2011 9th Warmest Year in Satellite Record

Hey West..........ask me if I didnt split my sides laughing when I saw this on DRUDGE this am???

"80 degrees below zero in Alaska last night"

Bitter cold records broken in Alaska – all time coldest record nearly broken, but Murphy’s Law intervenes | Watts Up With That?

I guess CO2 doesnt go near Alaska!!!:poke::poke::poke::boobies:

What I find particularly amusing is the Arctic is constantly being referred to as the "canary in the coal mine". All the evil warming will occur in the Arctic before anywhere else (it helps that theres almost no thermometers up there too:eusa_whistle:) and then we see this sort of thing.

Too funny.
You sure must have fun fighting your straw-man. You seem to take great delight in 'winning' against positions that no one actually holds.

Of course, in the real world scientists say that natural factors (like the Milankovitch cycles that move the Earth's climate into periods of glaciation and out again into inter-glacial periods like our own) are what causes an initial warming which releases more CO2 into the atmosphere which in turn causes further warming. The natural cycles aren't strong enough to account for the amount of warming that is seen in the geological records and the increased (and increasing for some time) CO2 over those time periods is the only factor that can account for the additional warming. In those cases, CO2 was more of a 'feedback' that reinforced the warming trend started by orbital variations or whatever. Currently, the 40% increased CO2 levels brought about by mankind's burning of several hundred gigatons of fossil carbon into the atmosphere are more of a 'forcing' that is directly causing the current abrupt global warming. There are no identifiable 'natural cycles' that can be scientifically linked to the current abrupt warming trends.

Silly person you are too funny. For the last 10 years the sceptics have been saying that nothing occuring is outside of normal variability. You clowns have bent yourselves into pretzels trying to claim that AGW will cause less snow in winter, then you bent yourselves into more pretzels claiming you never said that.

Basically you deluded dingbat 'tard, you have your head so far up your rectum you can't see. If you could see you would realise that the temps have been flat for a decade. DESPITE a rapid increase in CO2 levels. In defiance of your deluded, cult, 'tard religion.

The last ten years have been warmer than any decade prior to that since we have kept accurate weather records. And the decade prior to that was the same. As was the decade prior to that. But that is just natural variability. You 'skeptics' are selling ocean front property in North Dakota.

The claim was not less snow in the winter, the claim was 'wilder and wilder swings in the weather, with an overall increase in temperature'. And that is exactly what we have been seeing. A five fold increase in the cost of extreme weather events according to both Swiss Re and Munich Re.

When we get a strong El Nino, and the tempertures hit new high records, you lying bastards will then claim everything thereafter is coolinig until the next high. In spite of the fact that the average temperatures will be far above the old averages. From 1998 to present, 75% of the time the running average was above any prior high point in the running average before 1998. And you are claiming that represents a cooling. Only the dumbest fall for that kind of idiocy. But, you have Frankyboy and Pattycake as peer level intellects, so go for it, Walleyes.

Yap, yap, yap, that is a lie perpetrated by Hansen and Co. altering the historical temperature record...but thanks for playing.
We had a minimum TSI in 2008. Neither the Thames nor the Columbia froze over. The Thames is in far greater danger of freezing over from the affects of the amount of freshwater entering the Arctic Ocean than from a low TSI. The forcing of a TSI like that of the LIA is far less than the present forcing from the increase in atmospheric GHGs.

What colleges and universities and laboratories need to do is force you fuckers into the lab and either show us how CO2 does any, much less ALL that you claim it does, then when you fail, kick you to the curb next to Venkman and Spengler

You've been shown the lab experiments that support the reality of the Greenhouse Effect many times, freakie-boy, but you're too retarded to admit it.

Anti-science reality deniers like you, frankie-boy, are always so confused and clueless.

I can't be bothered to copy all of the links and insert them so you'll just have to go to the original site to check the links.

Papers on laboratory measurements of CO2 absorption properties

September 25, 2009
(free to reproduce)

This is a list of papers on laboratory measurements of the absorption properties of carbon dioxide. In the context of these paperlists this is a difficult subject because only few of the papers are freely available online, so we have to settle on abstracts only (of course, interested reader can purchase the full texts for the papers from the linked abstract pages). However, I don’t think that matters that much because the main point of this list really is to show that the basic research on the subject exists. The list is not complete, and will most likely be updated in the future in order to make it more thorough and more representative.

UPDATE (February 6, 2010): Miller & Watts (1984) added.
UPDATE (July 25, 2010): I modified the introduction paragraph a little to reflect the current content of the list. The old text was a little outdated.
UPDATE (June 22, 2010): Lecher & Pernter (1881) added.
UPDATE (March 31, 2010): Tubbs & Williams (1972), Rubens & Aschkinass (1898) and Ångström (1900) added.
UPDATE (March 6, 2010): Barker (1922) added.
UPDATE (November 19, 2009): Predoi-Cross et al. (2007) added.
UPDATE (September 25, 2009): Miller & Brown (2004) added, thanks to John Cook for bringing it to my attention (see the discussion section below).

Spectroscopic database of CO2 line parameters: 4300–7000 cm−1 – Toth et al. (2008) “A new spectroscopic database for carbon dioxide in the near infrared is presented to support remote sensing of the terrestrial planets (Mars, Venus and the Earth). The compilation contains over 28,500 transitions of 210 bands from 4300 to 7000 cm−1…”

Line shape parameters measurement and computations for self-broadened carbon dioxide transitions in the 30012 ← 00001 and 30013 ← 00001 bands, line mixing, and speed dependence – Predoi-Cross et al. (2007) “Transitions of pure carbon dioxide have been measured using a Fourier transform spectrometer in the 30012 ← 00001 and 30013 ← 00001 vibrational bands. The room temperature spectra, recorded at a resolution of 0.008 cm−1, were analyzed using the Voigt model and a Speed Dependent Voigt line shape model that includes a pressure dependent narrowing parameter. Intensities, self-induced pressure broadening, shifts, and weak line mixing coefficients are determined. The results obtained are consistent with other studies in addition to the theoretically calculated values.” [Full text]

Spectroscopic challenges for high accuracy retrievals of atmospheric CO2 and the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) experiment – Miller et al. (2005) “The space-based Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) mission will achieve global measurements needed to distinguish spatial and temporal gradients in the CO2 column. Scheduled by NASA to launch in 2008, the instrument will obtain averaged dry air mole fraction (XCO2) with a precision of 1 part per million (0.3%) in order to quantify the variation of CO2 sources and sinks and to improve future climate forecasts. Retrievals of XCO2 from ground-based measurements require even higher precisions to validate the satellite data and link them accurately and without bias to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) standard for atmospheric CO2 observations. These retrievals will require CO2 spectroscopic parameters with unprecedented accuracy. Here we present the experimental and data analysis methods implemented in laboratory studies in order to achieve this challenging goal.”

