200,000 dead Americans are "virtually nobody" according to Trump

Heā€™s right, the virus affects almost no young people. The data proves it. Not that science and data matter to the left, it doesnā€™t fit their fear-mongering Agenda.

The left is completely comprised of Science Deniers at this point.
No one believes that number. It is a joke designed to prey upon only the most credulous and naive in society.
President Donald Trump claimed Monday at an Ohio campaign rally that the coronavirus poses little threat to young people and ā€œaffects virtually nobody,ā€ as the number of Americans to have died from Covid-19 climbed toward 200,000 in the United States.

ā€œIt affects elderly people. Elderly people with heart problems and other problems. If they have other problems, thatā€™s what it really affects,ā€ Trump told supporters at an airport outside Toledo.


What kind of sleaze says the death of 200,000 Americans is "nobody". You really dio have to be a heartless baastard. Of course sthis is the same person that called our fallen tropps losers and suckers and his own supporters disgusting.

This is who Trump is. A pathetic sad disgusting little loser.

Figures you twist his words. The meaning is that usually people infected don't die, and don't suffer severe symptoms. He isn't calling the dead "nobodies" and you know it.
I don't need your warped opinion to tell me what Trump meant. His words are as clear as day.
200k is tragic but a pittance statistically.
Itā€™s the third leading cause of death. A pittance itā€™s not.
Compared to a population of 330mil? Pittance.

How does it compare to those who have died in riots this summer?

Because the right wants us to believe that's a far greater threat.
Riots kill businesses as well as people. Youā€™re comparing apples and oranges. And we discussed and disagreed on how many of the deaths are truly from COVID.

Dying from COVID is tragic but not against the law. Rioting, burning buildings and killing people is against the law.
Ah, so it's not about people, it's about money. Gotcha.

Lots more businesses were lost because of COVID than riots anyway.

This isn't apples and oranges. This is explaining clearly how the right uses fear as a means to drive their agenda.

The riot damages were far more preventable.

Once the initial ones were over aggressive policing and prosecutions would have ended them.

Pound for pound, dollar for dollar, COVID was far more preventable. Even a one percent decrease in COVID would have been greater than all the riots combined.
Nope because we are a fat and unhealthy country. COVID sped up those deaths.
That doesn't actually mean anything.
Quite the opposite. Too bad you donā€™t understand that. I have Tried explaining it to you. But you seem to be obtuse. I believe youā€™re a troll.
You tried explaining it, but it doesn't make any sense. I've explained why it's incorrect to you but you seem to be obtuse because you're a troll.

Seriously, someone can live with preexisting conditions for decades. COVID doesn't "speed it up" any more than getting into a car crash speeds up a death from hypertension.

How many people do you think have died from the results of the convid restrictions?
Your assumption is that he thinks and or cares. False assumption

I know he does not. I just wanted to make a point of his callous disregard for their lives.
President Donald Trump claimed Monday at an Ohio campaign rally that the coronavirus poses little threat to young people and ā€œaffects virtually nobody,ā€ as the number of Americans to have died from Covid-19 climbed toward 200,000 in the United States.

ā€œIt affects elderly people. Elderly people with heart problems and other problems. If they have other problems, thatā€™s what it really affects,ā€ Trump told supporters at an airport outside Toledo.

All lies from the Crown Prince of liars.

What kind of sleaze says the death of 200,000 Americans is "nobody". Oh, I forgot if they are elderly they are useless. You really do have to be a heartless bastard to say something like that. Of course this is the same person that called our fallen troops losers and suckers and his own supporters disgusting.

This is who Trump is. A pathetic sad disgusting little loser.

Well, no it isn't a lie.

What it says is that we nornally bury 7,500 people a day as a nation.

We are 200 days into this so we would have buried 1.5 million. Most of them would come from the same group as those who have died from Covid.

So, the logic follows that maybe 20,000 to 40,000 went to the great beyond in advance of their time.

40,000/330,000,000 = 0.00012

That's not a big number......
You donā€™t understand. For many businesses are their lives. Only 9k died from COVID, remainder had underlying conditions per the CDC.
You don't understand what it means to die from COVID. Pull your head out of whatever right wing media garbage you're being fed because it's the opposite of medical knowledge.
Well I donate convalescent plasma and I am going again on October 1st. I spoke to many doctors and nurses where I donate and they disagree with you. I value Their opinion over yours when you wonā€™t even share your educational background or what you do for a living.
I've shared my background and my job with you before.

