20 year old kills 99 year old woman during burglary

So it is not newsworthy that a 99 year old gets murdered? We should ignore it?

It is only news worthy for the cocksucking left if it is a black thug getting blown away.

One that jumped a man and was trying to kill him....

Cold blooded murder from a black person isn't news as the black community doesn't have the honor to fix things. IN THE GODDAMN LEFT gets votes off of it.
So I'm guessing the perp is black or you wouldn't be posting this......

I think he's trying to show that blacks kill whites at an alarming rate, something the Trayvon fiasco ignored and centered on something altogether untrue. It's relevant..

Blacks kill whites at over 10 times PER CAPITA. Every year....
The same area where a confused Black girl claimed she was raped by White men in the late 1980's. Her story was easy to unravel but the poverty pimps and the democrat party and Al Sharpton turned the Towana Brawley case into a fake racial national issue. Based on the names (is that a racist assumption?) we have a Black suspect today preying on a Jewish woman a year before she reaches her 100th birthday and her life was snuffed out by a kid full of hatred by the racial climate that democrats promote in New York.
So I'm guessing the perp is black or you wouldn't be posting this......

I think he's trying to show that blacks kill whites at an alarming rate, something the Trayvon fiasco ignored and centered on something altogether untrue. It's relevant..

You bet your sweet derriere it's relevant.

In the Zimmerman case, a Hispanic male was portrayed as a White racist murderer of an innocent Black child. The entire MSM told the most viscous lies about Zimmerman and even the US Government got involved in the case. All this in spite of conclusive evidence that Martin knocked Zimmerman to the ground without legal justification and was pummeling him relentlessly before Zimmerman resorted to the use of deadly force to stop the attack. Even Juror B29 (the one misquoted by Travonites) stated that the case should have never gone to trail, and the whole thing was just a political stunt.

In the present case, a 99-year old White lady was murdered in cold blood by a Black man and not a peep from the national press. WTF?

Here's a picture of the perp.

Fannie Gumbinger killed by Javon Tyrek Rogers in her Hudson Valley home, cops say

Ladies and gentlemen, there is a problem with crime in this Country, and the biggest problem is the disproportionate number of crimes committed by Blacks. Most of it is not racial in that most of their victims are also Black. However, there seems to be an increasing number of Black on White violence, and I suspect a lot of it has to do with the MSM's gross and unethical mischaracterization of Zimmerman as a racist murderer. Something must be done and the first step must be to acknowledge the problem and publicize it. The fucking silence is not helping anyone.

Black crime must be stopped for the sake of everyone, but especially for Black men, women and children. Anyone who cannot see this has blinders on. Trying to reduce the number of crimes committed by Blacks does not make one a racist. To the contrary, those who ignore the disproportionate number of Black victims are the ones who have blood on their hands.

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