Near infrared spectroscopy of carbon dioxide I. 16O12C16O line positions – Miller & Brown (2004) “High-resolution near-infrared (4000–9000 cm-1) spectra of carbon dioxide have been recorded using the McMath–Pierce Fourier transform spectrometer at the Kitt Peak National Solar Observatory. Some 2500 observed positions have been used to determine spectroscopic constants for 53 different vibrational states of the 16O12C16O isotopologue, including eight vibrational states for which laboratory spectra have not previously been reported. … This work reduces CO2 near-infrared line position uncertainties by a factor of 10 or more compared to the 2000 HITRAN line list, which has not been modified since the comprehensive work of Rothman et al. [J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Transfer 48 (1992) 537].” [Full text]

Spectra calculations in central and wing regions of CO2 IR bands between 10 and 20 μm. I: model and laboratory measurements – Niro et al. (2004) “Temperature (200–300 K) and pressure (70–200 atm) dependent laboratory measurements of infrared transmission by CO2–N2 mixtures have been made. From these experiments the absorption coefficient is reconstructed, over a range of several orders of magnitude, between 600 and 1000 cm−1.”

Collisional effects on spectral line-shapes – Boulet (2004) “The growing concern of mankind for the understanding and preserving of its environment has stimulated great interest for the study of planetary atmospheres and, first of all, for that of the Earth. Onboard spectrometers now provide more and more precise information on the transmission and emission of radiation by these atmospheres. Its treatment by ‘retrieval’ technics, in order to extract vertical profiles (pressure, temperature, volume mixing ratios) requires precise modeling of infrared absorption spectra. Within this framework, accounting for the influence of pressure on the absorption shape is crucial. These effects of inter-molecular collisions between the optically active species and the ‘perturbers’ are complex and of various types depending mostly on the density of perturbers. The present paper attempts to review and illustrate, through a few examples, the state of the art in this field.”

On far-wing Raman profiles by CO2 – Benech et al. (2002) “Despite the excellent agreement observed in N2 here, a substantial inconsistency between theory and experiment was found in the wing of the spectrum. Although the influence of other missing processes or neighboring bands cannot be totally excluded, our findings rather suggest that highly anisotropic perturbers, such as CO2, are improperly described when they are handled as point-like molecules, a cornerstone hypothesis in the approach employed.”

Collision-induced scattering in CO2 gas – Teboul et al. (1995) “Carbon-dioxide gas rototranslational scattering has been measured at 294.5 K in the frequency range 10–1000 cm−1 at 23 amagat. The depolarization ratio of scattered intensities in the frequency range 10–1000 cm−1 is recorded. The theoretical and experimental spectra in the frequency range 10–470 cm−1 are compared.”

The HITRAN database: 1986 edition – Rothman et al. (1987) “A description and summary of the latest edition of the AFGL HITRAN molecular absorption parameters database are presented. This new database combines the information for the seven principal atmospheric absorbers and twenty-one additional molecular species previously contained on the AFGL atmospheric absorption line parameter compilation and on the trace gas compilation.”

Rotational structure in the infrared spectra of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide dimers – Miller & Watts (1984) “High-resolution infrared predissociation spectra have been measured for dilute mixtures of CO2 and N2O in helium. Rotational fine structure is clearly resolved for both (CO2)2 and (N2O)2, the linewidths being instrument-limited. This establishes that predissociation lifetimes are longer than approximately 50 ns.”

Broadening of Infrared Absorption Lines at Reduced Temperatures: Carbon Dioxide – Tubbs & Williams (1972) “An evacuated high-resolution Czerny-Turner spectrograph, which is described in this paper, has been used to determine the strengths S and self-broadening parameters γ0 for lines in the R branch of the ν3 fundamental of 12C16O2 at 298 and at 207 K. The values of γ0 at 207 K are greater than those to be expected on the basis of a fixed collision cross section σ.”

Investigation of the Absorption of Infrared Radiation by Atmospheric Gases – Burch et al. (1970) “From spectral transmittance curves of very large samples of CO2 we have determined coefficients for intrinsic absorption and pressure-induced absorption from approximately 1130/cm to 1835/cm.”

Absorption of Infrared Radiant Energy by CO2 and H2O. IV. Shapes of Collision-Broadened CO2 Lines – Burch et al. (1969) “The shapes of the extreme wings of self-broadened CO2 lines have been investigated in three spectral regions near 7000, 3800, and 2400 cm−1. … New information has been obtained about the shapes of self-broadened CO2 lines as well as CO2 lines broadened by N2, O2, Ar, He, and H2.”

High-Temperature Spectral Emissivities and Total Intensities of the 15-µ Band System of CO2 – Ludwig et al. (1966) “Spectral-emissivity measurements of the 15-µ band of CO2 were made in the temperature range from 1000° to 2300°K.”

Line shape in the wing beyond the band head of the 4·3 μ band of CO2 – Winters et al. (1964) “Quantitative absorpance measurements have been made in pure CO2 and mixtures of CO2 with N2 and O2 in a 10 m White Perkin-Elmer cell. With absorbing paths up to 50 m-atm, results have been obtained from the band head at 2397 cm−1 to 2575 cm−1.”

Emissivity of Carbon Dioxide at 4.3 µ – Davies (1964) “The emissivity of carbon dioxide has been measured for temperatures from 1500° to 3000°K over the wavelength range from 4.40 to 5.30 µ.”

Absorption Line Broadening in the Infrared – Burch et al. (1962) “The effects of various gases on the absorption bands of nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, methane, carbon dioxide, and water vapor have been investigated.”

Total Absorptance of Carbon Dioxide in the Infrared – Burch et al. (1962) “Total absorptance… has been determined as a function of absorber concentration w and equivalent pressure Pe for the major infrared absorption bands of carbon dioxide with centers at 3716, 3609, 2350, 1064, and 961 cm−1.”

Rotation-Vibration Spectra of Diatomic and Simple Polyatomic Molecules with Long Absorbing Paths – Herzberg & Herzberg (1953) “The spectrum of CO2 in the photographic infrared has been studied with absorbing paths up to 5500 m. Thirteen absorption bands were found of which eleven have been analyzed in detail.”

The Infrared Absorption Spectrum of Carbon Dioxide – Martin & Barker (1932) “The complete infrared spectrum of CO2 may consistently be explained in terms of a linear symmetrical model, making use of the selection rules developed by Dennison and the resonance interaction introduced by Fermi. The inactive fundamental ν1 appears only in combination bands, but ν2 at 15μ and ν3 at 4.3μ absorb intensely.”

