2014 is a analog to 2005 within the ENSO


Democrat all the way!
Mar 16, 2010
2014 is a analog to 2005 within the ENSO. Both years were "warm neutral" years that avged 0c to .6c throughout the eastern-central Pacific. The enso is the biggest driver of year to year temperature charge.

What this year does will give us big clues to "if" it has warmed or not. This year should be at least .64c. Either first or second warmest in recorded history "if" we're holding stable. Any argument for more then a pause goes bye, bye.

The moderate nino of 2010 didn't exactly blow my mind that the earth is warming. This will slide a digger into it if this comes up as 3rd or 4th.

I'd expect at least .7c this year if we warmed .05 since 2005.
I am asking oldrocks, do you agree?
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If we're .64-.66 this year = pause
If we're below or above that = slight warming or cooling

This will finally be proof that we're in a pause and the warming has stopped
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If we're .64-.66 this year = pause
If we're below or above that = slight warming or cooling

This will finally be proof that we're in a pause and the warming has stopped

We have 17 years of the "pause"...you really think that a well known climatic event is going to alter the overall record of what has been happening?
If we're .64-.66 this year = pause
If we're below or above that = slight warming or cooling

This will finally be proof that we're in a pause and the warming has stopped

We have 17 years of the "pause"...you really think that a well known climatic event is going to alter the overall record of what has been happening?

No, but it will be one more data point ruling against the warmers.
If we're .64-.66 this year = pause
If we're below or above that = slight warming or cooling

This will finally be proof that we're in a pause and the warming has stopped

We have 17 years of the "pause"...you really think that a well known climatic event is going to alter the overall record of what has been happening?

No, but it will be one more data point ruling against the warmers.

Not really. When they started altering the historical temp record they removed themselves from the realm of credible science. This is just a regularly occurring anomally that we would really like to know the cause of.
I am trying to get oldrocks to agree.

olfraud is a religious fanatic. You're asking a devout truther to admit that the buildings were blown up by fanatics, and not our government. God luck with that.
Truth is Matthew. You don't NEED the pause to disprove that CO2 is the main control knob.
The entire "magical powers of CO2 bs" is not in evidence. AT BEST -- the empirical data of 100 yrs says that a doubling of CO2 will only fetch LESS THAN 1.0degC change (more probably 0.5degC).. 30 years to end THIS DOUBLING. Next doubling at 1120 ppm of CO2 ----- When do think that will happen eh?

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