200,000 New Jobs in July, Strong Earnings = The Wind at Democrats Back

"...Companies in the U.S. boosted payrolls in July by the most this year as employers grew more optimistic demand will pick up in the second half of the year.

"The 200,000 increase in employment was more than projected and followed a revised 198,000 gain in June that was higher than initially estimated, according to data today from the ADP Research Institute in Roseland, New Jersey. The median forecast of 40 economists surveyed by Bloomberg called for a July advance of 180,000.

Companies in U.S. Added More Workers in July Than Forecast - Bloomberg

Nice ....

just wait for his amnesty
just wait till he gets his minimum wage
wait till oc fully kicks in
his purpose is to shackle the.country. look at facts and history
just because he is the first white african potus does not mean he likes this country
drivebymedia, u make me fuckin suck with ur hackness. he could get videotapped shooting children in the face with his skeet and u will still lick his ass

"make you fuckin suck"?


Get some coffee.
lol sick
man, I got this new galaxy phone and I dont agree with thw keyboard options. I like one but it doesnt recognize anything so I dont use it
fixed! lol

The U.S. has the World's fifth highest income disparity between the top 10% and the bottom 10%


Behind only Mexico, Chile, Israel, and Turkey.

A universal disgrace ...


Papa Doc obama did it.

But what Obama conveniently leaves out of his sermons is that income inequality has grown faster on his watch than any time in the past two decades, at least.

Research by University of California economist Emmanuel Saez shows that since the Obama recovery started in June 2009, the average income of the top 1% grew 11.2% in real terms through 2011.

The bottom 99%, in contrast, saw their incomes shrink by 0.4%.

As a result, 121% of the gains in real income during Obama's recovery have gone to the top 1%. By comparison, the top 1% captured 65% of income gains during the Bush expansion of 2002-07, and 45% of the gains under Clinton's expansion in the 1990s.

The Census Bureau's official measure of income inequality — called the Gini index — shows similar results. During the Bush years, the index was flat overall — finishing in 2008 exactly where it started in 2001.

It's gone up each year since Obama has been president and now stands at all-time highs.

It's worth underscoring that the growing income gap under Obama isn't the result of the rich getting fabulously richer. Nor is it any sort of indictment of "trickle down" economics.

Instead, it is the direct result of Obama's historically weak economic recovery, which has left the rest of the country falling behind while the wealthy have managed to make gains.
Economists polled by Reuters had forecast the economy growing at a 1.0 percent pace.

The 1.7 GDP growth is far, far better than expectations!

Excellent ...

obama does not know shit about the economy. thats why he avoids it and spends all his time pushing his socialist agenda. this shit he is playing with now is theater because everyone wants JOBS something he dont know shit about, obviously
True ... the Bush/Republican Tax Cuts of 2003 assured companies would kill jobs in the U.S. and set up manufacturing facilities overseas.

Cutting tax rates in the US causes companies to set up operations overseas? Care to explain that one?

President Obama will turn this around.

How exactly?

He will trim the tax break that Bush and the Republicans gave Corporations on overseas profits.


Care to cite that tax break?

You can't...because you're full of shit. The tax cut of 2003 (and of 2001) reduced personal income tax rates, increased exemptions for the Alternative Minimum Tax, and cut dividend and capital gains taxes. There were no changes in tax code specific to overseas profits.

Like I said, full of shit.

Further, you do realize that America is the ONLY country to even attempt to tax profits made outside its borders, right?

Do you just make this shit up as you go along? How sad.

The U.S. has the World's fifth highest income disparity between the top 10% and the bottom 10%


Behind only Mexico, Chile, Israel, and Turkey.

A universal disgrace ...


Papa Doc obama did it.

Hardly, the Bush/Republican outrageous tax breaks for the wealthy, a free pass for Banks to steal, and the worst Recession in U.S. history - did it ...

And the 8 million low wage jobs Bush and Republicans outsourced, and their fight to lower the minimum wage has, unsurprisingly, had their effect on the bottom 10%

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Companies in U.S. Added More Workers in July Than Forecast

Companies in U.S. Added More Workers in July Than Forecast - Bloomberg

Excellent .....


Did you read the report? 89% (177K out of 200K) are in the service industry! An industry that is low skilled and low waged. An industry that is increasing moving to an all part-time work force to avoid Obamacare. An industry where the workers are striking.

Let me guess, when you were in grammer school and got your report card, you bragged about receiving D's. Your rationale to get excited, "Well mom it's not a failing grade, so break out the cookies and milk!"
We lost 33% of our manufacturing sector since 2000 and that will not be recovered. If you believe we can survive with only service industry jobs, think again!

True ... the Bush/Republican Tax Cuts of 2003 assured companies would kill jobs in the U.S. and set up manufacturing facilities overseas.

Cutting tax rates in the US causes companies to set up operations overseas? Care to explain that one?