Carbon Dioxide Absorption in the Near Infra-Red – Barker (1922) “Infra-red absorption bands of CO2 at 2.7 and 4.3 μ. – New absorption curves have been obtained, using a special prism-grating double spectrometer of higher resolution (Figs. 1-3). The 2.7 μ region, heretofore considered to be a doublet, proves to be a pair of doublets, with centers at approximately 2.694 μ and 2.767 μ. The 4.3 μ band appears as a single doublet with center at 4.253 μ. The frequency difference between maxima is nearly the same for each of the three doublets, and equal to 4.5 x 1011. Complete resolution of the band series was not effected, even though the slit included only 12 A for the 2.7 μ region, but there is evidently a complicated structure, with a “head” in each case on the side of shorter wave-lengths. The existence of this head for the 4.3 μ band is also indicated by a comparison with the emission spectrum from a bunsen flame, and the difference in wave-length of the maxima of emission and absorption is explained as a temperature effect similar to that observed with other doublets.” [For free full text, click PDF or GIF links in the linked abstract page]

Ueber die Bedeutung des Wasserdampfes und der Kohlensäure bei der Absorption der Erdatmosphäre – Ångström (1900)

Observations on the Absorption and Emission of Aqueous Vapor and Carbon Dioxide in the Infra-Red Spectrum – Rubens & Aschkinass (1898) “Our experiments carried out as described above on the absorption spectrum carbon dioxide very soon showed that we were dealing with a single absorption band whose maximum lies near λ = 14.7 μ. … The whole region of absorption is limited to the interval from 12.5 μ to 16 μ, with the maximum at 14.7 μ.” [For free full text, click PDF or GIF links in the linked abstract page]

On the absorption of dark heat-rays by gases and vapours – Lecher & Pernter (1881) Svante Arrhenius wrote in his famous 1897 paper: “Tyndall held the opinion that the water-vapour has the greatest influence, whilst other authors, for instance Lecher and Pernter, are inclined to think that the carbonic acid plays the more important part.”.

The Bakerian Lecture – On the Absorption and Radiation of Heat by Gases and Vapours, and on the Physical Connexion of Radiation, Absorption, and Conduction – Tyndall (1861) 150 years ago John Tyndall already showed that carbon dioxide absorbs infrared radiation. [Full text] [Wikipedia: John Tyndall]

Closely related

The HITRAN Database – The laboratory work results on the absorption properties of carbon dioxide (and many other molecules) is contained in this database.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)
We had a minimum TSI in 2008. Neither the Thames nor the Columbia froze over. The Thames is in far greater danger of freezing over from the affects of the amount of freshwater entering the Arctic Ocean than from a low TSI. The forcing of a TSI like that of the LIA is far less than the present forcing from the increase in atmospheric GHGs.

What colleges and universities and laboratories need to do is force you fuckers into the lab and either show us how CO2 does any, much less ALL that you claim it does, then when you fail, kick you to the curb next to Venkman and Spengler

You've been shown the lab experiments that support the reality of the Greenhouse Effect many times, freakie-boy, but you're too retarded to admit it.

Anti-science reality deniers like you, frankie-boy, are always so confused and clueless.

I can't be bothered to copy all of the links and insert them so you'll just have to go to the original site to check the links.

Papers on laboratory measurements of CO2 absorption properties

September 25, 2009
(free to reproduce)

This is a list of papers on laboratory measurements of the absorption properties of carbon dioxide. In the context of these paperlists this is a difficult subject because only few of the papers are freely available online, so we have to settle on abstracts only (of course, interested reader can purchase the full texts for the papers from the linked abstract pages). However, I don’t think that matters that much because the main point of this list really is to show that the basic research on the subject exists. The list is not complete, and will most likely be updated in the future in order to make it more thorough and more representative.

UPDATE (February 6, 2010): Miller & Watts (1984) added.
UPDATE (July 25, 2010): I modified the introduction paragraph a little to reflect the current content of the list. The old text was a little outdated.
UPDATE (June 22, 2010): Lecher & Pernter (1881) added.
UPDATE (March 31, 2010): Tubbs & Williams (1972), Rubens & Aschkinass (1898) and Ångström (1900) added.
UPDATE (March 6, 2010): Barker (1922) added.
UPDATE (November 19, 2009): Predoi-Cross et al. (2007) added.
UPDATE (September 25, 2009): Miller & Brown (2004) added, thanks to John Cook for bringing it to my attention (see the discussion section below).

Spectroscopic database of CO2 line parameters: 4300–7000 cm−1 – Toth et al. (2008) “A new spectroscopic database for carbon dioxide in the near infrared is presented to support remote sensing of the terrestrial planets (Mars, Venus and the Earth). The compilation contains over 28,500 transitions of 210 bands from 4300 to 7000 cm−1…”

Line shape parameters measurement and computations for self-broadened carbon dioxide transitions in the 30012 ← 00001 and 30013 ← 00001 bands, line mixing, and speed dependence – Predoi-Cross et al. (2007) “Transitions of pure carbon dioxide have been measured using a Fourier transform spectrometer in the 30012 ← 00001 and 30013 ← 00001 vibrational bands. The room temperature spectra, recorded at a resolution of 0.008 cm−1, were analyzed using the Voigt model and a Speed Dependent Voigt line shape model that includes a pressure dependent narrowing parameter. Intensities, self-induced pressure broadening, shifts, and weak line mixing coefficients are determined. The results obtained are consistent with other studies in addition to the theoretically calculated values.” [Full text]

Spectroscopic challenges for high accuracy retrievals of atmospheric CO2 and the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) experiment – Miller et al. (2005) “The space-based Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) mission will achieve global measurements needed to distinguish spatial and temporal gradients in the CO2 column. Scheduled by NASA to launch in 2008, the instrument will obtain averaged dry air mole fraction (XCO2) with a precision of 1 part per million (0.3%) in order to quantify the variation of CO2 sources and sinks and to improve future climate forecasts. Retrievals of XCO2 from ground-based measurements require even higher precisions to validate the satellite data and link them accurately and without bias to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) standard for atmospheric CO2 observations. These retrievals will require CO2 spectroscopic parameters with unprecedented accuracy. Here we present the experimental and data analysis methods implemented in laboratory studies in order to achieve this challenging goal.”