You called me a liar.

It makes zero difference to you because you've already made up your mind.
Do it again. I do Not recall. I recall You said you made $500k per year. That I do not believe.
I'm a physician.

Let me tell you about the first patient that I saw that died of COVID. He was 70. Worked full time at his business. He had hypertension, which the majority of people who are 70 years old have. He might have been technically overweight, nothing big. He got COVID, wound up in the ICU on a ventilator for 1 month. Couldn't wean off aggressive ventilator support. Died drowning in his own secretions.

According to you, he didn't die of COVID because he had a preexisting condition.

So kindly go fuck yourself and the bullshit you think you heard from doctors and nurses.

While sad, one doesn't shut down one's economy over a bug that has virtually NO eefect on the young. And by "young" I mean under 60 an no pre-existings.
President Donald Trump claimed Monday at an Ohio campaign rally that the coronavirus poses little threat to young people and ā€œaffects virtually nobody,ā€ as the number of Americans to have died from Covid-19 climbed toward 200,000 in the United States.

ā€œIt affects elderly people. Elderly people with heart problems and other problems. If they have other problems, thatā€™s what it really affects,ā€ Trump told supporters at an airport outside Toledo.

All lies from the Crown Prince of liars.

What kind of sleaze says the death of 200,000 Americans is "nobody". Oh, I forgot is they are elderly they are useless. You really do have to be a heartless bastard to say something like that. Of course this is the same person that called our fallen troops losers and suckers and his own supporters disgusting.

This is who Trump is. A pathetic sad disgusting little loser.
Especially if they are leftists.
Well according to the "experts" at CDC 200,000 IS a fraction of the deaths that were mispredicted. Does the CDC do the weather forecasting also???
No one believes that number. It is a joke designed to prey upon only the most credulous and naive in society.
President Donald Trump claimed Monday at an Ohio campaign rally that the coronavirus poses little threat to young people and ā€œaffects virtually nobody,ā€ as the number of Americans to have died from Covid-19 climbed toward 200,000 in the United States.

ā€œIt affects elderly people. Elderly people with heart problems and other problems. If they have other problems, thatā€™s what it really affects,ā€ Trump told supporters at an airport outside Toledo.


What kind of sleaze says the death of 200,000 Americans is "nobody". You really dio have to be a heartless baastard. Of course sthis is the same person that called our fallen tropps losers and suckers and his own supporters disgusting.

This is who Trump is. A pathetic sad disgusting little loser.

Figures you twist his words. The meaning is that usually people infected don't die, and don't suffer severe symptoms. He isn't calling the dead "nobodies" and you know it.
I don't need your warped opinion to tell me what Trump meant. His words are as clear as day.
200k is tragic but a pittance statistically.
Itā€™s the third leading cause of death. A pittance itā€™s not.
Compared to a population of 330mil? Pittance.

How does it compare to those who have died in riots this summer?

Because the right wants us to believe that's a far greater threat.
Riots kill businesses as well as people. Youā€™re comparing apples and oranges. And we discussed and disagreed on how many of the deaths are truly from COVID.

Dying from COVID is tragic but not against the law. Rioting, burning buildings and killing people is against the law.
Ah, so it's not about people, it's about money. Gotcha.

Lots more businesses were lost because of COVID than riots anyway.

This isn't apples and oranges. This is explaining clearly how the right uses fear as a means to drive their agenda.

The riot damages were far more preventable.

Once the initial ones were over aggressive policing and prosecutions would have ended them.

Pound for pound, dollar for dollar, COVID was far more preventable. Even a one percent decrease in COVID would have been greater than all the riots combined.
Nope because we are a fat and unhealthy country. COVID sped up those deaths.
That doesn't actually mean anything.
Quite the opposite. Too bad you donā€™t understand that. I have Tried explaining it to you. But you seem to be obtuse. I believe youā€™re a troll.
You tried explaining it, but it doesn't make any sense. I've explained why it's incorrect to you but you seem to be obtuse because you're a troll.

Seriously, someone can live with preexisting conditions for decades. COVID doesn't "speed it up" any more than getting into a car crash speeds up a death from hypertension.

How many people do you think have died from the results of the convid restrictions?

