2012 Presidential Debate - Third and Final Debate

And The Winner Is..

  • "Mitt Romneh won, yuo only think it was Obummer becuase deh moderater was bias!"

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What lies...?

You know... the inevitable election year moderating of the message the republicans HAVE to do to stay in national races once their convention ends.

You have to admit, Mitt isn't as smooth as some at this task.

I have followed Romney for 5 years now... his positions have NOT changed.
Obama has been all over the place, and he has lied to us on what happened in Libya.

Im sorry, but Obama has earned my distrust.

Haven't you ever seen news footage of Romney saying one thing and then subsequent footage of him saying something totally different?? It's happened when he has talked about medicare, abortion, and birth control.
Rove cited some polls which I can't immediately name. But he said it was by a Democratic firm. The second poll was especially telling. It was if you were more likely to vote for the candidate. It was only 35 percent for Obama to 48 for Romney. Therefore, Obama's petulant attitude cost him.
It was an epic bitch slapping.

Romney is done.
I agree with you there. Surely his tea party contingent is tired of supporting his flip flops by now.

i don't think the party cares.... i think they're so desperate to win that they don't care what romney says.

I agree, the candidates they slap up there everytime in recent years points to that. All they need is a pliable winner and they'll take this country anywhere they like.
I agree with you there. Surely his tea party contingent is tired of supporting his flip flops by now.

i don't think the party cares.... i think they're so desperate to win that they don't care what romney says.

I agree, the candidates they slap up there everytime in recent years points to that. All they need is a pliable winner and they'll take this country anywhere they like.

Irony alert.
So, Romney is now going to get the troops out of Afghanistan by 2014? Wonder when he dreamed this policy up..
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Watching the replay of the debate; the part where Obama stated that 37 Senators signed a letter begging him to repair the relationship with Israel. You could just tell Obama was thinking, ah screw those bitches. We needn't give a narcissist another four years. He could care less about other outlooks or even living up to much of his phony rhetoric.

You really suck at this.
Just watching the replay now.
All Romney's policies are "I'd do exactly what Obama did...only better".
Watching the replay of the debate; the part where Obama stated that 37 Senators signed a letter begging him to repair the relationship with Israel. You could just tell Obama was thinking, ah screw those bitches. We needn't give a narcissist another four years. He could care less about other outlooks or even living up to much of his phony rhetoric.

You really suck at this.

Ah__ are you vicariously living your narcissist dreams through Obama? Pathetic. :clap2:
Contrary to Romney's assertion, I'm sure Iran has a coastline and access to the sea.
Just watching the replay now.
All Romney's policies are "I'd do exactly what Obama did...only better".

That pretty much sums it up. Except for the part where Romney would abdicate responsibility for our and Israel's security to the UN.

Did you know that America has things called "aircraft carriers where planes land on them" and "ships that go under the water"?
Watching the replay of the debate; the part where Obama stated that 37 Senators signed a letter begging him to repair the relationship with Israel. You could just tell Obama was thinking, ah screw those bitches. We needn't give a narcissist another four years. He could care less about other outlooks or even living up to much of his phony rhetoric.

You really suck at this.

Ah__ are you vicariously living your narcissist dreams through Obama? Pathetic. :clap2:

Obama told himself that 37 Senators signed a letter addressed to the President? Is that what you meant to say?

And.....you are so in tune with our POTUS that you think it is OK to base an entire line of thought on what you "could just tell Obama was thinking"?

Like I said.......you suck at this.
Obama - "When I went to Israel (as a candidate for office) I didn't take donors, I didn't attend fundraisers, I attended...the Holocaust Museum.....that's how I've used my travels... "....ouch...that's gotta hurt!
You really suck at this.

Ah__ are you vicariously living your narcissist dreams through Obama? Pathetic. :clap2:

Obama told himself that 37 Senators signed a letter addressed to the President? Is that what you meant to say?

And.....you are so in tune with our POTUS that you think it is OK to base an entire line of thought on what you "could just tell Obama was thinking"?

Like I said.......you suck at this.
to be honest they seem to agree a lot tonight. though president was good and strong tonight on iraq, china,iran. romney was ok but played it safe.

i am just annoyed that president we saw 2nd and 3rd debate was not their in first and allowed romney to have this mo since. very very frustrating. lesson for 2016 for whatever dem in debates. be strong from first debate onwards. they matter.
Ah__ are you vicariously living your narcissist dreams through Obama? Pathetic. :clap2:

Obama told himself that 37 Senators signed a letter addressed to the President? Is that what you meant to say?

And.....you are so in tune with our POTUS that you think it is OK to base an entire line of thought on what you "could just tell Obama was thinking"?

Like I said.......you suck at this.
to be honest they seem to agree a lot tonight. though president was good and strong tonight on iraq, china,iran. romney was ok but played it safe.

i am just annoyed that president we saw 2nd and 3rd debate was not their in first and allowed romney to have this mo since. very very frustrating. lesson for 2016 for whatever dem in debates. be strong from first debate onwards. they matter.
^concern troll is obvious
Ah__ are you vicariously living your narcissist dreams through Obama? Pathetic. :clap2:

Obama told himself that 37 Senators signed a letter addressed to the President? Is that what you meant to say?

And.....you are so in tune with our POTUS that you think it is OK to base an entire line of thought on what you "could just tell Obama was thinking"?

Like I said.......you suck at this.
to be honest they seem to agree a lot tonight. though president was good and strong tonight on iraq, china,iran. romney was ok but played it safe.

i am just annoyed that president we saw 2nd and 3rd debate was not their in first and allowed romney to have this mo since. very very frustrating. lesson for 2016 for whatever dem in debates. be strong from first debate onwards. they matter.

Obama certainly wasn't on his game that night but Romney also blindsided him with his self re-invention as a Leftie and his re-writing of his own history.
"*sigh* Governor, the problem is that, on a whole range of issues, whether it's the Middle east, whether it's Afghanistan, whether it's Iraq, whether it's now Iran - you've been all over the map..."

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