Near infrared spectroscopy of carbon dioxide I. 16O12C16O line positions – Miller & Brown (2004) “High-resolution near-infrared (4000–9000 cm-1) spectra of carbon dioxide have been recorded using the McMath–Pierce Fourier transform spectrometer at the Kitt Peak National Solar Observatory. Some 2500 observed positions have been used to determine spectroscopic constants for 53 different vibrational states of the 16O12C16O isotopologue, including eight vibrational states for which laboratory spectra have not previously been reported. … This work reduces CO2 near-infrared line position uncertainties by a factor of 10 or more compared to the 2000 HITRAN line list, which has not been modified since the comprehensive work of Rothman et al. [J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Transfer 48 (1992) 537].” [Full text]

Spectra calculations in central and wing regions of CO2 IR bands between 10 and 20 μm. I: model and laboratory measurements – Niro et al. (2004) “Temperature (200–300 K) and pressure (70–200 atm) dependent laboratory measurements of infrared transmission by CO2–N2 mixtures have been made. From these experiments the absorption coefficient is reconstructed, over a range of several orders of magnitude, between 600 and 1000 cm−1.”

Collisional effects on spectral line-shapes – Boulet (2004) “The growing concern of mankind for the understanding and preserving of its environment has stimulated great interest for the study of planetary atmospheres and, first of all, for that of the Earth. Onboard spectrometers now provide more and more precise information on the transmission and emission of radiation by these atmospheres. Its treatment by ‘retrieval’ technics, in order to extract vertical profiles (pressure, temperature, volume mixing ratios) requires precise modeling of infrared absorption spectra. Within this framework, accounting for the influence of pressure on the absorption shape is crucial. These effects of inter-molecular collisions between the optically active species and the ‘perturbers’ are complex and of various types depending mostly on the density of perturbers. The present paper attempts to review and illustrate, through a few examples, the state of the art in this field.”

On far-wing Raman profiles by CO2 – Benech et al. (2002) “Despite the excellent agreement observed in N2 here, a substantial inconsistency between theory and experiment was found in the wing of the spectrum. Although the influence of other missing processes or neighboring bands cannot be totally excluded, our findings rather suggest that highly anisotropic perturbers, such as CO2, are improperly described when they are handled as point-like molecules, a cornerstone hypothesis in the approach employed.”

Collision-induced scattering in CO2 gas – Teboul et al. (1995) “Carbon-dioxide gas rototranslational scattering has been measured at 294.5 K in the frequency range 10–1000 cm−1 at 23 amagat. The depolarization ratio of scattered intensities in the frequency range 10–1000 cm−1 is recorded. The theoretical and experimental spectra in the frequency range 10–470 cm−1 are compared.”

The HITRAN database: 1986 edition – Rothman et al. (1987) “A description and summary of the latest edition of the AFGL HITRAN molecular absorption parameters database are presented. This new database combines the information for the seven principal atmospheric absorbers and twenty-one additional molecular species previously contained on the AFGL atmospheric absorption line parameter compilation and on the trace gas compilation.”

Rotational structure in the infrared spectra of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide dimers – Miller & Watts (1984) “High-resolution infrared predissociation spectra have been measured for dilute mixtures of CO2 and N2O in helium. Rotational fine structure is clearly resolved for both (CO2)2 and (N2O)2, the linewidths being instrument-limited. This establishes that predissociation lifetimes are longer than approximately 50 ns.”

Broadening of Infrared Absorption Lines at Reduced Temperatures: Carbon Dioxide – Tubbs & Williams (1972) “An evacuated high-resolution Czerny-Turner spectrograph, which is described in this paper, has been used to determine the strengths S and self-broadening parameters γ0 for lines in the R branch of the ν3 fundamental of 12C16O2 at 298 and at 207 K. The values of γ0 at 207 K are greater than those to be expected on the basis of a fixed collision cross section σ.”

Investigation of the Absorption of Infrared Radiation by Atmospheric Gases – Burch et al. (1970) “From spectral transmittance curves of very large samples of CO2 we have determined coefficients for intrinsic absorption and pressure-induced absorption from approximately 1130/cm to 1835/cm.”

Absorption of Infrared Radiant Energy by CO2 and H2O. IV. Shapes of Collision-Broadened CO2 Lines – Burch et al. (1969) “The shapes of the extreme wings of self-broadened CO2 lines have been investigated in three spectral regions near 7000, 3800, and 2400 cm−1. … New information has been obtained about the shapes of self-broadened CO2 lines as well as CO2 lines broadened by N2, O2, Ar, He, and H2.”

High-Temperature Spectral Emissivities and Total Intensities of the 15-µ Band System of CO2 – Ludwig et al. (1966) “Spectral-emissivity measurements of the 15-µ band of CO2 were made in the temperature range from 1000° to 2300°K.”

Line shape in the wing beyond the band head of the 4·3 μ band of CO2 – Winters et al. (1964) “Quantitative absorpance measurements have been made in pure CO2 and mixtures of CO2 with N2 and O2 in a 10 m White Perkin-Elmer cell. With absorbing paths up to 50 m-atm, results have been obtained from the band head at 2397 cm−1 to 2575 cm−1.”

Emissivity of Carbon Dioxide at 4.3 µ – Davies (1964) “The emissivity of carbon dioxide has been measured for temperatures from 1500° to 3000°K over the wavelength range from 4.40 to 5.30 µ.”

Absorption Line Broadening in the Infrared – Burch et al. (1962) “The effects of various gases on the absorption bands of nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, methane, carbon dioxide, and water vapor have been investigated.”

Total Absorptance of Carbon Dioxide in the Infrared – Burch et al. (1962) “Total absorptance… has been determined as a function of absorber concentration w and equivalent pressure Pe for the major infrared absorption bands of carbon dioxide with centers at 3716, 3609, 2350, 1064, and 961 cm−1.”

Rotation-Vibration Spectra of Diatomic and Simple Polyatomic Molecules with Long Absorbing Paths – Herzberg & Herzberg (1953) “The spectrum of CO2 in the photographic infrared has been studied with absorbing paths up to 5500 m. Thirteen absorption bands were found of which eleven have been analyzed in detail.”

The Infrared Absorption Spectrum of Carbon Dioxide – Martin & Barker (1932) “The complete infrared spectrum of CO2 may consistently be explained in terms of a linear symmetrical model, making use of the selection rules developed by Dennison and the resonance interaction introduced by Fermi. The inactive fundamental ν1 appears only in combination bands, but ν2 at 15μ and ν3 at 4.3μ absorb intensely.”

