2012 Presidential Debate - Third and Final Debate

And The Winner Is..

  • "Mitt Romneh won, yuo only think it was Obummer becuase deh moderater was bias!"

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And, by the way, Mitt was also CORRECT (even if the words attributed to him aren't his words) that it is 'not worth moving heaven and Earth' to get any one terrorist piece of shit, not even Osama bin Laden.

It was a desirable thing.

It was a just thing.

BUT, as we have now seen, the mere fact that the one evil scumbag is dead does NOT eradicate the threat posed by even that terrorist organization.

The quote the Obama campaign is using came from an April 2007 interview with the Associated Press. Romney said in that interview he backs a broad strategy to defeat Islamic jihadists and that it's “not worth moving heaven and earth” for one person because you don’t want to publicize to the world when you’re conducting a covert operation. And Obama must’ve agreed because that’s exactly what he did when he executed the operation that weekend last year, not even telling the Pakistani government about it until after it was over.

In fact, at an MSNBC debate in May of 2007, when Romney was asked about the comments he made in the AP interview, he responded, “Of course we get Osama Bin Laden and track him wherever he has to go, and make sure he pays for the outrage he exacted upon America.” Asked if that meant moving heaven and earth, Romney said, “We’ll move everything to get him. But I don’t want to buy into the Democratic pitch that this is all about one person. ... It’s more than Osama bin Laden. But he is going to pay, and he will die.”
-- Romney Would Have Killed Osama Bin Laden Too, BTW

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rRq8bOh3Mc]America celebrates the death of bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]

It mattered to America.

No shit, fuckchop.

It mattered to me. I applauded the fact that The ONE authorized the action.

But that doesn't address the point I just made (and have previously made) nor the point Mitt had made.

Lots of numbnut libs like you confidently assured us all that the GOAL after 9/11/2001 SHOULD have been "getting" Osama bin Laden.

And you were wrong. It was A goal. It was desirable. It was just.

But it was never the thing that would provide us with security.

Some of you libs are truly fucking brain dead. You, for instance.
And, by the way, Mitt was also CORRECT (even if the words attributed to him aren't his words) that it is 'not worth moving heaven and Earth' to get any one terrorist piece of shit, not even Osama bin Laden.

It was a desirable thing.

It was a just thing.

BUT, as we have now seen, the mere fact that the one evil scumbag is dead does NOT eradicate the threat posed by even that terrorist organization.

-- Romney Would Have Killed Osama Bin Laden Too, BTW

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rRq8bOh3Mc]America celebrates the death of bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]

It mattered to America.

No shit, fuckchop.

It mattered to me. I applauded the fact that The ONE authorized the action.

But that doesn't address the point I just made (and have previously made) nor the point Mitt had made.

Lots of numbnut libs like you confidently assured us all that the GOAL after 9/11/2001 SHOULD have been "getting" Osama bin Laden.

And you were wrong. It was A goal. It was desirable. It was just.

But it was never the thing that would provide us with security.

Some of you libs are truly fucking brain dead. You, for instance.

And nobody on the lib side ever SAID that getting Bin Laden would be the thing that provided anyone with security. You present a false dichotomy.

But go on and keep defending Mitt's words. I'm pretty sure you'd stand by to spin any time he farts in to "he was making a statement on the health of the bean buritto economy."
obama for assault weapons ban, should be the nail in his political coffin.
Good bye you piece of shit.
We already know you're voting on the redneck platform of "Fags bad, guns good."

Obama needed a slam dunk, went with his old reliable Alinsky tactics and didn't get one. Cue the left screaming racism like never before in t-minus 14 days and counting.....:thup:
I don't think racism has anything to to do with Gooper-douche getting his head handed to him.

Does racism have anything to do with reading comprehension handing your head to you?..... :thup:

No shit, fuckchop.

It mattered to me. I applauded the fact that The ONE authorized the action.

But that doesn't address the point I just made (and have previously made) nor the point Mitt had made.

