$20 trillion man: National debt nearly doubles during Obama presidency


Diamond Member
Mar 9, 2014
Waiting on the Cowardly Dante!!
The Washington Times ^ | 1 Nov 2015 | Dave Boyer
When President Obama signs into law the new two-year budget deal Monday, his action will bring into sharper focus a part of his legacy that he doesn’t like to talk about: He is the $20 trillion man. Mr. Obama’s spending agreement with Congress will suspend the nation’s debt limit and allow the Treasury to borrow another $1.5 trillion or so by the end of his presidency in 2017. Added to the current total national debt of more than $18.15 trillion, the red ink will likely be crowding the $20 trillion mark right around the time Mr. Obama leaves the White...

doesn't congress draft the budget? didn't Obama only sign what our elected representatives in the house and senate came up with?
Like it matters if it's this president or that president, this congressmen, or that senator. They're all tools of the bankers.
Imagine if we started paying for some of these wars up front.
Imagine of we started paying for some of these entitlement programs up front?

Imagine if we just ended the FED and had debt free money?
doesn't congress draft the budget? didn't Obama only sign what our elected representatives in the house and senate came up with?
Bush, Jr. knew his followers were too stupid to figure out he didn't put the wars in his budget.
Is the NEW Obama war in the budget? Link please.

I thought the new budget added an additional $30 billion for Middle East military operations

edited after fact check sorry, it was 90+ billion

doesn't congress draft the budget? didn't Obama only sign what our elected representatives in the house and senate came up with?
Bush, Jr. knew his followers were too stupid to figure out he didn't put the wars in his budget.
Is the NEW Obama war in the budget? Link please.

I thought the new budget added an additional $30 billion for Middle East military operations
Well then by THAT claim ALL of Reagan's was ON the budget!
doesn't congress draft the budget? didn't Obama only sign what our elected representatives in the house and senate came up with?
Bush, Jr. knew his followers were too stupid to figure out he didn't put the wars in his budget.
Is the NEW Obama war in the budget? Link please.

I thought the new budget added an additional $30 billion for Middle East military operations
Well then by THAT claim ALL of Reagan's was ON the budget!

its not a claim, republicans added an additional $96 billion to the budget for war spending, and keep in mind this $96 billion doesnt fall under military spending caps of the defense budget, this is money explicitly for unanticipated war cost, and republicans are the ones who threw it in the budget, talk about the party of fiscal responsability. but then again Obama is a warhawk, i guess he saw the extra money and decided he would spend it on renigging on his promise of no boots in syria

the world is upside down, the democrat is the warhawk and the republican is the budget buster
Imagine if we started paying for some of these wars up front.
You mean like the one Obama and democrats are taking us back to THIS week?

Yes that, but more importantly the ones that added $6 trillion to the debt.
How much do you think this NEW Obama war is going to add idiot?
Is HIS adding even another trillion a good idea? How about 4 trillion?

Is it truly a good idea to add debt for a war we at this point have NO part in? Why not let Putin pay for it?
Imagine if we started paying for some of these wars up front.
You mean like the one Obama and democrats are taking us back to THIS week?

Yes that, but more importantly the ones that added $6 trillion to the debt.
How much do you think this NEW Obama war is going to add idiot?
Is HIS adding even another trillion a good idea? How about 4 trillion?

Is it truly a good idea to add debt for a war we at this point have NO part in? Why not let Putin pay for it?

You are not going to find anyone who thinks invading syria is a fiscally sound idea
In January, 2009, the CBO's 10 year projection estimated about $3.1t would be added to the debt.
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Imagine if we started paying for some of these wars up front.
You mean like the one Obama and democrats are taking us back to THIS week?

Yes that, but more importantly the ones that added $6 trillion to the debt.
How much do you think this NEW Obama war is going to add idiot?
Is HIS adding even another trillion a good idea? How about 4 trillion?

Is it truly a good idea to add debt for a war we at this point have NO part in? Why not let Putin pay for it?

You are not going to find anyone who thinks invading syria is a fiscally sound idea
This is one fight we need to stay out of and can IF those war monger democrats would just shut up.

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