Carbon Dioxide Absorption in the Near Infra-Red – Barker (1922) “Infra-red absorption bands of CO2 at 2.7 and 4.3 μ. – New absorption curves have been obtained, using a special prism-grating double spectrometer of higher resolution (Figs. 1-3). The 2.7 μ region, heretofore considered to be a doublet, proves to be a pair of doublets, with centers at approximately 2.694 μ and 2.767 μ. The 4.3 μ band appears as a single doublet with center at 4.253 μ. The frequency difference between maxima is nearly the same for each of the three doublets, and equal to 4.5 x 1011. Complete resolution of the band series was not effected, even though the slit included only 12 A for the 2.7 μ region, but there is evidently a complicated structure, with a “head” in each case on the side of shorter wave-lengths. The existence of this head for the 4.3 μ band is also indicated by a comparison with the emission spectrum from a bunsen flame, and the difference in wave-length of the maxima of emission and absorption is explained as a temperature effect similar to that observed with other doublets.” [For free full text, click PDF or GIF links in the linked abstract page]

Ueber die Bedeutung des Wasserdampfes und der Kohlensäure bei der Absorption der Erdatmosphäre – Ångström (1900)

Observations on the Absorption and Emission of Aqueous Vapor and Carbon Dioxide in the Infra-Red Spectrum – Rubens & Aschkinass (1898) “Our experiments carried out as described above on the absorption spectrum carbon dioxide very soon showed that we were dealing with a single absorption band whose maximum lies near λ = 14.7 μ. … The whole region of absorption is limited to the interval from 12.5 μ to 16 μ, with the maximum at 14.7 μ.” [For free full text, click PDF or GIF links in the linked abstract page]

On the absorption of dark heat-rays by gases and vapours – Lecher & Pernter (1881) Svante Arrhenius wrote in his famous 1897 paper: “Tyndall held the opinion that the water-vapour has the greatest influence, whilst other authors, for instance Lecher and Pernter, are inclined to think that the carbonic acid plays the more important part.”.

The Bakerian Lecture – On the Absorption and Radiation of Heat by Gases and Vapours, and on the Physical Connexion of Radiation, Absorption, and Conduction – Tyndall (1861) 150 years ago John Tyndall already showed that carbon dioxide absorbs infrared radiation. [Full text] [Wikipedia: John Tyndall]

Closely related

The HITRAN Database – The laboratory work results on the absorption properties of carbon dioxide (and many other molecules) is contained in this database.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

Way short on info s0n...............

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2IlHgbOWj4o]Thomas Dolby - She Blinded Me With Science - YouTube[/ame]
I merely pointed out that your hypothesis that CO2 caused a corresponding temperature rise has a serious flaw in it. How CO2 causes the temp to rise when it doesn't begin to accumulate till hundreds of years after the temp rise is a bit difficult. Maybe time travel is involved?

You sure must have fun fighting your straw-man. You seem to take great delight in 'winning' against positions that no one actually holds.

Of course, in the real world scientists say that natural factors (like the Milankovitch cycles that move the Earth's climate into periods of glaciation and out again into inter-glacial periods like our own) are what causes an initial warming which releases more CO2 into the atmosphere which in turn causes further warming. The natural cycles aren't strong enough to account for the amount of warming that is seen in the geological records and the increased (and increasing for some time) CO2 over those time periods is the only factor that can account for the additional warming. In those cases, CO2 was more of a 'feedback' that reinforced the warming trend started by orbital variations or whatever. Currently, the 40% increased CO2 levels brought about by mankind's burning of several hundred gigatons of fossil carbon into the atmosphere are more of a 'forcing' that is directly causing the current abrupt global warming. There are no identifiable 'natural cycles' that can be scientifically linked to the current abrupt warming trends.

I think I'm starting to understand your position. You don't have a clue, so you have picked one cause and decided that must be it.

interesting approach.
You sure must have fun fighting your straw-man. You seem to take great delight in 'winning' against positions that no one actually holds.

Of course, in the real world scientists say that natural factors (like the Milankovitch cycles that move the Earth's climate into periods of glaciation and out again into inter-glacial periods like our own) are what causes an initial warming which releases more CO2 into the atmosphere which in turn causes further warming. The natural cycles aren't strong enough to account for the amount of warming that is seen in the geological records and the increased (and increasing for some time) CO2 over those time periods is the only factor that can account for the additional warming. In those cases, CO2 was more of a 'feedback' that reinforced the warming trend started by orbital variations or whatever. Currently, the 40% increased CO2 levels brought about by mankind's burning of several hundred gigatons of fossil carbon into the atmosphere are more of a 'forcing' that is directly causing the current abrupt global warming. There are no identifiable 'natural cycles' that can be scientifically linked to the current abrupt warming trends.

Silly person you are too funny. For the last 10 years the sceptics have been saying that nothing occuring is outside of normal variability. You clowns have bent yourselves into pretzels trying to claim that AGW will cause less snow in winter, then you bent yourselves into more pretzels claiming you never said that.

Basically you deluded dingbat 'tard, you have your head so far up your rectum you can't see. If you could see you would realise that the temps have been flat for a decade. DESPITE a rapid increase in CO2 levels. In defiance of your deluded, cult, 'tard religion.

The last ten years have been warmer than any decade prior to that since we have kept accurate weather records. And the decade prior to that was the same. As was the decade prior to that. But that is just natural variability. You 'skeptics' are selling ocean front property in North Dakota.

The claim was not less snow in the winter, the claim was 'wilder and wilder swings in the weather, with an overall increase in temperature'. And that is exactly what we have been seeing. A five fold increase in the cost of extreme weather events according to both Swiss Re and Munich Re.

When we get a strong El Nino, and the tempertures hit new high records, you lying bastards will then claim everything thereafter is coolinig until the next high. In spite of the fact that the average temperatures will be far above the old averages. From 1998 to present, 75% of the time the running average was above any prior high point in the running average before 1998. And you are claiming that represents a cooling. Only the dumbest fall for that kind of idiocy. But, you have Frankyboy and Pattycake as peer level intellects, so go for it, Walleyes.

Lots of data from Hadcrut and NOAA in the link below and it's hard to make a compelling case for runaway warming due to any cause.

However, we know for certain that CO2 was increasing at a pretty stable rate over this period and yet the climate did not.


Temperature Trends « Reasonable Doubt on Climate Change
Silly person you are too funny. For the last 10 years the sceptics have been saying that nothing occuring is outside of normal variability. You clowns have bent yourselves into pretzels trying to claim that AGW will cause less snow in winter, then you bent yourselves into more pretzels claiming you never said that.

Basically you deluded dingbat 'tard, you have your head so far up your rectum you can't see. If you could see you would realise that the temps have been flat for a decade. DESPITE a rapid increase in CO2 levels. In defiance of your deluded, cult, 'tard religion.

The last ten years have been warmer than any decade prior to that since we have kept accurate weather records. And the decade prior to that was the same. As was the decade prior to that. But that is just natural variability. You 'skeptics' are selling ocean front property in North Dakota.

The claim was not less snow in the winter, the claim was 'wilder and wilder swings in the weather, with an overall increase in temperature'. And that is exactly what we have been seeing. A five fold increase in the cost of extreme weather events according to both Swiss Re and Munich Re.