Lots of numbnut libs like you confidently assured us all that the GOAL after 9/11/2001 SHOULD have been "getting" Osama bin Laden.

And you were wrong. It was A goal. It was desirable. It was just.

But it was never the thing that would provide us with security.

Some of you libs are truly fucking brain dead. You, for instance.

And nobody on the lib side ever SAID that getting Bin Laden would be the thing that provided anyone with security. You present a false dichotomy.

But go on and keep defending Mitt's words. I'm pretty sure you'd stand by to spin any time he farts in to "he was making a statement on the health of the bean buritto economy."

You lie. LOTS of you brain dead roach-fucking libs DID argue that the proper response SHOULD have been to just GET Osama bin Laden.

Many of you fucking morons couldn't be bothered to think beyond that proposition.

I expect lies from you since the truth is not a friend to your agenda. But you are FAR too obvious at it to ever be persuasive.
No shit, fuckchop.

It mattered to me. I applauded the fact that The ONE authorized the action.

But that doesn't address the point I just made (and have previously made) nor the point Mitt had made.

Lots of numbnut libs like you confidently assured us all that the GOAL after 9/11/2001 SHOULD have been "getting" Osama bin Laden.

And you were wrong. It was A goal. It was desirable. It was just.

But it was never the thing that would provide us with security.

Some of you libs are truly fucking brain dead. You, for instance.

And nobody on the lib side ever SAID that getting Bin Laden would be the thing that provided anyone with security. You present a false dichotomy.

But go on and keep defending Mitt's words. I'm pretty sure you'd stand by to spin any time he farts in to "he was making a statement on the health of the bean buritto economy."

You lie. LOTS of you brain dead roach-fucking libs DID argue that the proper response SHOULD have been to just GET Osama bin Laden.

Many of you fucking morons couldn't be bothered to think beyond that proposition.

I expect lies from you since the truth is not a friend to your agenda. But you are FAR too obvious at it to ever be persuasive.

you're out of your fucking skull. Do you think spamming the boards with inaccurate bullshit forwards your agenda? I would say only if your agenda is to look like a gigantic douchenozzle.
No shit, fuckchop.

It mattered to me. I applauded the fact that The ONE authorized the action.

But that doesn't address the point I just made (and have previously made) nor the point Mitt had made.

Lots of numbnut libs like you confidently assured us all that the GOAL after 9/11/2001 SHOULD have been "getting" Osama bin Laden.

And you were wrong. It was A goal. It was desirable. It was just.

But it was never the thing that would provide us with security.

Some of you libs are truly fucking brain dead. You, for instance.

And nobody on the lib side ever SAID that getting Bin Laden would be the thing that provided anyone with security. You present a false dichotomy.

But go on and keep defending Mitt's words. I'm pretty sure you'd stand by to spin any time he farts in to "he was making a statement on the health of the bean buritto economy."

You lie. LOTS of you brain dead roach-fucking libs DID argue that the proper response SHOULD have been to just GET Osama bin Laden.

Many of you fucking morons couldn't be bothered to think beyond that proposition.

I expect lies from you since the truth is not a friend to your agenda. But you are FAR too obvious at it to ever be persuasive.


Way to name names, genius. We all know how you demand specifics from others. Nine,nine,nine, mofo.
And nobody on the lib side ever SAID that getting Bin Laden would be the thing that provided anyone with security. You present a false dichotomy.

But go on and keep defending Mitt's words. I'm pretty sure you'd stand by to spin any time he farts in to "he was making a statement on the health of the bean buritto economy."

You lie. LOTS of you brain dead roach-fucking libs DID argue that the proper response SHOULD have been to just GET Osama bin Laden.

Many of you fucking morons couldn't be bothered to think beyond that proposition.

I expect lies from you since the truth is not a friend to your agenda. But you are FAR too obvious at it to ever be persuasive.

you're out of your fucking skull. Do you think spamming the boards with inaccurate bullshit forwards your agenda? I would say only if your agenda is to look like a gigantic douchenozzle.

