2012 Presidential Debate - Third and Final Debate

And The Winner Is..

  • "Mitt Romneh won, yuo only think it was Obummer becuase deh moderater was bias!"

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I saw an uniformed man spew his bullshit all over again.
Same language different subjects..

Delete this word insert that word. The man is a joke a fraud.

I'm sick of hearing and seeing the guy.
Romney thinks our Navy is weaker than 1916?

WOW Yeah, Obama really knows a lot about the Navy and he said "We have these things called aircraft carriers, where planes land on them. We have these ships that go underwater..." I'll bet he has studied the subject since childhood Oh, here is how he came up with that zinger while studying for the debate the debate!

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If he's so clear on it, clearly present it here.

{Part one of Mitt’s plan is to achieve energy independence on this continent by 2020. America is blessed with extraordinary natural resources, and developing them will create millions of good jobs – not only in the energy industry, but also in industries like manufacturing that will benefit from more energy at lower prices. America’s economy will boom when the billions of dollars we send overseas for our oil are kept here at home instead.

Part two of the plan is trade that works for America. Mitt believes that trade can offer enormous opportunities for American businesses and workers, but only if they are given a level playing field on which they can compete and win. That is why he will work to open new markets for American goods and services, while also confronting nations like China that cheat on trade and steal American jobs.

Part three is to provide Americans with the skills to succeed through better public schools, better access to higher education, and better retraining programs that help to match unemployed workers with real-world job opportunities.

Part four is to cut the deficit, reducing the size of government and getting the national debt under control so that America remains a place where businesses want to open up shop and hire.

Finally, part five of Mitt’s plan is to champion small business. Small businesses are the engine of job creation in this country, but they will struggle to succeed if taxes and regulations are too burdensome or if a government in Washington does its best to stifle them. Mitt will pursue comprehensive tax reform that lowers tax rates for all Americans, and he will cut back on the red tape that drives up costs and discourages hiring.}

Mitt's Plan to Create 12 Million New Jobs | Mitt Romney for President
Rove cited some polls which I can't immediately name. But he said it was by a Democratic firm. The second poll was especially telling. It was if you were more likely to vote for the candidate. It was only 35 percent for Obama to 48 for Romney. Therefore, Obama's petulant attitude cost him.

He did not have a petulant attitude. Are you just repeating what Karl Rove said??? I think so. President Obama was on his game last night and Romney looked like a deer caught in the headlights. You and your pals are just pissed off that the prez made Romney look like the chump that he is.

Too much MSNBC, my friend.

The sad part is kooks like Rinata actually BELIEVE the trite tripe they are spewing.

I'll grant you that in style Pres. Obama came across better than he did in his disastrous first debate. Hell, style wise (due to the format) he seemed less irrational than even his second debate performance.

But his Debate 3 performance overall was not that of a "winner."
If he's so clear on it, clearly present it here.

{Part one of Mitt’s plan is to achieve energy independence on this continent by 2020. America is blessed with extraordinary natural resources, and developing them will create millions of good jobs – not only in the energy industry, but also in industries like manufacturing that will benefit from more energy at lower prices. America’s economy will boom when the billions of dollars we send overseas for our oil are kept here at home instead.

Part two of the plan is trade that works for America. Mitt believes that trade can offer enormous opportunities for American businesses and workers, but only if they are given a level playing field on which they can compete and win. That is why he will work to open new markets for American goods and services, while also confronting nations like China that cheat on trade and steal American jobs.

Part three is to provide Americans with the skills to succeed through better public schools, better access to higher education, and better retraining programs that help to match unemployed workers with real-world job opportunities.

Part four is to cut the deficit, reducing the size of government and getting the national debt under control so that America remains a place where businesses want to open up shop and hire.

Finally, part five of Mitt’s plan is to champion small business. Small businesses are the engine of job creation in this country, but they will struggle to succeed if taxes and regulations are too burdensome or if a government in Washington does its best to stifle them. Mitt will pursue comprehensive tax reform that lowers tax rates for all Americans, and he will cut back on the red tape that drives up costs and discourages hiring.}

Mitt's Plan to Create 12 Million New Jobs | Mitt Romney for President

All great things, with no specifics on how to attain it. You drank the koolaid, others find it has zero taste.
If he's so clear on it, clearly present it here.

{Part one of Mitt’s plan is to achieve energy independence on this continent by 2020. America is blessed with extraordinary natural resources, and developing them will create millions of good jobs – not only in the energy industry, but also in industries like manufacturing that will benefit from more energy at lower prices. America’s economy will boom when the billions of dollars we send overseas for our oil are kept here at home instead.

Part two of the plan is trade that works for America. Mitt believes that trade can offer enormous opportunities for American businesses and workers, but only if they are given a level playing field on which they can compete and win. That is why he will work to open new markets for American goods and services, while also confronting nations like China that cheat on trade and steal American jobs.

Part three is to provide Americans with the skills to succeed through better public schools, better access to higher education, and better retraining programs that help to match unemployed workers with real-world job opportunities.

Part four is to cut the deficit, reducing the size of government and getting the national debt under control so that America remains a place where businesses want to open up shop and hire.

Finally, part five of Mitt’s plan is to champion small business. Small businesses are the engine of job creation in this country, but they will struggle to succeed if taxes and regulations are too burdensome or if a government in Washington does its best to stifle them. Mitt will pursue comprehensive tax reform that lowers tax rates for all Americans, and he will cut back on the red tape that drives up costs and discourages hiring.}

Mitt's Plan to Create 12 Million New Jobs | Mitt Romney for President

All great things, with no specifics on how to attain it. You drank the koolaid, others find it has zero taste.

