20 years ago today...


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
This story broke

Do you know liberals to this day think clinton was impeached for getting a blow job?

That is how stupid they all are and just another reason why debating them is a complete waste of time.
This story broke

Do you know liberals to this day think clinton was impeached for getting a blow job?

That is how stupid they all are and just another reason why debating them is a complete waste of time.

Boogie Nights Bill will forever be the president that I would want to be my wingman picking up women. Dude raked in the trim.
I thought Sgt Pepper taught the band to play 20 years ago today. Now I know they've been going in and out of style. But they're guaranteed to raise a smile.

This story broke

Do you know liberals to this day think clinton was impeached for getting a blow job?

That is how stupid they all are and just another reason why debating them is a complete waste of time.

Boogie Nights Bill will forever be the president that I would want to be my wingman picking up women. Dude raked in the trim.

Kennedy, Marilyn Monroe.

Clinton..Monica Lewinsky?
Do you know liberals to this day think clinton was impeached for getting a blow job?
That is how stupid they all are and just another reason why debating them is a complete waste of time.
They know he wasn't impeached for getting a blow job.

But they are doing their best to lie about it and pretend to others that he was, in hopes they can convince somebody somewhere it was true. That way they can further pretend the Republicans were the ones who were wrong, lying, etc., instead of themselves.

So to this day they try to maintain a façade of being the innocent victims of Republicans, instead of being the ones who lied to Congress, tried to destroy victims ranging from Paula Jones toe Juanita Broaddrick, and defend a serial rapist from the same charges they are now pretending outrage over about Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner, and all the rest.

Everything in the Democrats' agenda, depends on pretending something else happened, pretending they didn't do what witnesses said they did, dodging questions and subpoenas, and attacking anyone who tells the truth about them. Then and now.
I thought Sgt Pepper taught the band to play 20 years ago today. Now I know they've been going in and out of style. But they're guaranteed to raise a smile.

All manner of crimes committed raise a smile with you.
Just think how dumb these Moon Bats were for believing that lying piece of shit Slick Willy saying that he didn't have sex with that Lewinski woman. How dumb could they be?

Bob Dole ran against Slick Willy. Dole received the Congressional Medal of Freedom today. He was a military hero and honest.

Slick Willy was punished by the court for being a liar, and he loathed the military. World class scumbag just like Crooked Hillary.

The stupid Moon Bats were idiots voting for Slick Willy, weren't they?

Moon Bats always do the wrong thing, don't they?
Do you know liberals to this day think clinton was impeached for getting a blow job?
That is how stupid they all are and just another reason why debating them is a complete waste of time.
They know he wasn't impeached for getting a blow job.

But they are doing their best to lie about it and pretend to others that he was, in hopes they can convince somebody somewhere it was true. That way they can further pretend the Republicans were the ones who were wrong, lying, etc., instead of themselves.

So to this day they try to maintain a façade of being the innocent victims of Republicans, instead of being the ones who lied to Congress, tried to destroy victims ranging from Paula Jones toe Juanita Broaddrick, and defend a serial rapist from the same charges they are now pretending outrage over about Harvey Weinstein, Anthony Weiner, and all the rest.

Everything in the Democrats' agenda, depends on pretending something else happened, pretending they didn't do what witnesses said they did, dodging questions and subpoenas, and attacking anyone who tells the truth about them. Then and now.
You underestimate their stupidity.
Just think how dumb these Moon Bats were for believing that lying piece of shit Slick Willy saying that he didn't have sex with that Lewinski woman. How dumb could they be?

They just didn't care. It wasn't anyone's business.

Bob Dole ran against Slick Willy. Dole received the Congressional Medal of Freedom today. He was a military hero and honest.

Yes, he was. And he had no compelling reason to run other than it was 'his turn'. The saddest day of Dole's 1996 campaign is when he retired from the Senate to get someone to pay attention to him, and he gave this long speech about all the things he did to make government bigger.

then again, when you are running against "Peace and Prosperity", you might as well throw "Puppies" in there.

Slick Willy was punished by the court for being a liar, and he loathed the military. World class scumbag just like Crooked Hillary.

He was slapped on the wrist for not wanting to talk about his personal life. Boo- fucking- hoo.

Just remember, kids, lying us into a war that gets thousands of people killed is 'Patriotism", but lying to not embarrass your family is an impeachable offense.

I think loving the military doesn't involve sending thousands of htem off to die for absolutely nothing, which is what Bush did.

The stupid Moon Bats were idiots voting for Slick Willy, weren't they?

Here's the thing, buddy. Back in the 1990's, I was one of you wingnuts (although not the Racist POS you are) who screamed "Impeach Clinton" as loudly as I scream "Impeach Trump" now.

But you know what, when Clinton was president, my property values increased, my investments increased, my salary increased. We had peace and prosperity.

Then Bush came along and we had recessions and wars, and frankly, getting a blow job in the white house didn't seem like that big of a deal anymore.

Here's the thing. If the WORST THING you have to worry about is "Did he lie about getting a blow job", your life is pretty good.
This story broke

Do you know liberals to this day think clinton was impeached for getting a blow job?

That is how stupid they all are and just another reason why debating them is a complete waste of time.

Everyone I know understands he was impeached for lying about the blowjob not for the blowjob itself.

That is what 7 years and 80 millions dollars gets ya.

Just imagine what Mueller will be able to to with that amount of time and money.
This story broke

Do you know liberals to this day think clinton was impeached for getting a blow job?

That is how stupid they all are and just another reason why debating them is a complete waste of time.

Clinton was impeached? On what planet?

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