Like what?
You donā€™t understand. For many businesses are their lives. Only 9k died from COVID, remainder had underlying conditions per the CDC.
You don't understand what it means to die from COVID. Pull your head out of whatever right wing media garbage you're being fed because it's the opposite of medical knowledge.
Well I donate convalescent plasma and I am going again on October 1st. I spoke to many doctors and nurses where I donate and they disagree with you. I value Their opinion over yours when you wonā€™t even share your educational background or what you do for a living.
I've shared my background and my job with you before.

You called me a liar.

It makes zero difference to you because you've already made up your mind.
Do it again. I do Not recall. I recall You said you made $500k per year. That I do not believe.
I'm a physician.

Let me tell you about the first patient that I saw that died of COVID. He was 70. Worked full time at his business. He had hypertension, which the majority of people who are 70 years old have. He might have been technically overweight, nothing big. He got COVID, wound up in the ICU on a ventilator for 1 month. Couldn't wean off aggressive ventilator support. Died drowning in his own secretions.

According to you, he didn't die of COVID because he had a preexisting condition.

So kindly go fuck yourself and the bullshit you think you heard from doctors and nurses.
Really? Why did you put him on a ventilator when you know that 90% die? Did you try other methods? High Blood pressure is one thing but was the man overweight? You give one example. I am a COVID survivor and I learned that we should not use ventilators. Interesting. Convalescent plasma is better. So with all due respect fuck you, cowardly leftist.
You donā€™t understand. For many businesses are their lives. Only 9k died from COVID, remainder had underlying conditions per the CDC.
You don't understand what it means to die from COVID. Pull your head out of whatever right wing media garbage you're being fed because it's the opposite of medical knowledge.
Well I donate convalescent plasma and I am going again on October 1st. I spoke to many doctors and nurses where I donate and they disagree with you. I value Their opinion over yours when you wonā€™t even share your educational background or what you do for a living.
I've shared my background and my job with you before.

You called me a liar.

It makes zero difference to you because you've already made up your mind.
Do it again. I do Not recall. I recall You said you made $500k per year. That I do not believe.
I'm a physician.

Let me tell you about the first patient that I saw that died of COVID. He was 70. Worked full time at his business. He had hypertension, which the majority of people who are 70 years old have. He might have been technically overweight, nothing big. He got COVID, wound up in the ICU on a ventilator for 1 month. Couldn't wean off aggressive ventilator support. Died drowning in his own secretions.

According to you, he didn't die of COVID because he had a preexisting condition.

So kindly go fuck yourself and the bullshit you think you heard from doctors and nurses.

While sad, one doesn't shut down one's economy over a bug that has virtually NO eefect on the young. And by "young" I mean under 60 an no pre-existings.
Do you understand how this sounds? It's almost as if you don't really value the lives of people over 60.
No one believes that number. It is a joke designed to prey upon only the most credulous and naive in society.
The 200,000 dead number is a conservative estimate.

NO, its a lie. the vast majority of those people had serious medical conditions and, sadly, would have died anyway. We all know that the covid positives have been lied about by every state in the country. Its about money, not medicine.
Everyone is going to die anyway. I guess we shouldnā€™t worry about any premature death then?

A man was shot walking down the street. Oh well, he was going to die eventually.

you have no way of knowing if the so-called covid deaths were premature. Only God knows that. My point is that people with serious medical issues are more likely to die than those who are otherwise healthy. Dying WITH covid is not the same as dying FROM covid. Putting up "comorbidity" stats to up the covid numbers is a fear tactic and has no medical or societal basis. Its become a form of propaganda------------dems and their media cohorts believe that a struggling economy helps their chances in November, and sadly thats what this virus is really about, politics.
No one believes that number. It is a joke designed to prey upon only the most credulous and naive in society.
President Donald Trump claimed Monday at an Ohio campaign rally that the coronavirus poses little threat to young people and ā€œaffects virtually nobody,ā€ as the number of Americans to have died from Covid-19 climbed toward 200,000 in the United States.

ā€œIt affects elderly people. Elderly people with heart problems and other problems. If they have other problems, thatā€™s what it really affects,ā€ Trump told supporters at an airport outside Toledo.


What kind of sleaze says the death of 200,000 Americans is "nobody". You really dio have to be a heartless baastard. Of course sthis is the same person that called our fallen tropps losers and suckers and his own supporters disgusting.

This is who Trump is. A pathetic sad disgusting little loser.