When we get a strong El Nino, and the tempertures hit new high records, you lying bastards will then claim everything thereafter is coolinig until the next high. In spite of the fact that the average temperatures will be far above the old averages. From 1998 to present, 75% of the time the running average was above any prior high point in the running average before 1998. And you are claiming that represents a cooling. Only the dumbest fall for that kind of idiocy. But, you have Frankyboy and Pattycake as peer level intellects, so go for it, Walleyes.
Lots of data from Hadcrut and NOAA in the link below and it's hard to make a compelling case for runaway warming due to any cause.

However, we know for certain that CO2 was increasing at a pretty stable rate over this period and yet the climate did not.


Temperature Trends « Reasonable Doubt on Climate Change

LOLOLOLOLOL.....you are just too funny, code4stupid......graphs of the satellite measurements of the temperatures three miles up into the atmosphere as presented on a denier cult blog explain everything, do they? LOLOLOLOL.....you are sooooo retarded.....

Here's the actual temperature trends from the real climate scientists at NASA.



Global Temperature in 2011, Trends, and Prospects
18 January 2012
We had a minimum TSI in 2008. Neither the Thames nor the Columbia froze over. The Thames is in far greater danger of freezing over from the affects of the amount of freshwater entering the Arctic Ocean than from a low TSI. The forcing of a TSI like that of the LIA is far less than the present forcing from the increase in atmospheric GHGs.

What colleges and universities and laboratories need to do is force you fuckers into the lab and either show us how CO2 does any, much less ALL that you claim it does, then when you fail, kick you to the curb next to Venkman and Spengler

You've been shown the lab experiments that support the reality of the Greenhouse Effect many times, freakie-boy, but you're too retarded to admit it.

Anti-science reality deniers like you, frankie-boy, are always so confused and clueless.

I can't be bothered to copy all of the links and insert them so you'll just have to go to the original site to check the links.

Papers on laboratory measurements of CO2 absorption properties

September 25, 2009
(free to reproduce)

This is a list of papers on laboratory measurements of the absorption properties of carbon dioxide. In the context of these paperlists this is a difficult subject because only few of the papers are freely available online, so we have to settle on abstracts only (of course, interested reader can purchase the full texts for the papers from the linked abstract pages). However, I don’t think that matters that much because the main point of this list really is to show that the basic research on the subject exists. The list is not complete, and will most likely be updated in the future in order to make it more thorough and more representative.

UPDATE (February 6, 2010): Miller & Watts (1984) added.
UPDATE (July 25, 2010): I modified the introduction paragraph a little to reflect the current content of the list. The old text was a little outdated.
UPDATE (June 22, 2010): Lecher & Pernter (1881) added.
UPDATE (March 31, 2010): Tubbs & Williams (1972), Rubens & Aschkinass (1898) and Ångström (1900) added.
UPDATE (March 6, 2010): Barker (1922) added.
UPDATE (November 19, 2009): Predoi-Cross et al. (2007) added.
UPDATE (September 25, 2009): Miller & Brown (2004) added, thanks to John Cook for bringing it to my attention (see the discussion section below).

Spectroscopic database of CO2 line parameters: 4300–7000 cm−1 – Toth et al. (2008) “A new spectroscopic database for carbon dioxide in the near infrared is presented to support remote sensing of the terrestrial planets (Mars, Venus and the Earth). The compilation contains over 28,500 transitions of 210 bands from 4300 to 7000 cm−1…”

Line shape parameters measurement and computations for self-broadened carbon dioxide transitions in the 30012 ← 00001 and 30013 ← 00001 bands, line mixing, and speed dependence – Predoi-Cross et al. (2007) “Transitions of pure carbon dioxide have been measured using a Fourier transform spectrometer in the 30012 ← 00001 and 30013 ← 00001 vibrational bands. The room temperature spectra, recorded at a resolution of 0.008 cm−1, were analyzed using the Voigt model and a Speed Dependent Voigt line shape model that includes a pressure dependent narrowing parameter. Intensities, self-induced pressure broadening, shifts, and weak line mixing coefficients are determined. The results obtained are consistent with other studies in addition to the theoretically calculated values.” [Full text]

Spectroscopic challenges for high accuracy retrievals of atmospheric CO2 and the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) experiment – Miller et al. (2005) “The space-based Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO) mission will achieve global measurements needed to distinguish spatial and temporal gradients in the CO2 column. Scheduled by NASA to launch in 2008, the instrument will obtain averaged dry air mole fraction (XCO2) with a precision of 1 part per million (0.3%) in order to quantify the variation of CO2 sources and sinks and to improve future climate forecasts. Retrievals of XCO2 from ground-based measurements require even higher precisions to validate the satellite data and link them accurately and without bias to the World Meteorological Organization (WMO) standard for atmospheric CO2 observations. These retrievals will require CO2 spectroscopic parameters with unprecedented accuracy. Here we present the experimental and data analysis methods implemented in laboratory studies in order to achieve this challenging goal.”

Near infrared spectroscopy of carbon dioxide I. 16O12C16O line positions – Miller & Brown (2004) “High-resolution near-infrared (4000–9000 cm-1) spectra of carbon dioxide have been recorded using the McMath–Pierce Fourier transform spectrometer at the Kitt Peak National Solar Observatory. Some 2500 observed positions have been used to determine spectroscopic constants for 53 different vibrational states of the 16O12C16O isotopologue, including eight vibrational states for which laboratory spectra have not previously been reported. … This work reduces CO2 near-infrared line position uncertainties by a factor of 10 or more compared to the 2000 HITRAN line list, which has not been modified since the comprehensive work of Rothman et al. [J. Quant. Spectrosc. Rad. Transfer 48 (1992) 537].” [Full text]

Spectra calculations in central and wing regions of CO2 IR bands between 10 and 20 μm. I: model and laboratory measurements – Niro et al. (2004) “Temperature (200–300 K) and pressure (70–200 atm) dependent laboratory measurements of infrared transmission by CO2–N2 mixtures have been made. From these experiments the absorption coefficient is reconstructed, over a range of several orders of magnitude, between 600 and 1000 cm−1.”

Collisional effects on spectral line-shapes – Boulet (2004) “The growing concern of mankind for the understanding and preserving of its environment has stimulated great interest for the study of planetary atmospheres and, first of all, for that of the Earth. Onboard spectrometers now provide more and more precise information on the transmission and emission of radiation by these atmospheres. Its treatment by ‘retrieval’ technics, in order to extract vertical profiles (pressure, temperature, volume mixing ratios) requires precise modeling of infrared absorption spectra. Within this framework, accounting for the influence of pressure on the absorption shape is crucial. These effects of inter-molecular collisions between the optically active species and the ‘perturbers’ are complex and of various types depending mostly on the density of perturbers. The present paper attempts to review and illustrate, through a few examples, the state of the art in this field.”

