2012 State Of Union ; What Can Obama Brag Over? No Major Improvements Since 2009.

Oct 10, 2011

Does anyone really expect Obama to say something like "When I took office in 2009, the unemployment was at an unexceptable 7.8%,,,and now its ???? hmmm
or "When I became President, the Bush Deficit was an embarrassing 178 Billion Dollars, and now I have brought the deficit down to ,,uhm,,,uhh,,,,never mind.
and finally, When I took office in 2009, The "Bush Debt was 10 Trillion Dollars", and thanks to me, its,,uh,,,well,,,uhm,,,,ok,,it's a little higher, but that's because of George Bush.
The 2012 State Of The Union Address is going to be another Dog & Pony Show. Obama as usual will make another boring&forgettable speech spewing lies about how much better our lives our thanks to him.
Romney Can't Be President Fast Enough !!!
I wonder if he is going to insult the Supreme Judges again, or blame everything on the Japan Earthquake.

It will be a speech replete with the words "I", "me", "mine", "I inherited", "the previous administration", "millionaires", "yachts", etc.
yup, a speech that will be full of blame, none of my screw ups were my fault, it all started under bush,,,etc,,etc,,,But I Did Kill Osama Bin Biden!!! I did all the work and planning with the Navy Corpsemen who took out Osama,,,it was all Me Me Me !!!!
I wonder if Bambi will mention what the interest on the 16 Trillion dollar debt is while hes at it?
Killing Osama bin Laden?
Getting out of Iraq?
9 straight quarters of GDP growth?
Shrinking unemployment?

Don't worry wingnuts, I'm sure he will just uh,uh,uh,uh,uh,uh,uh,uh,uh, instead.
I must dig for my drinking game thread and re-post/bump.

Killing Osama bin Laden?
Getting out of Iraq?
9 straight quarters of GDP growth?
Shrinking unemployment?

Don't worry wingnuts, I'm sure he will just uh,uh,uh,uh,uh,uh,uh,uh,uh, instead.

Edict from Bush
2%? Wow!!!
Unemployment average last 3 years - 9.4%

Well done!!!!!
No matter what Bambi says, Joyce Blowfart and Chrissy Tingles will praise the speech to the point where they will be rubbing their thighs all week.

It will be a speech replete with the words "I", "me", "mine", "I inherited", "the previous administration", "millionaires", "yachts", etc.

Anyone wanna bet $10,000 Obama wont say "Under My Administration, Iran has been developing Nuclear Weapons, or working on making bombs, ect.,,and that I , Your President has done nothing to stop the Iranian intensions to Bomb Iran and maybe even the US"
well,,more or less, something like that.
Let's see????

Passed first comprehensive healthcare bill in 100 years
Prevented a depression
Ended the recession
Added 2.5 million jobs since stimulus
Saved financial sector
Saved the auto companies
Repealed DADT
Obtained victory in Iraq
Killed 22 of 30 AlQaida leaders

Oh yea........killed Bin Laden

Now.......what have the Republicans accomplished in the last three years?
Let's see????

Passed first comprehensive healthcare bill in 100 years
Prevented a depression
Ended the recession
Added 2.5 million jobs since stimulus
Saved financial sector
Saved the auto companies
Repealed DADT
Obtained victory in Iraq
Killed 22 of 30 AlQaida leaders

Oh yea........killed Bin Laden

Now.......what have the Republicans accomplished in the last three years?

you izz a lying monkey.. the word victory never crossed his lips.
Let's see????

Passed first comprehensive healthcare bill in 100 years
Prevented a depression
Ended the recession
Added 2.5 million jobs since stimulus
Saved financial sector
Saved the auto companies
Repealed DADT
Obtained victory in Iraq
Killed 22 of 30 AlQaida leaders

Oh yea........killed Bin Laden

Now.......what have the Republicans accomplished in the last three years?

you izz a lying monkey.. the word victory never crossed his lips.

I forgot

Financial reform
START Treaty
Credit Card Reform
Stock Market Doubling

What have the Republicans done for America in the last three years?
Let's see????

Passed first comprehensive healthcare bill in 100 years
Prevented a depression
Ended the recession
Added 2.5 million jobs since stimulus
Saved financial sector
Saved the auto companies
Repealed DADT
Obtained victory in Iraq
Killed 22 of 30 AlQaida leaders

Oh yea........killed Bin Laden

Now.......what have the Republicans accomplished in the last three years?

you izz a lying monkey.. the word victory never crossed his lips.

I forgot

Financial reform
START Treaty
Credit Card Reform
Stock Market Doubling

What have the Republicans done for America in the last three years?

Made total dickheads out of themselves.

In the last year alone, they managed to trash their poll numbers even worse than the Presidents.
Republican accomplishments for 2011

Got our credit rating diminished
Threatened to shut down Government
Created an international crisis with debt limit extension
Threatened to withhold disaster relief to hurricane survivors
Blocked a tax cut for working Americans so that they could give a Christmas gift to oil companies
Sided with Qadaffi in the Libyan revolution, blocked funding to our troops
Mocked a gay veteran
Told people without insurance......let him die
Cheered executions

Yes, it's been a good year for Republicans
Obstructionism only plays to the partisan blinded portion of the base. If Obama has nothing, the republicans are far down in negative territory.

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