20 GOP Reps ready to pass Senate's funding Bill

It's disgusting that Boner refuses to bring up a vote. Why he is choosing to pander to the terrorists in the house is beyond comprehension.

Moderates or TeaTards

Who will Boehner listen to?
Mostly RINOs. They should convert to democrat.

I love it when any republican who disagrees with you is written off as a RINO. Every one you boot out of your party eventually becomes one vote less for republicans and one vote more for Democrats. Continue on with this crusade for PARTY PURITY and eventually the republican party will only consist of a dozen or so people.
(Here is a small hint for you: You win elections by bring people into your party, NOT by kicking them out.)
The thing that the folks loves to ignore is that the public is really, really getting tired of all the political posturing.
These 20 Republicans are listening to "we the people" and have shown who has balls and who are the goose-steppers who put party/ideology over country and are just meek and obedient followers.

Oh and I see recent polls have the Tea Party becoming less and less popular.
Congress, tea party hit all-time low in CNN polling
Congress, tea party hit all-time low in CNN polling - CNN.com
Tea Party Support Dwindles to Near-Record Low
Tea Party Support Dwindles to Near-Record Low
And then there's,,,Politics

How is the Tea Party going to ever win election when they seem to have a knack for alienating people in general? It seems the Tea Party has shot it's wad.
Mostly RINOs. They should convert to democrat.

I love it when any republican who disagrees with you is written off as a RINO. Every one you boot out of your party eventually becomes one vote less for republicans and one vote more for Democrats. Continue on with this crusade for PARTY PURITY and eventually the republican party will only consist of a dozen or so people.
(Here is a small hint for you: You win elections by bring people into your party, NOT by kicking them out.)

I never understood that

A moderate Republican will vote with you 8 out of 10 times and they will drive him out, replace him with a TeaTard and lose to a Democrat who never votes with you
Each one is then assured of an expensive primary - and probable loss - when the seek re-election. Unless they're somehow recalled or otherwise taken out sooner.

No Sorry, Most are from the North of the country (except a few from florida) Tea Baggers succeed in the South. Wonder Why?
Mostly RINOs. They should convert to democrat.

I love it when any republican who disagrees with you is written off as a RINO. Every one you boot out of your party eventually becomes one vote less for republicans and one vote more for Democrats. Continue on with this crusade for PARTY PURITY and eventually the republican party will only consist of a dozen or so people.
(Here is a small hint for you: You win elections by bring people into your party, NOT by kicking them out.)

That pretty much depends on why you want to win. I don't vote just to put a Republican in the congress or the white house. I vote for the candidate that I believe best represents my political views, and will govern closest to the principles that I hold.

All of you left wing loons show your true colors with the win at any cost bullcrap.

There is a major war of ideas and principles taking place in this country, and conservatives cannot win that war when we have people at the top of the Republican party that do not really believe in what they claim to believe. They need to govern as they campaigned, or get the hell out of the party. They have lied to the people who voted them into office, and that makes them unfit to be in office.

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