On far-wing Raman profiles by CO2 – Benech et al. (2002) “Despite the excellent agreement observed in N2 here, a substantial inconsistency between theory and experiment was found in the wing of the spectrum. Although the influence of other missing processes or neighboring bands cannot be totally excluded, our findings rather suggest that highly anisotropic perturbers, such as CO2, are improperly described when they are handled as point-like molecules, a cornerstone hypothesis in the approach employed.”

Collision-induced scattering in CO2 gas – Teboul et al. (1995) “Carbon-dioxide gas rototranslational scattering has been measured at 294.5 K in the frequency range 10–1000 cm−1 at 23 amagat. The depolarization ratio of scattered intensities in the frequency range 10–1000 cm−1 is recorded. The theoretical and experimental spectra in the frequency range 10–470 cm−1 are compared.”

The HITRAN database: 1986 edition – Rothman et al. (1987) “A description and summary of the latest edition of the AFGL HITRAN molecular absorption parameters database are presented. This new database combines the information for the seven principal atmospheric absorbers and twenty-one additional molecular species previously contained on the AFGL atmospheric absorption line parameter compilation and on the trace gas compilation.”

Rotational structure in the infrared spectra of carbon dioxide and nitrous oxide dimers – Miller & Watts (1984) “High-resolution infrared predissociation spectra have been measured for dilute mixtures of CO2 and N2O in helium. Rotational fine structure is clearly resolved for both (CO2)2 and (N2O)2, the linewidths being instrument-limited. This establishes that predissociation lifetimes are longer than approximately 50 ns.”

Broadening of Infrared Absorption Lines at Reduced Temperatures: Carbon Dioxide – Tubbs & Williams (1972) “An evacuated high-resolution Czerny-Turner spectrograph, which is described in this paper, has been used to determine the strengths S and self-broadening parameters γ0 for lines in the R branch of the ν3 fundamental of 12C16O2 at 298 and at 207 K. The values of γ0 at 207 K are greater than those to be expected on the basis of a fixed collision cross section σ.”

Investigation of the Absorption of Infrared Radiation by Atmospheric Gases – Burch et al. (1970) “From spectral transmittance curves of very large samples of CO2 we have determined coefficients for intrinsic absorption and pressure-induced absorption from approximately 1130/cm to 1835/cm.”

Absorption of Infrared Radiant Energy by CO2 and H2O. IV. Shapes of Collision-Broadened CO2 Lines – Burch et al. (1969) “The shapes of the extreme wings of self-broadened CO2 lines have been investigated in three spectral regions near 7000, 3800, and 2400 cm−1. … New information has been obtained about the shapes of self-broadened CO2 lines as well as CO2 lines broadened by N2, O2, Ar, He, and H2.”

High-Temperature Spectral Emissivities and Total Intensities of the 15-µ Band System of CO2 – Ludwig et al. (1966) “Spectral-emissivity measurements of the 15-µ band of CO2 were made in the temperature range from 1000° to 2300°K.”

Line shape in the wing beyond the band head of the 4·3 μ band of CO2 – Winters et al. (1964) “Quantitative absorpance measurements have been made in pure CO2 and mixtures of CO2 with N2 and O2 in a 10 m White Perkin-Elmer cell. With absorbing paths up to 50 m-atm, results have been obtained from the band head at 2397 cm−1 to 2575 cm−1.”

Emissivity of Carbon Dioxide at 4.3 µ – Davies (1964) “The emissivity of carbon dioxide has been measured for temperatures from 1500° to 3000°K over the wavelength range from 4.40 to 5.30 µ.”

Absorption Line Broadening in the Infrared – Burch et al. (1962) “The effects of various gases on the absorption bands of nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide, methane, carbon dioxide, and water vapor have been investigated.”

Total Absorptance of Carbon Dioxide in the Infrared – Burch et al. (1962) “Total absorptance… has been determined as a function of absorber concentration w and equivalent pressure Pe for the major infrared absorption bands of carbon dioxide with centers at 3716, 3609, 2350, 1064, and 961 cm−1.”

Rotation-Vibration Spectra of Diatomic and Simple Polyatomic Molecules with Long Absorbing Paths – Herzberg & Herzberg (1953) “The spectrum of CO2 in the photographic infrared has been studied with absorbing paths up to 5500 m. Thirteen absorption bands were found of which eleven have been analyzed in detail.”

The Infrared Absorption Spectrum of Carbon Dioxide – Martin & Barker (1932) “The complete infrared spectrum of CO2 may consistently be explained in terms of a linear symmetrical model, making use of the selection rules developed by Dennison and the resonance interaction introduced by Fermi. The inactive fundamental ν1 appears only in combination bands, but ν2 at 15μ and ν3 at 4.3μ absorb intensely.”

Carbon Dioxide Absorption in the Near Infra-Red – Barker (1922) “Infra-red absorption bands of CO2 at 2.7 and 4.3 μ. – New absorption curves have been obtained, using a special prism-grating double spectrometer of higher resolution (Figs. 1-3). The 2.7 μ region, heretofore considered to be a doublet, proves to be a pair of doublets, with centers at approximately 2.694 μ and 2.767 μ. The 4.3 μ band appears as a single doublet with center at 4.253 μ. The frequency difference between maxima is nearly the same for each of the three doublets, and equal to 4.5 x 1011. Complete resolution of the band series was not effected, even though the slit included only 12 A for the 2.7 μ region, but there is evidently a complicated structure, with a “head” in each case on the side of shorter wave-lengths. The existence of this head for the 4.3 μ band is also indicated by a comparison with the emission spectrum from a bunsen flame, and the difference in wave-length of the maxima of emission and absorption is explained as a temperature effect similar to that observed with other doublets.” [For free full text, click PDF or GIF links in the linked abstract page]

Ueber die Bedeutung des Wasserdampfes und der Kohlensäure bei der Absorption der Erdatmosphäre – Ångström (1900)

Observations on the Absorption and Emission of Aqueous Vapor and Carbon Dioxide in the Infra-Red Spectrum – Rubens & Aschkinass (1898) “Our experiments carried out as described above on the absorption spectrum carbon dioxide very soon showed that we were dealing with a single absorption band whose maximum lies near λ = 14.7 μ. … The whole region of absorption is limited to the interval from 12.5 μ to 16 μ, with the maximum at 14.7 μ.” [For free full text, click PDF or GIF links in the linked abstract page]

On the absorption of dark heat-rays by gases and vapours – Lecher & Pernter (1881) Svante Arrhenius wrote in his famous 1897 paper: “Tyndall held the opinion that the water-vapour has the greatest influence, whilst other authors, for instance Lecher and Pernter, are inclined to think that the carbonic acid plays the more important part.”.

