2012 Presidential Debate - Third and Final Debate

And The Winner Is..

  • "Mitt Romneh won, yuo only think it was Obummer becuase deh moderater was bias!"

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Ps- love the new av:)

So do I. A transportable port-a-potty has a strange sort of symmetry to the Romney campaign. Perfect for a Romney Supporter.

It's meant to be a time travel device of sorts. Perhaps he can use it to move Republican public conciousness in to the 21st century.

I'd rather use it to see what the next four years under the new Mitt Romney administration will be like.
You mean like Obama's family?

Yes. Blithely tossing out statements personally disparaging to the people who represent our nations leadership at any given moment is childish, blithely tossing out statements disparaging the families of the people who represent our nations leadership is mean.

Criticizing Romney's family - poor taste.
Criticizing Obama for not taking care of his family - valid criticism.


That's two different things - the first is criticizing the family of an individual under the assumption is that it's personal, whereas the second is criticizing the action or inaction of a person who is presenting his resume of actions and inactions for evaluation.
  • Thanks
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So do I. A transportable port-a-potty has a strange sort of symmetry to the Romney campaign. Perfect for a Romney Supporter.

It's meant to be a time travel device of sorts. Perhaps he can use it to move Republican public conciousness in to the 21st century.

I'd rather use it to see what the next four years under the new Mitt Romney administration will be like.

Hence, the fantasy of building a time device from a TV show. You can fantasize, and not much else.
Well I guess Kerry didn't vote for Obama in 2008 huh?

Obama was on the Foreign Relations committee.

You know, decision making, high security clearance... Works with state department.


What decisions did Obama make while in the Senate?


2 years on a Committee while on campaign for President isn't time to do much. Explain how I'm wrong.
Nice tat Romney brought the entire family out at the end, gotta show himself to be a family man, shows he is in touch with the people...lame.
C'mon Americans! Wake up from the stupor!

Vote Romney!!!!!!!! only a few days left now! Do the right thing! :clap2:
C'mon Americans! Wake up from the stupor!

Vote Romney!!!!!!!! only a few days left now! Do the right thing! :clap2:

What the democrats dont seem to understand is that it all Romney had to do was show up ...... Obama is his own worse enemy.
Nice tat Romney brought the entire family out at the end, gotta show himself to be a family man, shows he is in touch with the people...lame.
Really...He shoulda had them in the audience, urging the crowd to applaud for him instead. :rolleyes:
Poll: Obama wins final presidential debate - CBS News Video

CBS poll of undecideds tallies a 53-23 Obama win in debate #3.

That's a bigger win margin than CBS had for Romney in debate #1.

Already posted.... already got the "that's left wing bullshit" response.

But the same poll was gospel when Romney won the first debate. Why can't the cons here just admit that Obama won tonight's debate?

Haven't garnered ONE vote from the right on the poll bias thread. Not one yet.

they've been caught.
Didn't watch the debate: the Bears were on MNF. So what happened? Obama won the debate if you're a lefty, Romney if you're a righty? Cool. Thought that might happen.
Didn't watch the debate: the Bears were on MNF. So what happened? Obama won the debate if you're a lefty, Romney if you're a righty? Cool. Thought that might happen.

Chicago won 13-7. Right wingers are insisting that the NFL is biased, and that the Lions ACTUALLY won.

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