Figures you twist his words. The meaning is that usually people infected don't die, and don't suffer severe symptoms. He isn't calling the dead "nobodies" and you know it.
I don't need your warped opinion to tell me what Trump meant. His words are as clear as day.
200k is tragic but a pittance statistically.
Itā€™s the third leading cause of death. A pittance itā€™s not.
Compared to a population of 330mil? Pittance.

How does it compare to those who have died in riots this summer?

Because the right wants us to believe that's a far greater threat.
Riots kill businesses as well as people. Youā€™re comparing apples and oranges. And we discussed and disagreed on how many of the deaths are truly from COVID.

Dying from COVID is tragic but not against the law. Rioting, burning buildings and killing people is against the law.
Ah, so it's not about people, it's about money. Gotcha.

Lots more businesses were lost because of COVID than riots anyway.

This isn't apples and oranges. This is explaining clearly how the right uses fear as a means to drive their agenda.

The riot damages were far more preventable.

Once the initial ones were over aggressive policing and prosecutions would have ended them.

Pound for pound, dollar for dollar, COVID was far more preventable. Even a one percent decrease in COVID would have been greater than all the riots combined.
Nope because we are a fat and unhealthy country. COVID sped up those deaths.
That doesn't actually mean anything.
Quite the opposite. Too bad you donā€™t understand that. I have Tried explaining it to you. But you seem to be obtuse. I believe youā€™re a troll.
You tried explaining it, but it doesn't make any sense. I've explained why it's incorrect to you but you seem to be obtuse because you're a troll.

Seriously, someone can live with preexisting conditions for decades. COVID doesn't "speed it up" any more than getting into a car crash speeds up a death from hypertension.

How many people do you think have died from the results of the convid restrictions?

Like what?

Well, I hear suicides are spiking, big time. Enforced isolation will do that. Do you care? At all?
You donā€™t understand. For many businesses are their lives. Only 9k died from COVID, remainder had underlying conditions per the CDC.
You don't understand what it means to die from COVID. Pull your head out of whatever right wing media garbage you're being fed because it's the opposite of medical knowledge.
Well I donate convalescent plasma and I am going again on October 1st. I spoke to many doctors and nurses where I donate and they disagree with you. I value Their opinion over yours when you wonā€™t even share your educational background or what you do for a living.
I've shared my background and my job with you before.

You called me a liar.

It makes zero difference to you because you've already made up your mind.
Do it again. I do Not recall. I recall You said you made $500k per year. That I do not believe.
I'm a physician.

Let me tell you about the first patient that I saw that died of COVID. He was 70. Worked full time at his business. He had hypertension, which the majority of people who are 70 years old have. He might have been technically overweight, nothing big. He got COVID, wound up in the ICU on a ventilator for 1 month. Couldn't wean off aggressive ventilator support. Died drowning in his own secretions.

According to you, he didn't die of COVID because he had a preexisting condition.

So kindly go fuck yourself and the bullshit you think you heard from doctors and nurses.

While sad, one doesn't shut down one's economy over a bug that has virtually NO eefect on the young. And by "young" I mean under 60 an no pre-existings.
Do you understand how this sounds? It's almost as if you don't really value the lives of people over 60.

No, it does not sound like that.
You donā€™t understand. For many businesses are their lives. Only 9k died from COVID, remainder had underlying conditions per the CDC.
You don't understand what it means to die from COVID. Pull your head out of whatever right wing media garbage you're being fed because it's the opposite of medical knowledge.
Well I donate convalescent plasma and I am going again on October 1st. I spoke to many doctors and nurses where I donate and they disagree with you. I value Their opinion over yours when you wonā€™t even share your educational background or what you do for a living.
I've shared my background and my job with you before.

You called me a liar.

It makes zero difference to you because you've already made up your mind.
Do it again. I do Not recall. I recall You said you made $500k per year. That I do not believe.
I'm a physician.

Let me tell you about the first patient that I saw that died of COVID. He was 70. Worked full time at his business. He had hypertension, which the majority of people who are 70 years old have. He might have been technically overweight, nothing big. He got COVID, wound up in the ICU on a ventilator for 1 month. Couldn't wean off aggressive ventilator support. Died drowning in his own secretions.

According to you, he didn't die of COVID because he had a preexisting condition.

So kindly go fuck yourself and the bullshit you think you heard from doctors and nurses.

