2015/2016 would have been considered the envy of most other nations in how well she was recovering.

"Donald Trump has failed at most things he’s tried to do in life, with the crucial exception of selling himself as a success." - Michelle Goldberg
All the above.
As with most financial news, the experts, using facts and context get some things correct..."context matters. President Obama was elected in the midst of the worst economic downturn America has seen since the Great Depression. Trump was elected amid almost universal U.S. growth: rising GDP, escalating home prices, and an unemployment rate (4.8%) that was less than half its late-2009 nadir (10%). So it’s far from an apples-to-apples comparison."

...but some things based on speculation are a mixed bag: "midterms, the first real referendum on Trump’s administration. The Wall Street vote is already in. And despite some wobbly action this year—including a downright scary October—the net stock market results indicate that (so far at least) investors largely approve of Donald Trump as President."

Stock Market Results: Early Trump vs. Early Obama

Political spin.
"Political spin?" You deserve some credit for you didn't call it alternative facts "context matters. President Obama was elected in the midst of the worst economic downturn America has seen since the Great Depression. Trump was elected amid almost universal U.S. growth: rising GDP, escalating home prices, and an unemployment rate (4.8%) that was less than half its late-2009 nadir (10%). So it’s far from an apples-to-apples comparison."
The Oddball guy is such a -- not sure what to add that hasn't been said before. But his spin is very old school
Dear Mr. Trump, I ask because if the past is any guide, your proclivity is to strike out like a whining child. You stated on national television that you are the world's greatest whiner and whine until you get what you want - as if that was a thing to be proud of, to brag about. Also, you always appear to look to avoid responsibility by blaming others.

So who? Who do you blame this time? We know you have started the blame game the day after the midterm elections, but the news kept getting terrible for you and your so-called agenda. An agenda based on claiming America has been doing so badly -- even when after the 2007/2008 financial melt down, compared to most every other nation, America in 2015/2016 would have been considered the envy of most other nations in how well she was recovering.

"Donald Trump has failed at most things he’s tried to do in life, with the crucial exception of selling himself as a success." - Michelle Goldberg

Obviously this is Obama’s fault as you guys have been saying the past two years this is his economy
Dear Mr. Trump, I ask because if the past is any guide, your proclivity is to strike out like a whining child. You stated on national television that you are the world's greatest whiner and whine until you get what you want - as if that was a thing to be proud of, to brag about. Also, you always appear to look to avoid responsibility by blaming others.

So who? Who do you blame this time? We know you have started the blame game the day after the midterm elections, but the news kept getting terrible for you and your so-called agenda. An agenda based on claiming America has been doing so badly -- even when after the 2007/2008 financial melt down, compared to most every other nation, America in 2015/2016 would have been considered the envy of most other nations in how well she was recovering.

"Donald Trump has failed at most things he’s tried to do in life, with the crucial exception of selling himself as a success." - Michelle Goldberg
Obviously this is Obama’s fault as you guys have been saying the past two years this is his economy

Why misrepresent what I say (not sure about "you guys" or who they are)? If anyone wants to deny the foundation Trump walked in on, go for it. After tax cuts and some other shit, it became Trump's economic voodoo. But you cannot deny what I always state: the trends Trump brags about regarding growth, were trending upwards since 2010 or so.

Just as Reagan walked into a financial and economic thing Carter left .. but kept Carter's FED Chairman who led us out of hyper inflation, Regan's economy began with his recession.

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