20 years later and NY still can't figure out how to open new WTC because of so many regulations!


Silver Member
Jul 31, 2016
Almost twenty years later and N.Y. City still can't figure out how to open the new "World Trade Center" tower with it all already built because there are so much regulation and bureaucracy! Lol! At this point the other ones would have needed to be replaced because they would have been so old! Lol! Do you New Yorkers not care about anything or do you just gravel at the feet of government?! Maybe Bruce Springsteen can sing a song about it while Chris Christy is sucking him off?
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Almost twenty years later and N.Y. City still can't figure out how to open the new "World Trade Center" tower with it all already built because there are so much regulation and bureaucracy! Lol! At this point the other ones would have needed to be replaced because they would have been so old! Lol! Do you New Yorkers not care about anything or do you just gravel at the feet of government?! Maybe Bruce Springsteen can sing a song about it while Chris Christy is sucking him off?

What the heck are you talking about? I think that is why no one has responded.
You can't understand that I am asking about and addressing the main tower of the World Trade Center not being open yet?
You honestly think that the Freedom Tower has opened up outside of Conde Nast being there? You either don't know yourself which backs up everything I was saying and asking or sadly have no idea how to find out yourself even though you are using the internet? Which kiiiiind of goes back to what I was saying of the level of incompetence.
You honestly think that the Freedom Tower has opened up outside of Conde Nast being there? You either don't know yourself which backs up everything I was saying and asking or sadly have no idea how to find out yourself even though you are using the internet? Which kiiiiind of goes back to what I was saying of the level of incompetence.

Your writing skills suck.
Almost twenty years later and N.Y. City still can't figure out how to open the new "World Trade Center" tower with it all already built because there are so much regulation and bureaucracy! Lol! At this point the other ones would have needed to be replaced because they would have been so old! Lol! Do you New Yorkers not care about anything or do you just gravel at the feet of government?! Maybe Bruce Springsteen can sing a song about it while Chris Christy is sucking him off?
Hey dumb shit. I was just in Freedom Tower less than two months ago.

Put down the crack pipe.
Lol! Yes! Math IS important and relevant hence the "Almost" part but moving along (16 years later) the zeitgeist says it is not open yet because you all have an incomprehensible amount of rules, laws, regulations, and as you so kindly and gently put it "red tape regulations" which makes them sound noble and worthwhile. Lol. Out of curiosity how long do you all think the "Freedom Tower" would take to build in the Middle East? I mean they have some UNBELIEVABLE infrastructures over there. I would say the first step in this process is to remember it in the first place as I think it has slipped you all's minds. Such is a slave of the government. Who's freer now?
Almost twenty years later and N.Y. City still can't figure out how to open the new "World Trade Center" tower with it all already built because there are so much regulation and bureaucracy!

You can just smell the bullshit on this one. This guy plays that old regulations ploy and couldnt name anything just general rabble
Sounds like you are just waiting for it to open. Hoping for a hit again?
Lol! Yes! Math IS important and relevant hence the "Almost" part but moving along (16 years later) the zeitgeist says it is not open yet because you all have an incomprehensible amount of rules, laws, regulations, and as you so kindly and gently put it "red tape regulations" which makes them sound noble and worthwhile. Lol. Out of curiosity how long do you all think the "Freedom Tower" would take to build in the Middle East? I mean they have some UNBELIEVABLE infrastructures over there. I would say the first step in this process is to remember it in the first place as I think it has slipped you all's minds. Such is a slave of the government. Who's freer now?
Math IS important and relevant hence the "Almost" part but moving along (16 years later) the zeitgeist says it is not open yet because you all have an incomprehensible amount of rules, laws, regulations,

Dont be shy, what rules?
Lol! Yes! Math IS important and relevant hence the "Almost" part but moving along (16 years later) the zeitgeist says it is not open yet because you all have an incomprehensible amount of rules, laws, regulations, and as you so kindly and gently put it "red tape regulations" which makes them sound noble and worthwhile. Lol. Out of curiosity how long do you all think the "Freedom Tower" would take to build in the Middle East? I mean they have some UNBELIEVABLE infrastructures over there. I would say the first step in this process is to remember it in the first place as I think it has slipped you all's minds. Such is a slave of the government. Who's freer now?

Construction did not begin until just over 10 years ago. The building did not open until 2015.

Are there any other mistakes you wish clarified?
As a slave of the government I can understand how you would be confused and PROBABLY not know how to address anything other than lie BUT I take it you all are agreeing with me. So why do people not talk about it? Is it that you all forgot or are you all covering it up? I also would imagine you all are lawyers (perhaps judges) or at least Federal employees and so invested in the stranglehold of the people that there is no end to defense and denial of the subject at hand. Once again. Should Bruce Springstein sing a song about it with Chris Christy fellating him or naught?
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