While sad, one doesn't shut down one's economy over a bug that has virtually NO eefect on the young. And by "young" I mean under 60 an no pre-existings.
Do you understand how this sounds? It's almost as if you don't really value the lives of people over 60.
My parents are over 60. I ask them to be careful but live their lives. Doesnā€™t mean we need to shut down the economy. My dad retired three years ago but started a second career and is still working daily. He washes and sanitizes his hands and wears a mask. He wants to live his life. People should have a choice. As a doctor you know that the flu kills people too but we live with the risks.
You donā€™t understand. For many businesses are their lives. Only 9k died from COVID, remainder had underlying conditions per the CDC.
You don't understand what it means to die from COVID. Pull your head out of whatever right wing media garbage you're being fed because it's the opposite of medical knowledge.
Well I donate convalescent plasma and I am going again on October 1st. I spoke to many doctors and nurses where I donate and they disagree with you. I value Their opinion over yours when you wonā€™t even share your educational background or what you do for a living.
I've shared my background and my job with you before.

You called me a liar.

It makes zero difference to you because you've already made up your mind.
Do it again. I do Not recall. I recall You said you made $500k per year. That I do not believe.
I'm a physician.

Let me tell you about the first patient that I saw that died of COVID. He was 70. Worked full time at his business. He had hypertension, which the majority of people who are 70 years old have. He might have been technically overweight, nothing big. He got COVID, wound up in the ICU on a ventilator for 1 month. Couldn't wean off aggressive ventilator support. Died drowning in his own secretions.

According to you, he didn't die of COVID because he had a preexisting condition.

So kindly go fuck yourself and the bullshit you think you heard from doctors and nurses.
Really? Why did you put him on a ventilator when you know that 90% die? Did you try other methods? High Blood pressure is one thing but was the man overweight? You give one example. I am a COVID survivor and I learned that we should not use ventilators. Interesting. Convalescent plasma is better. So with all due respect fuck you, cowardly leftist.

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. I could explain this all to you but it won't make a difference. You just believe what you want to believe.

We put him on a ventilator because he desaturated on BiPAP at maximal support. We did tried everything possible. He was 6' but around 220 or so. That wasn't going to kill him anytime soon. In fact, when you get to the elderly, mortality and BMI generate a J shaped curve. Comparing ventilator and convalescent plasma doesn't even make sense. It's not an either or. Being a COVID survivor doesn't give you special knowledge. Had we not put him on the ventilator, he would have died much quicker. You don't have any fucking idea what you're talking about but goody for you that you have an opinion on not using ventilators. This is, no doubt, a product of the right wing internet garbage pile you wallow in.

The point is that you decided he didn't actually die of COVID which is beyond stupid. You're just too hard headed to admit that having a preexisting condition does not mean you didn't die of COVID.
You donā€™t understand. For many businesses are their lives. Only 9k died from COVID, remainder had underlying conditions per the CDC.
You don't understand what it means to die from COVID. Pull your head out of whatever right wing media garbage you're being fed because it's the opposite of medical knowledge.
Well I donate convalescent plasma and I am going again on October 1st. I spoke to many doctors and nurses where I donate and they disagree with you. I value Their opinion over yours when you wonā€™t even share your educational background or what you do for a living.
I've shared my background and my job with you before.

You called me a liar.

It makes zero difference to you because you've already made up your mind.
Do it again. I do Not recall. I recall You said you made $500k per year. That I do not believe.
I'm a physician.

Let me tell you about the first patient that I saw that died of COVID. He was 70. Worked full time at his business. He had hypertension, which the majority of people who are 70 years old have. He might have been technically overweight, nothing big. He got COVID, wound up in the ICU on a ventilator for 1 month. Couldn't wean off aggressive ventilator support. Died drowning in his own secretions.

According to you, he didn't die of COVID because he had a preexisting condition.

So kindly go fuck yourself and the bullshit you think you heard from doctors and nurses.
Really? Why did you put him on a ventilator when you know that 90% die? Did you try other methods? High Blood pressure is one thing but was the man overweight? You give one example. I am a COVID survivor and I learned that we should not use ventilators. Interesting. Convalescent plasma is better. So with all due respect fuck you, cowardly leftist.

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. I could explain this all to you but it won't make a difference. You just believe what you want to believe.