The Bakerian Lecture – On the Absorption and Radiation of Heat by Gases and Vapours, and on the Physical Connexion of Radiation, Absorption, and Conduction – Tyndall (1861) 150 years ago John Tyndall already showed that carbon dioxide absorbs infrared radiation. [Full text] [Wikipedia: John Tyndall]

Closely related

The HITRAN Database – The laboratory work results on the absorption properties of carbon dioxide (and many other molecules) is contained in this database.

(In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. Section 107, this material is distributed without profit to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving the included information for research and educational purposes.)

No, dear delusional dingbat, those are Ideal Gas Law experiments. They have NOTHING to do with GHG experiments.
You've been shown the lab experiments that support the reality of the Greenhouse Effect many times, freakie-boy, but you're too retarded to admit it.

You guys are big on claming to have shown the evidence, but a search for said evidence reveals that it has never been posted. Perhaps that is because it doesn't exist.

Which lab experiments are you claiming have been shown that support the reality of the so called greenhouse effect.

I am going to go out on a limb here and make a prediction that you won't be able to show any such experiment and will, instead, resort to impotent name calling.
You've been shown the lab experiments that support the reality of the Greenhouse Effect many times, freakie-boy, but you're too retarded to admit it.

You guys are big on claming to have shown the evidence, but a search for said evidence reveals that it has never been posted. Perhaps that is because it doesn't exist.

Which lab experiments are you claiming have been shown that support the reality of the so called greenhouse effect.

I am going to go out on a limb here and make a prediction that you won't be able to show any such experiment and will, instead, resort to impotent name calling.

When I put CO2 into a spectrophotometer, it absorbs IR. When I add more, it absorbs more. QED :2up:
When I put CO2 into a spectrophotometer, it absorbs IR. When I add more, it absorbs more. QED :2up:

Poor konradv. You really should have paid more attention in science class, or perhaps you should have taken some science classes. CO2 has both absorption and emission spectra. The emission spectrum of CO2 is the exact opposite of its absorption spectra. QED, it emits exactly as much IR as it absorbs. Add more IR and it absorbs more but emits exactly the same amount as it absorbs. It can not, and does not retain heat.

CO2 serves to scatter IR, not concentrate it. Scattering produces a cooling effect, not a warming one.
When I put CO2 into a spectrophotometer, it absorbs IR. When I add more, it absorbs more. QED :2up:

Poor konradv. You really should have paid more attention in science class, or perhaps you should have taken some science classes. CO2 has both absorption and emission spectra. The emission spectrum of CO2 is the exact opposite of its absorption spectra. QED, it emits exactly as much IR as it absorbs. Add more IR and it absorbs more but emits exactly the same amount as it absorbs. It can not, and does not retain heat.

CO2 serves to scatter IR, not concentrate it. Scattering produces a cooling effect, not a warming one.

Never said CO2 retains heat. I said it takes those absorbed photons and re-emits them, statisically 50% would return to earth. You seem to misunderstand heat. If a CO2 molecule absorbs and re-emits IR, there's no heat involved. That only occurs when IR energy is retained and the molecule vibrates(heat). I hope that helps with your understanding of the topic.
When I put CO2 into a spectrophotometer, it absorbs IR. When I add more, it absorbs more. QED :2up:

Poor konradv. You really should have paid more attention in science class, or perhaps you should have taken some science classes. CO2 has both absorption and emission spectra. The emission spectrum of CO2 is the exact opposite of its absorption spectra. QED, it emits exactly as much IR as it absorbs. Add more IR and it absorbs more but emits exactly the same amount as it absorbs. It can not, and does not retain heat.

CO2 serves to scatter IR, not concentrate it. Scattering produces a cooling effect, not a warming one.

Never said CO2 retains heat. I said it takes those absorbed photons and re-emits them, statisically 50% would return to earth. You seem to misunderstand heat. If a CO2 molecule absorbs and re-emits IR, there's no heat involved. That only occurs when IR energy is retained and the molecule vibrates(heat). I hope that helps with your understanding of the topic.

And if there was a measured decrease in long wave IR being emitted to space you might have a point. As there is none, you don't.
Poor konradv. You really should have paid more attention in science class, or perhaps you should have taken some science classes. CO2 has both absorption and emission spectra. The emission spectrum of CO2 is the exact opposite of its absorption spectra. QED, it emits exactly as much IR as it absorbs. Add more IR and it absorbs more but emits exactly the same amount as it absorbs. It can not, and does not retain heat.

CO2 serves to scatter IR, not concentrate it. Scattering produces a cooling effect, not a warming one.

Never said CO2 retains heat. I said it takes those absorbed photons and re-emits them, statisically 50% would return to earth. You seem to misunderstand heat. If a CO2 molecule absorbs and re-emits IR, there's no heat involved. That only occurs when IR energy is retained and the molecule vibrates(heat). I hope that helps with your understanding of the topic.

And if there was a measured decrease in long wave IR being emitted to space you might have a point. As there is none, you don't.

How do you prove there's no measured decrease? Since we know CO2 absorbs IR and we know it's been increasing, either the measurements are flawed or we haven't been taking space data long enough. Either way, your statement is a long way from being proven and it certainly doesn't meet the logic test.
Never said CO2 retains heat. I said it takes those absorbed photons and re-emits them, statisically 50% would return to earth. You seem to misunderstand heat. If a CO2 molecule absorbs and re-emits IR, there's no heat involved. That only occurs when IR energy is retained and the molecule vibrates(heat). I hope that helps with your understanding of the topic.

And if there was a measured decrease in long wave IR being emitted to space you might have a point. As there is none, you don't.

How do you prove there's no measured decrease? Since we know CO2 absorbs IR and we know it's been increasing, either the measurements are flawed or we haven't been taking space data long enough. Either way, your statement is a long way from being proven and it certainly doesn't meet the logic test.

There's these little things called satellites and they take pictures of the planet and do all sorts of cool things (said in a valley girl accent) and to date they have not measured a decrease in long wave IR emission from the planet.

Sounds like a serious problem to me..but then I actually think about things and don't just repeat what my handlers wish me too.
Never said CO2 retains heat. I said it takes those absorbed photons and re-emits them, statisically 50% would return to earth.

Again, you should have paid more attention in science class. Describe how energy might flow in two directions along any single vector. Do you believe you could connect a wire between a car battery and an AAA battery and actually get energy from the AAA battery into the car battery?

You seem to misunderstand heat. If a CO2 molecule absorbs and re-emits IR, there's no heat involved. That only occurs when IR energy is retained and the molecule vibrates(heat). I hope that helps with your understanding of the topic.

Don't kid yourself konradv. You don't even grasp the basics. I would be interested in hearing, in your own words, what part you believe a vibrating CO2 molecule plays in anthropogenic global warming.

You really shouldn't be using buzzwords if you don't understand the concepts they are intended to express.

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