Biden Now and Five Years Ago

I hear doctors can scrape those things off your ass now pretty easy just as an outpatient with a local. Kinda like a carbuncle. Just saying. :smoke:

☝️ TRANSLATION: Innumerable and unthinkably heinous crimes of governmental weaponization of the law have been brought to bear against Trump these years just to defeat him as a political opponent because they can't win in a straight contest just because he is unpopular to some--- the ultimate manifestation of attacking our democracy in a nation FOUNDED on the principle of /PROTECTING/ unpopular views and opinions! Actions which DEMAND they be addressed and fixed now and those who perpetrated this rash distortion of "justice" held accountable so this sort of american far-left fascism never occurs again, so naturally a far-left wing nut would call defending democracy and repairing the rule of law for the health of the nation "a revenge tour."

It is only a revenge tour against injustice. When injustice becomes "justice" in a country, we have truly become a third-world banana republic. Just so happens that most of the guilty perps are also DEMOCRATS.

It's as if the Left actually are so out of contact and full of themselves with the harm they have done now to the rule of law in their unbridled mad obsession with destroying a man whose greatest crime is his accountant recording repayments made to an attorney in private business ledgers as legal expenses at best an expired, out-of-date misdemeanor into 34 theorized felony crimes by allowing the jury to imagine whatever crime they wanted to get a conviction from, that they don't even realize they are the real cult here so blinded by blind hatred and a desire not to lose that they would put back into office a guy in the WH who can't even tie his shoe laces (just imagine him in four years!) or get out a clear, coherent thought on his own as leader of the free world that we KNOW this man HAS NOT been running this country himself these past four years (but who has?), rather than putting back into office a proven successful commodity who may or may not have made a lewd move with a woman 40 years ago and may or may not have had a fling with another woman 20 years ago (neither of which ever complained all this time but waited for this election to "remember") to justify their blind contempt at the risk and expense of the entire nation (and world stability).

BOY. Talk about living in a deluded, cultish, dissonant, self-absorbed, enclosed-bubble life. :shok:
LOL. Whose ass did you crawl out of? :auiqs.jpg::auiqs.jpg:
S'Matter?....Ukraine wasn't to your taste???
41% of Democrats and 80% of Independents say Joe Biden does not have the mental and cognitive health to serve as President

Weird how the report came out in February that Biden was in mental decline...and the GARLAND DOJ had the recorded testimony.

You know...the recording they refused under threat of contempt of congress to release.

So everyone knew FOR SURE in February...and I mean all of us...they knew long before that.

The first real Primary for Democrats was February 3rd.

Plenty of time to democratically choose a new candidate.

But they covered it up instead.

Hid it from us...but more importantly, HID IT FROM DEMOCRAT VOTERS!

Cuz they, the Establishment Democrats, they don't trust their voters to choose the candidate the ESTABLISHMENT wants.

So... they covered it up.

Can't have a Bernie, or a Tulsi or RFK Jr getting the nomination in a free and fair primary!

Then they'd have the same problem as the REPUBLICAN Establishment...A nominee that isn't under their direct control.

So... They schedule the earliest debate in history...before the nomination. And this was the DNC's idea...

... and create a panic that only the DNC can save the party from at the convention.

Just wait..."We all have to coalesce around 'our' candidate" will be the marching orders.

Sound like a conspiracy theory?

I'm sure it's just coincidence. :wink_2:

I wonder if Biden thought it was HIS idea to challenge Trump to debate a month and a half before the nomination was finalized?

I wonder if Biden thought he was getting the drugs they used for the State of the Union on the night of the debate?
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He had an occasional senior moment back then which indicated he had the possible onset of dementia and this was brought up in in 2020. Biden's supporters dismissed it as nonsense, but when you look at the Biden of 2019 and the Biden of today there is a remarkable difference. Even in his lucid moments he is not the man from five years ago. This man is not fit for another presidential term and Democrats need to stop gaslighting people. This is too important of an issue.

He had an occasional senior moment back then which indicated he had the possible onset of dementia and this was brought up in in 2020. Biden's supporters dismissed it as nonsense, but when you look at the Biden of 2019 and the Biden of today there is a remarkable difference. Even in his lucid moments he is not the man from five years ago. This man is not fit for another presidential term and Democrats need to stop gaslighting people. This is too important of an issue.


Yeah, they look NOTHING alike
If the dems want to lose the election then fine, just don’t gaslight the people by telling everything is ok
This man is not fit for another presidential term and Democrats need to stop gaslighting people. This is too important of an issue.

Most do not deliberately lie .
Their world view is under such severe attack that they are psychologically forced to deflect and deny .

Just ordinary people unable to find coping mechanisms .

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