20 Questions About MGM Shooting Nobody Will Answer


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
Wayne Allen Root is a native Vegan and talk show host who has been looking deeply into the shooting since the moment it happened. His 20 questions make a whole lot of sense and leave a whole lot of stuff up in the air. Here they are:

#1 Rambo (This is one that has bothered me from the start)

#2 The constantly changing timeline

#3 The Police Homicide Division isn’t Investigating the worst mass shooting in U.S. history?

#4) The Vegas Sheriff.

#5) Where’s the video?

#6) The girlfriend.

#7) Money laundering.

#8) Rich or “Heavily in Debt?”

#9) Paddock Paid Off His Marker?

#10) Child porn.

#11) Every single witness from that concert that I spoke to, or heard, claimed there were multiple shooters.

#12) Jesus Campos. The “hero” security guard. Did he show up before…during…or after the massacre? His timeline changed multiple times. Why? MGM coaching him on timeline to make their liability less severe?

#13) Terrible & faulty security at MGM.

#14) The mysterious stock sales patterns of Jim Murren and top MGM execs and Board of Directors in the days before the Vegas Massacre.

#15) ISIS.

#16) Did CEO Murren & MGM pay for a terrorism insurance rider?

#17) The autopsies.

#18) Trump. (Why has he been so silent about this?)

#19) To sum it all up…

...not quite

#20) Now here’s my biggest theory/mystery of all…the timeline

Discussion of each of these is @ Fed-up Vegas Native Asks 20 Questions About MGM Shooting Nobody Will Answer
Let's face facts, Longknife: this whole thing was set up to make guns a political issue and by doing it at a conservative concert, they hoped to enlist more from the Right. There never will be any clear answers to those questions because the public couldn't handle the truth that those people were planned and picked for slaughter by the Political anti-gunner Left because there is a powerful Soros backed lobby in this country that wants us all disarmed and this country turned to a police state.
Let's face facts, Longknife: this whole thing was set up to make guns a political issue and by doing it at a conservative concert, they hoped to enlist more from the Right. There never will be any clear answers to those questions because the public couldn't handle the truth that those people were planned and picked for slaughter by the Political anti-gunner Left because there is a powerful Soros backed lobby in this country that wants us all disarmed and this country turned to a police state.

They ain't gonn' get it. :funnyface:

I find it nigh impossible to believe a 60 year old out-of-shape man is going to be laying down that amount of heavy, rapid fire. Where are all the spent bullets and what caliber are they?
Let's face facts, Longknife: this whole thing was set up to make guns a political issue and by doing it at a conservative concert, they hoped to enlist more from the Right. There never will be any clear answers to those questions because the public couldn't handle the truth that those people were planned and picked for slaughter by the Political anti-gunner Left because there is a powerful Soros backed lobby in this country that wants us all disarmed and this country turned to a police state.

They ain't gonn' get it. :funnyface:

I find it nigh impossible to believe a 60 year old out-of-shape man is going to be laying down that amount of heavy, rapid fire. Where are all the spent bullets and what caliber are they?

Ask the cops. They have all the answers.
Let's face facts, Longknife: this whole thing was set up to make guns a political issue and by doing it at a conservative concert, they hoped to enlist more from the Right. There never will be any clear answers to those questions because the public couldn't handle the truth that those people were planned and picked for slaughter by the Political anti-gunner Left because there is a powerful Soros backed lobby in this country that wants us all disarmed and this country turned to a police state.

They ain't gonn' get it. :funnyface:

I find it nigh impossible to believe a 60 year old out-of-shape man is going to be laying down that amount of heavy, rapid fire. Where are all the spent bullets and what caliber are they?

Ask the cops. They have all the answers.

You are a Ukrainian emigrant, cowardly and sneaky. Your answer is wrong because you work for the Moscow dachas and constantly drunk
There is a difference between 'no one will answer' and "as a conspiracy nut I will not accept any answer that doesn't make this part of a vastly larger plot'.

And yeah this is the latter.
Same old story. If you don't think there are some in this government that are staging these events you should do some research and it will become clear. They want our guns and its not going to stop until people wake up.
Same old story. If you don't think there are some in this government that are staging these events you should do some research and it will become clear. They want our guns and its not going to stop until people wake up.

the college kids have been brainwashed on this obviously.

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