We put him on a ventilator because he desaturated on BiPAP at maximal support. We did tried everything possible. He was 6' but around 220 or so. That wasn't going to kill him anytime soon. In fact, when you get to the elderly, mortality and BMI generate a J shaped curve. Comparing ventilator and convalescent plasma doesn't even make sense. It's not an either or. Being a COVID survivor doesn't give you special knowledge. Had we not put him on the ventilator, he would have died much quicker. You don't have any fucking idea what you're talking about but goody for you that you have an opinion on not using ventilators. This is, no doubt, a product of the right wing internet garbage pile you wallow in.

The point is that you decided he didn't actually die of COVID which is beyond stupid. You're just too hard headed to admit that having a preexisting condition does not mean you didn't die of COVID.

NO, what it means is that with preexisting conditions you are more likely to die if you contract covid, and thats all it means
No one believes that number. It is a joke designed to prey upon only the most credulous and naive in society.
The 200,000 dead number is a conservative estimate.

NO, its a lie. the vast majority of those people had serious medical conditions and, sadly, would have died anyway. We all know that the covid positives have been lied about by every state in the country. Its about money, not medicine.
Everyone is going to die anyway. I guess we shouldnā€™t worry about any premature death then?

A man was shot walking down the street. Oh well, he was going to die eventually.

you have no way of knowing if the so-called covid deaths were premature. Only God knows that. My point is that people with serious medical issues are more likely to die than those who are otherwise healthy. Dying WITH covid is not the same as dying FROM covid. Putting up "comorbidity" stats to up the covid numbers is a fear tactic and has no medical or societal basis. Its become a form of propaganda------------dems and their media cohorts believe that a struggling economy helps their chances in November, and sadly thats what this virus is really about, politics.

Do you honestly think it's that hard to tell if someone dies from COVID as opposed to something else?
You donā€™t understand. For many businesses are their lives. Only 9k died from COVID, remainder had underlying conditions per the CDC.
You don't understand what it means to die from COVID. Pull your head out of whatever right wing media garbage you're being fed because it's the opposite of medical knowledge.
Well I donate convalescent plasma and I am going again on October 1st. I spoke to many doctors and nurses where I donate and they disagree with you. I value Their opinion over yours when you wonā€™t even share your educational background or what you do for a living.
I've shared my background and my job with you before.

You called me a liar.

It makes zero difference to you because you've already made up your mind.
Do it again. I do Not recall. I recall You said you made $500k per year. That I do not believe.
I'm a physician.

Let me tell you about the first patient that I saw that died of COVID. He was 70. Worked full time at his business. He had hypertension, which the majority of people who are 70 years old have. He might have been technically overweight, nothing big. He got COVID, wound up in the ICU on a ventilator for 1 month. Couldn't wean off aggressive ventilator support. Died drowning in his own secretions.

According to you, he didn't die of COVID because he had a preexisting condition.

So kindly go fuck yourself and the bullshit you think you heard from doctors and nurses.
Really? Why did you put him on a ventilator when you know that 90% die? Did you try other methods? High Blood pressure is one thing but was the man overweight? You give one example. I am a COVID survivor and I learned that we should not use ventilators. Interesting. Convalescent plasma is better. So with all due respect fuck you, cowardly leftist.

You have no fucking idea what you're talking about. I could explain this all to you but it won't make a difference. You just believe what you want to believe.

We put him on a ventilator because he desaturated on BiPAP at maximal support. We did tried everything possible. He was 6' but around 220 or so. That wasn't going to kill him anytime soon. In fact, when you get to the elderly, mortality and BMI generate a J shaped curve. Comparing ventilator and convalescent plasma doesn't even make sense. It's not an either or. Being a COVID survivor doesn't give you special knowledge. Had we not put him on the ventilator, he would have died much quicker. You don't have any fucking idea what you're talking about but goody for you that you have an opinion on not using ventilators. This is, no doubt, a product of the right wing internet garbage pile you wallow in.

The point is that you decided he didn't actually die of COVID which is beyond stupid. You're just too hard headed to admit that having a preexisting condition does not mean you didn't die of COVID.
Pretty sure MDs at Lahey are pretty knowledgeable too. They told me using ventilators is their last resort now. They said they learned that the body stops fighting when you hook it up to a machine and that patients are better off fighting on their own. They turn them on their stomachs and try other methods. They said the fatalities have fallen dramatically since they learned this.