(A) you dickless fuckchop, I am not spamming the Board at all.

(B) what I post is generally accurate. YOU should give that a try someday. It will only hurt a lying sack of crap like you a LOT -- for a while.

(C) I EXPOSE you and your ilk as the enema nozzles you are.

Meanwhile, to get back to the point, LOTS of you worthless flea-fucking libs DID urge that America dedicate itself to snuffing bin Laden AS IF that were THE thing that would (finally) rectify the problems we had with terrorism.

Clearly YOU are far to dishonest to admit it, but it's still the truth, and your deflection efforts will not work to change that fact.
And nobody on the lib side ever SAID that getting Bin Laden would be the thing that provided anyone with security. You present a false dichotomy.

But go on and keep defending Mitt's words. I'm pretty sure you'd stand by to spin any time he farts in to "he was making a statement on the health of the bean buritto economy."

You lie. LOTS of you brain dead roach-fucking libs DID argue that the proper response SHOULD have been to just GET Osama bin Laden.

Many of you fucking morons couldn't be bothered to think beyond that proposition.

I expect lies from you since the truth is not a friend to your agenda. But you are FAR too obvious at it to ever be persuasive.


Way to name names, genius. We all know how you demand specifics from others. Nine,nine,nine, mofo.

LonelyLaughable interjects itself into the discussion as though it had been a part of the discussion at any earlier time.

And the first thing the cock sucker "demands" is "names."

Yeah. Because I commit the names of you idiot libs here at USMB to memory when I see you assholes spewing your venomous crap.

Go back and look, you dopey schmuck. YOU and that idiot, cheesedickfruit, may wish to deny it, but LOTS of us SAW the posts from so many of you worthless scumbag uber libs. And since I already know that you are too fucking dishonest to admit it or look to verify it for yourself, perhaps I will make the effort to provide you with some examples when I have more time, later on.
You lie. LOTS of you brain dead roach-fucking libs DID argue that the proper response SHOULD have been to just GET Osama bin Laden.

Many of you fucking morons couldn't be bothered to think beyond that proposition.

I expect lies from you since the truth is not a friend to your agenda. But you are FAR too obvious at it to ever be persuasive.

you're out of your fucking skull. Do you think spamming the boards with inaccurate bullshit forwards your agenda? I would say only if your agenda is to look like a gigantic douchenozzle.

(A) you dickless fuckchop, I am not spamming the Board at all.

(B) what I post is generally accurate. YOU should give that a try someday. It will only hurt a lying sack of crap like you a LOT -- for a while.

(C) I EXPOSE you and your ilk as the enema nozzles you are.

Meanwhile, to get back to the point, LOTS of you worthless flea-fucking libs DID urge that America dedicate itself to snuffing bin Laden AS IF that were THE thing that would (finally) rectify the problems we had with terrorism.

Clearly YOU are far to dishonest to admit it, but it's still the truth, and your deflection efforts will not work to change that fact.

Keep bleating. Your type never changes. Fuck you I'm right because I say I'm right! Wahhh!

Shut the fuck up.

The last word is yours.
Per my sig.

Rove cited some polls which I can't immediately name. But he said it was by a Democratic firm. The second poll was especially telling. It was if you were more likely to vote for the candidate. It was only 35 percent for Obama to 48 for Romney. Therefore, Obama's petulant attitude cost him.

He did not have a petulant attitude. Are you just repeating what Karl Rove said??? I think so. President Obama was on his game last night and Romney looked like a deer caught in the headlights. You and your pals are just pissed off that the prez made Romney look like the chump that he is.

Too much MSNBC, my friend.

I switch it around, my pet. But I cannot take Fox for very long. It is slanted so far to the right that I'm afraid my tv will tip over.
Romney thinks our Navy is weaker than 1916?