President Obama will turn this around.

How exactly?


He is The Magi Negro™ afterall
Cutting tax rates in the US causes companies to set up operations overseas? Care to explain that one?

How exactly?

He will trim the tax break that Bush and the Republicans gave Corporations on overseas profits.


Care to cite that tax break?

You can't...because you're full of shit. The tax cut of 2003 (and of 2001) reduced personal income tax rates, increased exemptions for the Alternative Minimum Tax, and cut dividend and capital gains taxes. There were no changes in tax code specific to overseas profits.

Like I said, full of shit.

Further, you do realize that America is the ONLY country to even attempt to tax profits made outside its borders, right?

Do you just make this shit up as you go along? How sad.

LMAO of course he makes it up.

Thats what Drivebydumbass does.
You're kidding right?
Every 8th grader knows.


Then cite it. Show us where the tax rates on overseas profits where changed in 2003.

Then tell us why America should be the only nation to tax profits outside its borders.

The floor is yours...

Read the tax code on overseas profits idiot .... or get an 8th grader to read it to you.


So you can't cite it. You can't back up your own statement...but we should just accept what you say as fact?

Nor can you offer support as to why America should tax any overseas profits when no other nation does so.

Like I said...you're full of shit.

Color me shocked...

p.s. What's with the smiley face addiction???
He will trim the tax break that Bush and the Republicans gave Corporations on overseas profits.


Care to cite that tax break?

Do you just make this shit up as you go along? How sad.

Thats what Drivebydumbass does.

Do the Limbaugh ditto heads truly understand how infantile and boring they are?


The title of this thread is 200,000 New Jobs in July, Strong Earnings = The Wind at Democrats Back

Why don't you children start a thread on taxes on overseas profits and show your knowledge?

Then cite it. Show us where the tax rates on overseas profits where changed in 2003.

Then tell us why America should be the only nation to tax profits outside its borders.

The floor is yours...

Read the tax code on overseas profits idiot .... or get an 8th grader to read it to you.


So you can't cite it. You can't back up your own statement...but we should just accept what you say as fact?

Nor can you offer support as to why America should tax any overseas profits when no other nation does so.

Like I said...you're full of shit.

Color me shocked...

p.s. What's with the smiley face addiction???

a dimocrap lie?


a dimocrap picking up a talking point that he has no understanding of?

Even more shocking.

Besides, I think he's talking the 2006 IRS 'FTC' Reg that was instituted to prevent double taxation on Foreign earnings brought back to the Country.

Internal Revenue Manual - 4.61.10 Foreign Tax Credit (05-01-2006)
Foreign Tax Credit Audit Guidelines

The purpose of the Foreign Tax Credit (FTC) is to provide relief from double taxation. Double taxation may occur, for example, when the U.S. taxes foreign sourced income. FTC limits the overall tax rate on foreign sourced income to the higher of the taxpayer's foreign or U.S. tax rate. The United States does not impose additional tax on foreign income when the foreign tax rate is higher than the U.S. rate. Conversely, if the tax rate on the foreign sourced income is lower than the U.S. tax rate, the FTC causes the overall tax on the foreign income to approximate the U.S. rate.

This table summarizes the Code sections that authorize and limit the FTC:

libtards are stupid.

It's why they're libtards
Care to cite that tax break?

Do you just make this shit up as you go along? How sad.

Thats what Drivebydumbass does.

Do the Limbaugh ditto heads truly understand how infantile and boring they are?


The title of this thread is 200,000 New Jobs in July, Strong Earnings = The Wind at Democrats Back

Why don't you children start a thread on taxes on overseas profits and show your knowledge?


Because you stated that the Bush Tax Cuts of 2003 "assured companies would kill jobs in the U.S. and set up manufacturing facilities overseas" and further, that Obama would "turn this around" by trimming those tax breaks on overseas profits.

The only problem...there were no changes in the tax code on overseas profits that came about from the 2003 (or the 2001) tax rate changes.

And FWIW, not a Limbaugh fan...but don't let the chance for a good ad hominem attack pass you by...
Thats what Drivebydumbass does.

Do the Limbaugh ditto heads truly understand how infantile and boring they are?


The title of this thread is 200,000 New Jobs in July, Strong Earnings = The Wind at Democrats Back

Why don't you children start a thread on taxes on overseas profits and show your knowledge?


Because you stated that the Bush Tax Cuts of 2003 "assured companies would kill jobs in the U.S. and set up manufacturing facilities overseas" and further, that Obama would "turn this around" by trimming those tax breaks on overseas profits.

The only problem...there were no changes in the tax code on overseas profits that came about from the 2003 (or the 2001) tax rate changes.

And FWIW, not a Limbaugh fan...but don't let the chance for a good ad hominem attack pass you by...

Crickets...shocking I know

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