How long does each convalescent plasma donation take? As an MD you must know the answer.
You donā€™t understand. For many businesses are their lives. Only 9k died from COVID, remainder had underlying conditions per the CDC.
You don't understand what it means to die from COVID. Pull your head out of whatever right wing media garbage you're being fed because it's the opposite of medical knowledge.
Well I donate convalescent plasma and I am going again on October 1st. I spoke to many doctors and nurses where I donate and they disagree with you. I value Their opinion over yours when you wonā€™t even share your educational background or what you do for a living.
I've shared my background and my job with you before.

You called me a liar.

It makes zero difference to you because you've already made up your mind.
Do it again. I do Not recall. I recall You said you made $500k per year. That I do not believe.
I'm a physician.

Let me tell you about the first patient that I saw that died of COVID. He was 70. Worked full time at his business. He had hypertension, which the majority of people who are 70 years old have. He might have been technically overweight, nothing big. He got COVID, wound up in the ICU on a ventilator for 1 month. Couldn't wean off aggressive ventilator support. Died drowning in his own secretions.

According to you, he didn't die of COVID because he had a preexisting condition.

So kindly go fuck yourself and the bullshit you think you heard from doctors and nurses.

While sad, one doesn't shut down one's economy over a bug that has virtually NO eefect on the young. And by "young" I mean under 60 an no pre-existings.
Do you understand how this sounds? It's almost as if you don't really value the lives of people over 60.

Do you understand how you sound? Are you truly willing to destroy the National/World Economy based on a bug that frankly isn't nearly as "deadly" as Progs want to make it sound? If you are then God help you because you can't see past the end of your nose. Go ahead, crash it and then see what happens to people.
No one believes that number. It is a joke designed to prey upon only the most credulous and naive in society.
The 200,000 dead number is a conservative estimate.

NO, its a lie. the vast majority of those people had serious medical conditions and, sadly, would have died anyway. We all know that the covid positives have been lied about by every state in the country. Its about money, not medicine.
Everyone is going to die anyway. I guess we shouldnā€™t worry about any premature death then?

A man was shot walking down the street. Oh well, he was going to die eventually.

you have no way of knowing if the so-called covid deaths were premature. Only God knows that. My point is that people with serious medical issues are more likely to die than those who are otherwise healthy. Dying WITH covid is not the same as dying FROM covid. Putting up "comorbidity" stats to up the covid numbers is a fear tactic and has no medical or societal basis. Its become a form of propaganda------------dems and their media cohorts believe that a struggling economy helps their chances in November, and sadly thats what this virus is really about, politics.

Do you honestly think it's that hard to tell if someone dies from COVID as opposed to something else?
Yes. Very hard. Depending on the condition. According to the MDs and RNs I have spoken with itā€™s not always cut and dry.
President Donald Trump claimed Monday at an Ohio campaign rally that the coronavirus poses little threat to young people and ā€œaffects virtually nobody,ā€ as the number of Americans to have died from Covid-19 climbed toward 200,000 in the United States.

ā€œIt affects elderly people. Elderly people with heart problems and other problems. If they have other problems, thatā€™s what it really affects,ā€ Trump told supporters at an airport outside Toledo.

All lies from the Crown Prince of liars.

What kind of sleaze says the death of 200,000 Americans is "nobody". Oh, I forgot if they are elderly they are useless. You really do have to be a heartless bastard to say something like that. Of course this is the same person that called our fallen troops losers and suckers and his own supporters disgusting.

This is who Trump is. A pathetic sad disgusting little loser.
You are either too stupid to understand basic English, or you hope everyone else is that stupid to believe your reinterpretation.
LMAO @ the Stupid Shit Leftist are so Gullible to believe .....

Trump offers condolences to these families nearly every time he speaks and certainly at every rally.

But, you keep parroting the Fake News like a good little Fake News Sheeple.

It makes you look soooo informed ...... :cuckoo:
LOL.. quoting Trump's own words is being gullible???? Try again Trumpist lemming.

Actually you didn't quote his exact words, you quoted someones mis-quoting of his words.

And you are too gutless to admit it, you fucking twat.
His words were obvious you brain dead moron. The problem is you're too damned stupid to admit it and too damn timid to defend him
Trump is a serial self-aggrandizer. He's one of those people who tells stories where, over the years, the fish he caught keeps getting bigger. Dude likes hyperbole and exaggeration.

The fact that you skip right over this obvious factor and declare your absolute certainty that what he meant was "fuck dead people!" just shows what a fanatic you are in your political opinions.

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