WOW Yeah, Obama really knows a lot about the Navy and he said "We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater..." I'll bet he has studied the subject since childhood Oh, here is how he came up with that zinger while studying for the debate the debate!


Very silly.
He did not have a petulant attitude. Are you just repeating what Karl Rove said??? I think so. President Obama was on his game last night and Romney looked like a deer caught in the headlights. You and your pals are just pissed off that the prez made Romney look like the chump that he is.

Too much MSNBC, my friend.

I switch it around, my pet. But I cannot take Fox for very long. It is slanted so far to the right that I'm afraid my tv will tip over.

I check out fox only to see them have a hissy fit. It's fucking hilarious.
If he's so clear on it, clearly present it here.

{Part one of Mitt’s plan is to achieve energy independence on this continent by 2020. America is blessed with extraordinary natural resources, and developing them will create millions of good jobs – not only in the energy industry, but also in industries like manufacturing that will benefit from more energy at lower prices. America’s economy will boom when the billions of dollars we send overseas for our oil are kept here at home instead.

Part two of the plan is trade that works for America. Mitt believes that trade can offer enormous opportunities for American businesses and workers, but only if they are given a level playing field on which they can compete and win. That is why he will work to open new markets for American goods and services, while also confronting nations like China that cheat on trade and steal American jobs.

Part three is to provide Americans with the skills to succeed through better public schools, better access to higher education, and better retraining programs that help to match unemployed workers with real-world job opportunities.

Part four is to cut the deficit, reducing the size of government and getting the national debt under control so that America remains a place where businesses want to open up shop and hire.

Finally, part five of Mitt’s plan is to champion small business. Small businesses are the engine of job creation in this country, but they will struggle to succeed if taxes and regulations are too burdensome or if a government in Washington does its best to stifle them. Mitt will pursue comprehensive tax reform that lowers tax rates for all Americans, and he will cut back on the red tape that drives up costs and discourages hiring.}

Mitt's Plan to Create 12 Million New Jobs | Mitt Romney for President

He would only accomplish this in your dreams. But then he'll only be president in your dreams.
He would only accomplish this in your dreams. But then he'll only be president in your dreams.

The important thing is to get that incompetent fuck Obama out of office before he finishes destroying our economy.

Romney will allow a recovery to occur; which will put America back on track.
you're out of your fucking skull. Do you think spamming the boards with inaccurate bullshit forwards your agenda? I would say only if your agenda is to look like a gigantic douchenozzle.

(A) you dickless fuckchop, I am not spamming the Board at all.

(B) what I post is generally accurate. YOU should give that a try someday. It will only hurt a lying sack of crap like you a LOT -- for a while.

(C) I EXPOSE you and your ilk as the enema nozzles you are.

Meanwhile, to get back to the point, LOTS of you worthless flea-fucking libs DID urge that America dedicate itself to snuffing bin Laden AS IF that were THE thing that would (finally) rectify the problems we had with terrorism.

Clearly YOU are far to dishonest to admit it, but it's still the truth, and your deflection efforts will not work to change that fact.

Keep bleating. Your type never changes. Fuck you I'm right because I say I'm right! Wahhh!

Shut the fuck up.

The last word is yours.

Listen up you dickless cocksucker. You can't logically say "shut up" immediately followed by "granting" me the "last word."

Not that logic is on your small list of attributes.

I am right because the facts support me. You are wrong because you are a mutton head idiot who can't figure out the simplest of logical conclusions. You evade facts which prove you wrong.

You remain an enema nozzle.

Now then, here is ONE example of a lib suggesting (way back in 2010, well before the death of bin Laden) that the deaths of bin Laden and Saddam "would" end the Booooosh war on terror (they were just bogeymen, you see).


Next up?

I think maybe it is time to quote The ONE on HIS thinking of how significant it "would" be to kill or capture bin Laden.

Killing bin Laden would achieve the goal of "securing" America.

THAT is -- well, at least WAS -- the "view" of President Obama in 2008-2009.

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