Cheesedickfruit, the dipstick motherfucker, asked to have Mitt's plan presented clearly.

When that request got honored, Cheesedickfruit complains about an alleged lack of specificity.


Not sure how this one is going to go. I do like Bob Schieffer but this format is kind of boring, imo.

As always, everyone is welcome. Please vote in the poll.

in looking at the numbers, i am truly astounded by the true level of dishonest rightwngnuthackishness on this board.

oh wait...no i'm not... i'm not surprised a bit.
Not sure how this one is going to go. I do like Bob Schieffer but this format is kind of boring, imo.

As always, everyone is welcome. Please vote in the poll.

in looking at the numbers, i am truly astounded by the true level of dishonest rightwngnuthackishness on this board.

oh wait...no i'm not... i'm not surprised a bit.

I am not surprised at the amazing insistence of the delusional leftwingnut that The ONE "won" Debate #3. Pitiable.
Not sure how this one is going to go. I do like Bob Schieffer but this format is kind of boring, imo.

As always, everyone is welcome. Please vote in the poll.

in looking at the numbers, i am truly astounded by the true level of dishonest rightwngnuthackishness on this board.

oh wait...no i'm not... i'm not surprised a bit.

It might not be dishonesty. There are three other options. Stupidity, insanity, and self-delusion.
All great things, with no specifics on how to attain it. You drank the koolaid, others find it has zero taste.

Look, you're a partisan hack. You're looking for ways to attack Romney, not ways to understand.

Part one of Mitt’s plan is to achieve energy independence on this continent by 2020.

Specifics? How about the Keystone pipeline that that fucktard Obama blocked.


Part two of the plan is trade that works for America.

This means categorizing China as a currency manipulator.

Is this a wise idea? I'm not so sure, but it is specific.


Part three is to provide Americans with the skills to succeed through better public schools

Mindless hyperbole.

Part four is to cut the deficit, reducing the size of government and getting the national debt under control so that America remains a place where businesses want to open up shop and hire.

This means repealing Obamacare and making cuts of the absurd pork, like PBS and Solyndra type expenditures.


Finally, part five of Mitt’s plan is to champion small business.

This means NOT engaging in the class warfare that the great divider is waging on small business.

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And, by the way, Mitt was also CORRECT (even if the words attributed to him aren't his words) that it is 'not worth moving heaven and Earth' to get any one terrorist piece of shit, not even Osama bin Laden.

It was a desirable thing.

It was a just thing.

BUT, as we have now seen, the mere fact that the one evil scumbag is dead does NOT eradicate the threat posed by even that terrorist organization.

The quote the Obama campaign is using came from an April 2007 interview with the Associated Press. Romney said in that interview he backs a broad strategy to defeat Islamic jihadists and that it's “not worth moving heaven and earth” for one person because you don’t want to publicize to the world when you’re conducting a covert operation. And Obama must’ve agreed because that’s exactly what he did when he executed the operation that weekend last year, not even telling the Pakistani government about it until after it was over.

In fact, at an MSNBC debate in May of 2007, when Romney was asked about the comments he made in the AP interview, he responded, “Of course we get Osama Bin Laden and track him wherever he has to go, and make sure he pays for the outrage he exacted upon America.” Asked if that meant moving heaven and earth, Romney said, “We’ll move everything to get him. But I don’t want to buy into the Democratic pitch that this is all about one person. ... It’s more than Osama bin Laden. But he is going to pay, and he will die.”
-- Romney Would Have Killed Osama Bin Laden Too, BTW
And, by the way, Mitt was also CORRECT (even if the words attributed to him aren't his words) that it is 'not worth moving heaven and Earth' to get any one terrorist piece of shit, not even Osama bin Laden.

It was a desirable thing.

It was a just thing.

BUT, as we have now seen, the mere fact that the one evil scumbag is dead does NOT eradicate the threat posed by even that terrorist organization.

The quote the Obama campaign is using came from an April 2007 interview with the Associated Press. Romney said in that interview he backs a broad strategy to defeat Islamic jihadists and that it's “not worth moving heaven and earth” for one person because you don’t want to publicize to the world when you’re conducting a covert operation. And Obama must’ve agreed because that’s exactly what he did when he executed the operation that weekend last year, not even telling the Pakistani government about it until after it was over.

In fact, at an MSNBC debate in May of 2007, when Romney was asked about the comments he made in the AP interview, he responded, “Of course we get Osama Bin Laden and track him wherever he has to go, and make sure he pays for the outrage he exacted upon America.” Asked if that meant moving heaven and earth, Romney said, “We’ll move everything to get him. But I don’t want to buy into the Democratic pitch that this is all about one person. ... It’s more than Osama bin Laden. But he is going to pay, and he will die.”
-- Romney Would Have Killed Osama Bin Laden Too, BTW

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_rRq8bOh3Mc]America celebrates the death of bin Laden - YouTube[/ame]

It mattered to America.
Cheddarmelon said:
It might not be dishonesty. There are three other options. Stupidity, insanity, and self-delusion.

I think it's mainly due to conservative herdlike behavior. They know they'll get banished from the Republican herd if they admit any Democrat won at anything. To a herdbeast like a modern American conservative, banishment from the herd is like a death sentence. Hence, they all circle up, point their horns outward, and moo out the same thing in unison, no matter how ridiculous it looks.

This is one reason why it's good to be a liberal. Since we're not in a herd, we never have to worry about being cast out for uttering an un-PC opinion.

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